Polynomial fit matlab with some constraints on the coefficients - matlab

I have data that I should interpolate with a function which must be of the following kind:
f(x) = ax4 + bx2 + c
with a > 0 and b ≤ 0. Unfortunately, MATLAB's polyfit does not allow any constraints on the coefficients of the polynomial. Does anybody know if there is a MATLAB function to do this? Otherwise, how can I implement it?
Thank you very much in advance,

You can try using fminsearch, fminunc defining your objective function manually.
Alternatively, you can define your problem slightly different:
f(x) = a2x4 - b2x2 + c
Now, the new a and b can be optimized for without constraints, while ensuring that the final a and b you are looking for are positive (negative resp.).

Without constraints, the problem can be written and solved as a simple linear system:
% Your design matrix ([4 2 0] are the powers of the polynomial)
A = bsxfun(#power, your_X_data(:), [4 2 0]);
% Best estimate for the coefficients, [a b c], found by
% solving A*[a b c]' = y in a least-squares sense
abc = A\your_Y_data(:)
Those constraints will of course automatically be satisfied iff that constrained model indeed underlies your data. For example,
% some example factors
a = +23.9;
b = -15.75;
c = 4;
% Your model
f = #(x, F) F(1)*x.^4 + F(2)*x.^2 + F(3);
% generate some noisy XY data
x = -1:0.01:1;
y = f(x, [a b c]) + randn(size(x));
% Best unconstrained estimate a, b and c from the data
A = bsxfun(#power, x(:), [4 2 0]);
abc = A\y(:);
% Plot results
plot(x,y, 'b'), hold on
plot(x, f(x, abc), 'r')
xlabel('x (nodes)'), ylabel('y (data)')
However, if you impose constraints on data that are not accurately described by that constrained model, things might go wrong:
% Note: same data, but flipped signs
a = -23.9;
b = +15.75;
c = 4;
f = #(x, F) F(1)*x.^4 + F(2)*x.^2 + F(3);
% generate some noisy XY data
x = -1:0.01:1;
y = f(x, [a b c]) + randn(size(x));
% Estimate a, b and c from the data, Forcing a>0 and b<0
abc = fmincon(#(Y) sum((f(x,Y)-y).^2), [0 0 0], [-1 0 0; 0 +1 0; 0 0 0], zeros(3,1));
% Plot results
plot(x,y, 'b'), hold on
plot(x, f(x, abc), 'r')
xlabel('x (nodes)'), ylabel('y (data)')
(this solution has a == 0, indicative of an incorrect model choice).
If the exact equality of a == 0 is a problem: there is of course no difference if you set a == eps(0). Numerically, this will not be noticeable for real-world data, but it's nonzero nonetheless.
Anyway, I have a suspicion that your model is not well chosen and the constraints are a "fix" to get everything to work, or your data should actually be unbiased/rescaled before trying to make any fit, or that some similar preconditions apply (I've often seen people do this sort of thing, so yes, I'm a bit biased in this respect :).
So...what are the real reasons behind those constraints?

If you have the curve fitting toolbox then fit does allow for setting constraints using the 'upper' and 'lower' options. You would want something like.
M=fit(x, f, 'poly4', 'upper', [-inf, 0, -inf, 0, -inf], 'lower', [0, 0, 0, 0, -inf]);
Note use -inf to set a particular coefficient to be unconstrained.
This will give a cfit object with the relevant coefficients. You can access these using for example M.p1 for the x^4 term. Alternatively you can evaluate the function at whatever points you want using feval.
I think you can do a similar thing using lsqcurvefit in the optimization toolbox as well.


