When to use t-SQL over the Entity Framework - entity-framework

Could someone tell me if there are any times when it is more advantageous to use t-SQL over the Entity Framework? I'm aware of the N+1 issue, but is there any other gotchas I should be aware of? For instance, do Linq-to-EF queries cache as well as stored procedures? Are there instances where the SQL generated by EF is less than optimal?

Whenever you need to do the work "inside" the DB server and not go back and forth between your code and Server.
Also - when you use stored procedures, you can alter the code without recompiling/deploying, it might be easier on production environments.
IMHO it sometimes easier to code complex SQL statements in T-SQL rather than using LINQ....


How compatible is Blackfish database with TSQL?

I'm using a sqlServer database that has stored procedures, and I want to use an in-memory database to unit test my code.
I've looked at a few - including VistaDB which looks amazing but expensive - and Blackfish seems to be the only possiblity so far. Before using it though i'd like to know exactly how compatible it is with TSQL - obviously if I have a lot of existing stored procedures these will use TSQL, so it's important that the in-memory db I use can handle this.
Short Answer: Not Very
Long Answer:
Whilst Blackfish is SQL-92 compliant, you’re bound to run into stuff that worked on your T-SQL database that won’t work on BlackFish.
I'd strongly recommend SQL Server Compact 4.0 (or Express at a crunch), Compact can be easily bundled, has a tiny footprint (3mb installer? [18mb on disk ish]).
For instance, T-SQL Flow control might differ to Blackfish flow control - not really relevant for selects, inserts & updates etc, but if you have T-SQL logic gates in stored procedures, i don’t think these will port to Blackfish? Blackfish supports stored procedures, but they are compiled in other native languages (Delphi mainly). Good example from the documentation:
Very different from the T-SQL procedures used in MS SQL

Entity framework 4.1 code first performance opinions

I am using Entity Framework 4.1 code first with no stored procedures. And I would like to know a general opinion on the performance of this on huge applications seeing that it generates the SQL in the background. Doesn't this go against best practices of not using stored procedures? How do you fine tune these generated code?
I know you can hack into it to use stored procedures, but is there definately going to be support for stored procedures and the other functions you get with going with the database first option?
Does EF 4.1 have any improvements on the database first option? How would I know if I have the latest version of EF?
The generated SQL is reasonably efficient, but although I've not resorted to SP's as yet, I have written some views (in 4.0) and written LINQ against those in places in order to overcome some performance issues.
Does 4.1 go against best practices of stored procedures ? Well there SP's are best practice for a number of reasons - performance is one, isolation and abstraction of the underlying table structure from your code is another. The performance part of this seems to have been abandoned as "probably not that important these days" for reasons that don't smell 100% to me. And the abstraction issue - well you are using EF Code First for a reason - that reason is that you are looking for a persistence framework for your applications objects: by the very act of choosing EF Code First, you are declaring that you don't want to know how they are stored, in what structures, and what happens to get them back.
How do you tune it ? Mainly by being very careful about lazy loading, by monitoring what's going on at the SQL end (EFProf is one tool, MSSql query profiling works too) and generally by fiddling with things.
To ensure you are running the latest EF (if you have been running the CodeFirst CTP) use the NuGet console and
uninstall-package EFCodeFirst
install-package EntityFramework
4.1 has improvements over 4.0 for database first - namely the lightweight dbContext
EDIT: Adding code as requested...
Simple case
foreach (var order in orders) y=order.orderlines.tolist();
which you fix with
foreach (var order in orders.Include("orderlines").tolist()) y=order.orderlines.tolist();
but less obvious is
foreach (var order in orders.Include("orderlines").tolist()) dothing(order);
public void dothing(Orderline ol)
if (ol.order.property=true)
to fix this I think you need
foreach (var order in orders.Include("orderlines.orders").tolist()) dothing(order);
(or better still refactor dothing(Orderline ol) to dothing(Orderline ol, Order ord). My point is that with a local database its incredibly easy to miss these. Its only when you profile the sql, or connect to an SQL database on a slow network (think Azure) or just get serious load, that this begins to hurt!

