Scale legend for leaflet - leaflet

Is it possible (or is there a plugin) which shows a legend of the current scale/zoom in one of the corners? I'm not sure if this is the correct English term so here is an image:
(google calls it id='scalecontrol' ;))
Of course it should only show up for the lower zoom levels as otherwise the distances of the northern and southern area would be too different.

After knowing the correct name I was able to find it in leaflet or here or older ones


Vertical zoom on individual series or Y-axis in Echarts

Is it possible to zoom on individual series in Echarts? By that I mean selecting a series and then applying vertical zoom on that series while the other series remain unchanged.
I have looked at the examples and documentation, but can´t find it.
Yes! It is possible and supported. The way I did it was by setting zoomOnMouseWheel on idividual series through setOption.
Selecting a series by clicking on it seems a little brittle though. The selections don´t always seem to go through. I used the selectchanged event.

possible to show road-path-smooth items at lower zoom levels

I'd like for my road-path-smooth elements to show at a lower zoom level than they currently are because my application is for the outdoors and these are more important elements. Is that possible? I can't seem to find out how to adjust this in studio.
If you're talking about displaying layers from the Mapbox Streets tileset, then no, it's probably not possible. The vector tiles are optimised for Mapbox's style (also, confusingly, called Mapbox Streets), and don't contain data that isn't already displayed.
Your need is a common one, but unfortunately the only way to solve it is to find a different set of vector tiles that meets your needs, or create one yourself.

Does Leaflet have a "geopositioning mode"?

I use the Leaflet plug-in "Leaflet.ImageOverlay.Rotated.js" to use its L.imageOverlay.rotated(...) thing in order to overlay certain map pieces in various places on top of the normal map.
It does this by taking an image and having me tell it its top-left, top-right and bottom-left coordinates to figure out how to rotate, tilt and stretch/squeeze it properly.
It took me a very long time to figure these coordinates out by hand. For this reason, I'm looking for some sort of "geopositioning mode", perhaps enabled by this extension, which would simply let me click three times on the map to tell it where these points go. That would be so simple for the developers to do and would help so much. It's such an obvious thing to do that I strongly suspect it's already implemented and ready.
Is there such a "mode"? If not, how am I expected to find the positions without spending so much time and trial-and-error as I did for the first overlay map image?
Added: I should also clarify that the image should be shown in this mode so that you can re-adjust the points and watch in real time as the image bends/warps, to get it just right.
you can develop a modul for this problem.
find minimum 4 point on raster map.
click on tilemap for 4 points
than find different slope and distance same 2 points.
maybe you must rotate and use affine transformation.

Custom tiles yet geo accurate in LeafletJS

I'm interested in custom map tiles, and using advice from here and here, I've experimented with exactly that. For a prototype I did a very geeky map of the Star Trek Federation, with episode links moving you around the planets/systems etc.
While that's all fine and dandy for fantastical locations, I'd also be interested in using heavily stylised renditions of real world locations, yet still using real lat,lng points. So, for example, a bespoke, yet mostly geo accurate, map of London, chopped into tiles, but if you passed in lat,lng coords for Camden Tube (51.53911 -0.14235), you would move to that location.
Any ideas how you configure LeafletJS to do this, without going the route of using Google Maps with custom tiles?
If I understand correctly, you have 2 different applications:
Your Star Trek map, for which you are satisfied.
Stylised map of real world, for which you would like real lat,lng coordinates to be accurate?
Then your question is how to create your custom tiles, so that Leaflet shows the stylised view of London when passed the real London coordinates?
In that case, it would be probably just a matter of correctly numbering your tiles. Or the reverse, modifying the tile numbers used by Leaflet to build the tiles URL. For the latter solution, see Specifying Lat & Long for Leaflet TileLayer
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "mostly geo accurate". It sounds like you probably just want to generate your own map tiles from some kind of source like OpenStreetMap. In that case, TileMill (although kind of obsolete) is probably the easiest way to go.
There are basically three parts:
Generate some map tiles (eg TileMill)
Host them (eg TileStream)
Point Leaflet at them

Mapbox Studio - layer ordering / z-index

I am following the source quickstart tutorial. I have followed the tutorial all the way through, and am having trouble displaying the earthquake data (red circles) above the land vectors.
According to the symbol drawing order documentation:
“Higher” layers obscure “lower” ones.
However I'm not finding this to be the case. Please see attached screenshot:
The 'earthquakes' layer is the 'higher' layer, I think. I am using the 'Comic!' base map styles. Since the road lines also appear to 'mask off' the land vectors and show the earthquake data below, I'm wondering if this is causing the issue, but looking through the styles there's nothing obvious I can see.
Thanks for any help.
The documentation is correct, however the comp-op family of CartoCSS properties affect how the colors of different layers interact with each other. In this case, the marker-comp-op: screen from the quickstart example was designed to work well over a darker satellite background, but becomes nearly invisible over solid white.
If you remove the marker-comp-op property or change it to a different compositing operation such as multiply the earthquake markers should show up fine.