ode45 converges to correct curve shape, but with wrong solution

Thanks in advance for your help. I'm not looking for an explicit solution to my problem, but rather to have my probably obvious errors pointed out.
I have been plugging away at solving a system of non-linear, first order ODEs in MATLAB. The system was solved numerically in this study: http://web.math.ku.dk/~moller/e04/bio/ludwig78.pdf
I have been following the documentation for ode45, and have code that runs.
I have done all of the work to understand and recreate the model from scratch. I presented the qualitative part for a class project. What I am doing now is taking that project a step farther by solving the system in MATLAB with runge-kutta (or any method that works). Finally, I want to dive into the theory behind the numerical analysis to find out why the chosen method converges.
Here is a plot of the numerically solved system, which I am trying to re-create:
I have found that I can create a plot with roughly the same shape, but there are several problems:
The time-scale over which the change occurs is three times that of the above plot.
The range of function values is is vastly wrong.
The desired shapes only occur if I tweak the initial conditions to
be significantly different than what is shown near t=0 above.
So what I'm looking for is a reason for these discrepancies. I've checked my system of ODEs and parameter values so many times my eyes are blurry. Perhaps I am missing something conceptually?
% System Parameters:
r_b = 1.52;
k_b = 355;
alph = 1.11;
bet = 43200;
r_e = 0.92;
k_e = 1;
p = 0.00195;
r_s = 0.095;
k_s = 25440;
tspan = [0 200];
init = [1 1 1];
[t, Y] = ode45(#(t,y) odefcn(t, y, r_b, k_b, alph, bet, r_e, k_e, p, r_s, k_s), tspan, init);
title('Budworm Density');
title('Branch Density');
title('Foliage Condition');
function dydt = odefcn(t, y, r_b, k_b, alph, bet, r_e, k_e, p, r_s, k_s)
dydt = [ r_b*y(1)*(1 - y(1)/(k_b*y(2))) - bet*(y(1)^2/((alph*y(2))^2 + y(1)^2));
r_s*y(2)*(1 - (y(2)*k_e)/(k_s*y(3)));
r_e*y(3)*(1 - (y(3)/k_e)) - p*y(1)/y(2)
I don't see anything wrong with your code as such. But I think there are some subtleties involved in producing the figure which are not well explained in the paper.
1) The S axis is scaled (it says 'relative' in the label). I believe they've scaled S by k_s. I think you also need to scale the parameter p (set p = p*k_s) else the final term in the equation for E will be tiny and the E population won't decrease over the required timescales.
2) I think they must have enforced some lower limit on E, to avoid dividing by 0. You can see in the figure that E->0 first, but in your equation for S, if this happened then you would be dividing by 0 and the solver wouldn't converge.
Putting these together, the following slight modification of your code produces a result more similar to that in the paper:
% System Parameters:
r_b = 1.52;
k_b = 355;
alph = 1.11;
bet = 43200;
r_e = 0.92;
k_e = 1;
p = 0.00195;
r_s = 0.095;
k_s = 25440;
% Scale p with k_s
p = p*k_s;
tspan = [0 50]; % [0 200];
init = [1e-16 0.075*k_s 1]; % [1 1 1];
[t, Y] = ode45(#(t,y) odefcn(t, y, r_b, k_b, alph, bet, r_e, k_e, p, r_s, k_s), tspan, init);
% To scale before plotting, so everything fits on a 0->1 y axis.
maxB = 500;
S_scale = k_s;
figure('Position', [200 200 1000 600]);
hold on;
ylim([0, 1]);
hold off;
box on;
legend({['Budworm Density, B / ', num2str(maxB)], 'Branch Density, S / 0.75', 'Foliage Condition, E'}, ...
'Location', 'eastoutside')
function dydt = odefcn(t, y, r_b, k_b, alph, bet, r_e, k_e, p, r_s, k_s)
% Place lower limit on E
E = max(y(3), 1e-5);
dydt = [ r_b*y(1)*(1 - y(1)/(k_b*y(2))) - bet*(y(1)^2/((alph*y(2))^2 + y(1)^2));
r_s*y(2)*(1 - (y(2)*k_e)/(k_s*E));
r_e*E*(1 - (E/k_e)) - p*y(1)/y(2)
There is a lot of sensitivity to the initial conditions.
A further tweak gets you closer still to the original figure, but I'm not sure if this is just a hack: in the first equation, replace k_b*y(2) with just k_b. Without this, the Budworm density becomes too big before decreasing. The new plot is below.