How to decide when use ADO.NET and when to connect to the database?

I'm learning some ADO.NET. I noticed quite a few Database functionality can also be found in ADO.NET.
I'm kind of confused. Do I use ADO.NET to manage all the interactions or should I make call to the Database?
I don't know what should be done by ADO.NET and what should be done at the database level.
Thanks for helping.
If you mean what should be handled in SQL statements issued from ADO.NET, and what should be done in stored procedures stored at the database level, as much as possible in stored procedures, at least that's what I live by. In addition to eliminating the chance of SQL injection, stored procedures allow you to modify sql calls without having to recompile and deploy your code as well as they enable execution plan re-use by the query optimizer.

Is writing eSQL database independent or not?

Using EF we can use LINQ to read data which is rather simple (especially using fluent calls), but we have less control unless we write eSQL on our own.
Is writing eSQL actually data store independent code?
So if we decide to change data store, can the same statements still be used?
Does writing eSQL strings in your code pose any serious security threats similar to writing TSQL statements as plain strings in C# code? That's why SPs are recommended. Could we still move eSQL scripts outside of code and use some other technique to make them a bit more secure?
ESQL is database independent in general, so it can be used like LINQ to Entities.
But please be aware that it has more serious limitations. It does not have DML, DDL, and DB-specific abilities.
The main ESQL disadvantage is that even simple query containing a couple of lines can be translated into monstrous SQL query for a particular DBMS, so one should check the generated SQL to be appropriate and analyze if it is optimal.
ESQL will not be executed directly on a database, it will be translated to SQL.
EF Security discussion is usually started from the connection string proptection, then model security is discussed, and only after that query protection is analyzed. It's up to the developer to decide if the peculiar query should be protected.

entity framework performance

I am using Entity Framework to layer on my SQL Server 2008 database. The EF is present in my web service and the webservice is invoked by a Silverlight client.
I am seeing a serious performance issue in terms of the duration taken by a query to execute in the EF. This wouldn't happen in the consecutive calls.
A little bit of googling revealed that, it's caused per app domain to construct the in-memory model of the db objects. I found this Microsoft link explaining pre-generation of views for performance improvement. Even after implementing the steps, the performance actually degraded instead of improving. I am curious, if anyone has tried this approach successfully and if there are any other avenues for improving performance.
I am using .NET 3.5.
A couple areas to look at for EF performance
Do as much of the processing before calling things like tolist(). ToList will bring everything in the set into memory. By default, EF will keep building the expression tree and only actually process it when you need the data in memory. That first query will be against the database, but afterwards the processing will be in memory. When working with large data, you definitely want as much of the heavy lifting done by the database as possible.
EF 1 only has the option to pull the entire row back. Therefore if you have a column that is a large string or binary blob, it is going to be pulled down and into memory whether you need it or not. You can create a projection that doesn't include this column, but then you don't get the benefits of having it be an entity.
You can look at the sql generated by EF using the suggestion in this post
How do I view the SQL generated by the Entity Framework?
The same laws of physics apply for EF queries as they do for ordinary SQL. Check your database tables and make sure that you have indexes on primary and foreign keys, that your database is properly normalized, and so forth. If performance is degrading after Microsoft's suggestions, then that's my guess as to the problem area.
Are you hosting the webservice in IIS? Is it running on the same site as the Silverlight App? What about the database itself? Is it running on a dedicated machine? Are there other apps hitting it? The first call to a dormant database is painful (I've had situations where it would actually time out in my environment.)
There are a number of factors to take into consideration here. But it comes down to more than just EF's overhead.
edit I didn't fully qualify but the process of opening the first connection to SQL Server is slow regardless of your data access solution.
Use SQL Profiler to check how many queries executed to retrieve your data.If it's large number use Include() method of ObjectQuery to retrieve child objects with parent in one query.