Matlab - Fit a Curve with Constrained Parameters

For a (x,y) dataset, let have a curve given by an expression in a, b,c... etc, such as f='a*exp(b*x)+c', to be fitted as cfit=fit(x,y,f).
Suppose we have a set of constraint such as b>0, c+b>a/2. How should i use the fit command in this case?.
While you could set a lower boundary to enforce b>0, I don't think it is somehow possible to properly enforce c+b>a/2 with fit(). But ultimately every fitting problem can also be regarded as a "minimize the distance from the curve to the data" problem, so fmincon() can be used to achieve your goal:
%some sample x values
xdata = rand(1000,1);
%some parameters a,b,c
a = 2;
b = 3;
c = 4;
%resulting y values + some noise
%function to minimize. It returns the sum of squared distances between the polynom and the data.
fun = #(coefs) sum((coefs(1)*exp(coefs(2).*xdata)+coefs(3)-ydata).^2);
%nonlinear constaint to enforce c+b>a/2, which is the same as -(c+b-a/2)<0
nonlcon = #(coefs)deal(-(coefs(3)+coefs(2)-coefs(1)/2), 0);
% lower bounds to enforce b>0
lb = [-inf 0 -inf];
%starting values
x0 = [1 1 1];
%finally find the coefficients (which should approximately be the values of a, b and c)
coefs = fmincon(fun,x0,[],[],[],[],lb,[],nonlcon)
For constraints that are just numeric values, such as b > 0, you can use the 'Lower' and 'Upper' bounds arguments to specify those. For more complex relationships, like c+b>a/2, you'll have to take an approach like James suggests, setting the function output to a high value like flintmax to generate a large error. For example, let's say I define my function like this:
function y = my_fcn(a, b, c, x)
if (c+b > a/2)
y = a.*exp(b.*x)+c;
y = flintmax().*ones(size(x));
I can create a set of noisy test data as follows:
a = 4;
b = 2;
c = 1;
x = (0:0.01:2).';
y = my_fcn(a, b, c, x) + 40.*(rand(size(x))-0.5);
And then fit a curve (note you have to use an anonymous function, since a function handle won't work for some reason):
params = fit(x, y, #(a, b, c, x) my_fcn(a, b, c, x), ...
'StartPoint', [1 1 1], ... % Starting guesses for [a b c]
'Lower', [-Inf 0 -Inf]); % Set bound for 'b'
params =
General model:
params(x) = my_fcn(a,b,c,x)
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
a = 4.297 (2.985, 5.609)
b = 1.958 (1.802, 2.113)
c = 0.1908 (-4.061, 4.442)
Note that the fitted values are close to the original values, but don't match exactly due to the noise. We can visualize the fit like so:
plot(x, y);
hold on;
plot(x, my_fcn(params.a, params.b, params.c, x), 'r');
One simplistic method is to have the fitted function return a very large value, with resulting very large error, if the parameter values are outside of the constraints. This "brick wall" method is not optimal and will cause problems when the fitted parameter values are close to the boundary conditions. It is worth a try because it is quick to implement and can work in simple cases. Take care to start with initial parameter values within the boundary limits.

Plotting the implicit function x+y - log(x) - log(y) -2 = 0 on MATLAB

I wanted to plot the above function on Matlab so I used the following code
ezplot('-log(x)-log(y)+x+y-2',[-10 10 -10 10]);
However I'm just getting a blank screen. But clearly there is at least the point (1,1) that satisfies the equation.
I don't think there is a problem with the plotter settings, as I'm getting graphs for functions like
ezplot('-log(y)+x+y-2',[-10 10 -10 10]);
I don't have enough rep to embed pictures :)
If we use solve on your function, we can see that there are two points where your function is equal to zero. These points are at (1, 1) and (0.3203 + 1.3354i, pi)
syms x y
result = solve(-log(x)-log(y)+x+y-2, x, y);
% -wrightOmega(log(1/pi) - 2 + pi*(1 - 1i))
% 1
% pi
% 1
If we look closely at your function, we can see that the values are actually complex
[x,y] = meshgrid(-10:0.01:10, -10:0.01:10);
values = -log(x)-log(y)+x+y-2;
whos values
% Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
% values 2001x2001 64064016 double complex
It seems as though in older versions of MATLAB, ezplot handled complex functions by only considering the real component of the data. As such, this would yield the following plot
However, newer versions consider the magnitude of the data and the zeros will only occur when both the real and imaginary components are zero. Of the two points where this is true, only one of these points is real and is able to be plotted; however, the relatively coarse sampling of ezplot isn't able to display that single point.
You could use contourc to determine the location of this point
imagesc(abs(values), 'XData', [-10 10], 'YData', [-10 10]);
axis equal
hold on
cmat = contourc(abs(values), [0 0]);
xvalues = xx(1, cmat(1,2:end));
yvalues = yy(cmat(2,2:end), 1);
plot(xvalues, yvalues, 'r*')
This is because x = y = 1 is the only solution to the given equation.
Note that the minimum value of x - log(x) is 1 and that happens when x = 1. Obviously, the same is true for y - log(y). So, -log(x)-log(y)+x+y is always greater than 2 except at x = y = 1, where it is exactly equal to 2.
As your equation has only one solution, there is no line on the plot.
To visualize this, let's plot the equation
ezplot('-log(x)-log(y)+x+y-C',[-10 10 -10 10]);
for various values of C.
% choose a set of values between 5 and 2
C = logspace(log10(5), log10(2), 20);
% plot the equation with various values of C
for ic=1:length(C)
ezplot(sprintf('-log(x)-log(y)+x+y-%f', C(ic)),[0 10 0 10]);
hold on
title('-log(x)-log(y)+x+y-C = 0, for 5 < C < 2');
Note that the largest curve is obtained for C = 5. As the value of C is decreased, the curve also becomes smaller, until at C = 2 it completely vanishes.

How to fit an elliptic cone to a set of data?

I have a set of 3d data (300 points) that create a surface which looks like two cones or ellipsoids connected to each other. I want a way to find the equation of a best fit ellipsoid or cone to this dataset. The regression method is not important, the easier it is the better. I basically need a way, a code or a matlab function to calculate the constants of the elliptic equation for these data.
You can also try with fminsearch, but to avoid falling on local minima you will need a good starting point given the amount of coefficients (try to eliminate some of them).
Here is an example with a 2D ellipse:
% implicit equation
fxyc = #(x, y, c_) c_(1)*x.^2 + c_(2).*y.^2 + c_(3)*x.*y + c_(4)*x + c_(5).*y - 1; % free term locked to -1
% solution (ellipse)
c_ = [1, 2, 1, 0, 0]; % x^2, y^2, x*y, x, y (free term is locked to -1)
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-2:0.01:2);
fxy = #(x, y) fxyc(x, y, c_);
c = contour(X, Y, fxy(X, Y), [0, 0], 'b');
axis equal;
grid on;
% we sample the solution to have some data to fit
N = 100; % samples
sample = unique(2 + floor((length(c) - 2)*rand(1, N)));
x = c(1, sample).';
y = c(2, sample).';
x = x + 5e-2*rand(size(x)); % add some noise
y = y + 5e-2*rand(size(y));
fc = #(c_) fxyc(x, y, c_); % function in terms of the coefficients
e = #(c) fc(c).' * fc(c); % squared error function
% we start with a circle
c0 = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0];
copt = fminsearch(e, c0)
plot(x, y, 'rx');
hold on
fxy = #(x, y) fxyc(x, y, copt);
contour(X, Y, fxy(X, Y), [0, 0], 'b');
hold off;
axis equal;
grid on;
legend('data', 'fit');
xlabel('x'); %# Add an x label
title('fitted solution');
The matlab function fit can take arbitrary fit expressions. It takes a bit of figuring out the parameters but it can be done.
You would first create a fittype object that has a string representing your expected form. You'll need to work out the expression yourself that best fits what you're expecting, I'm going to take a cone expression from the Mathworld site for an example and rearrange it for z
ft = fittype('sqrt((x^2 + y^2)/c^2) + z_0', ...
'independent', {'x', 'y'}, 'coeff', {'c', 'z_0'});
If it's a simple form matlab can work out which are the variables and which the coefficients but with something more complex like this you'd want to give it a hand.
The 'fitoptions' object holds the configuration for the methods: depending on your dataset you might have to spend some time specifying upper and lower bounds, starting values etc.
fo = fitoptions('Upper', [one, for, each, of, your, coeffs, in, the, order, they, appear, in, the, string], ...
'Lower', [...], `StartPoint', [...]);
then get the output
[fitted, gof] = fit([xvals, yvals], zvals, ft, fo);
Caveat: I've done this plenty with 2D datasets and the docs state it works for three but I haven't done that myself so the above code might not work, check the docs to make sure you've got your syntax right.
It might be worth starting with a simple fit expression, something linear, so that you can get your code working. Then swap the expression out for the cone and play around until you get something that looks like what you're expecting.
After you've got your fit a good trick is that you can use the eval function on the string expression you used in your fit to evaluate the contents of the string as if it was a matlab expression. This means you need to have workspace variables with the same names as the variables and coefficients in your string expression.

Matlab find the best constants for a fitting model

Please find the data in the link below, or if you can send me your private email, I can send you the data
In the excel sheet, the first column is y, the second is x and the third is t, I hope this will make things much more clear, and many thanks for the help.
I need to use the following model because it is the one that fits best my data, but what I don't know is how to find the best values of a and b, that will allow me to get the best fit, (I can attach a file if you need the values), I already have the values of y, x and t:
y= a*sqrt(x).exp(b.t)
Without the dependency on the curve fitting toolbox, this problem can also be solved by using fminsearch. I first generate some data, which you already have but didn't share with us. An initial guess on the parameters a and b must be made (p0). Then I do the optimiziation by minizmizing the squared errors between data and fit resulting in the vector p_fit, which contains the optimized parameters for a and b. In the end, the result is visualized.
% ----- Generating some data for x, y and t (which you already got)
N = 10; % num of data points
x = linspace(0,5,N);
t = linspace(0,10,N);
% random parameters
a = rand()*5; % a between 0 and 5
b = (rand()-1); % b between -1 and 0
y = a*sqrt(x).*exp(b*t) + rand(size(x))*0.1; % noisy data
% put x and t into a 2 row matrix for simplicity
D(1,:) = x;
D(2,:) = t;
% create model function with parameters p(1) = a and p(2) = b
model = #(p, D) p(1)*sqrt(D(1,:)).*exp(p(2)*D(2,:));
e = #(p) sum((y - model(p,D)).^2); % minimize squared errors
p0 = [1,-1]; % an initial guess (positive a and probably negative b for a decay)
[p_fit, r1] = fminsearch(e, p0); % Optimize
% ----- VISUALIZATION ----
hold on
X = linspace(min(x), max(x), 100);
T = linspace(min(t), max(t), 100);
plot(X, model(p_fit, [X; T]), 'r--')
legend('data', sprintf('fit: y(t,x) = %.2f*sqrt(x)*exp(%.2f*t)', p_fit))
The result can look like
Your data are column vectors, my solution used row vectors. The error occured when the errorfunction tryed to compute the difference of a column vector (y) and a row-vector (result of the model-function). Easy hack: make them all to row vectors and use my approach. The result is: a = 0.5296 and b = 0.0013.
However, the Optimization depends on the initial guess p0, you might want to play around with it a little bit.
clear variables
load matlab.mat
% put x and t into a 2 row matrix for simplicity
D(1,:) = x;
D(2,:) = t;
y = reshape(y, 1, length(y)); % <-- also y is a row vector, now
% create model function with parameters p(1) = a and p(2) = b
model = #(p, D) p(1)*sqrt(D(1,:)).*exp(p(2)*D(2,:));
e = #(p) sum((y - model(p,D)).^2); % minimize squared errors
p0 = [1,0]; % an initial guess (positive a and probably negative b for a decay)
[p_fit, r1] = fminsearch(e, p0); % Optimize
% p_fit = nlinfit(D, y, model, p0) % as a working alternative with dependency on the statistics toolbox
% ----- VISUALIZATION ----
plot(x,y,'ko', 'markerfacecolor', 'black', 'markersize',5)
hold on
X = linspace(min(x), max(x), 100);
T = linspace(min(t), max(t), 100);
plot(X, model(p_fit, [X; T]), 'r-', 'linewidth', 2)
legend('data', sprintf('fit: y(t,x) = %.2f*sqrt(x)*exp(%.2f*t)', p_fit))
The result doesn't look too satisfying though. But that mainly is because of your data. Have a look here:
With the cftool-command (curve fitting toolbox) you can fit to your own functions, returning the variables that you need (a,b). Make sure your x-data and y-data are in separate variables. you can also specify weights for your measurements.