How to get the time stamp difference of the first and the last records that are inserted into a collection of mongodb - mongodb

How can we use this particular code in the execution process:
now = new Date();
current_date = new Date(now.getUTCFullYear(), now.getUTCMonth(), now.getUTCDate(), now.getUTCHours(), now.getUTCMinutes(), now.getUTCSeconds());
end_date = obj.end_date (Mon, 02 Apr 2012 20:16:35 GMT);
var millisDiff = end_date.getTime() - current_date.getTime();
console.log(millisDiff / 1000);
I have already inserted my records into a collection. It consists of many parameters. The first record tells the status to be started and the last record tells that the process has ended. They also consist of the time stamp values in all the records on when it started and when it ended.
How can I get the difference in time between the two processes? How can I use the above code?
db.trials.insert( { _id: ObjectId("51d2750d16257024e046c0d7"), Application: "xxx", ProcessContext: "SEARCH", InteractionID: "I001", opID: "BBB", buID: "Default", HostName: "xxx-ttt-tgd-002", InstanceName: "Instance1", EventTime: ISODate("2011-11-03T14:23:00Z"), HOPID: "", HOPName: "", HOPStatus: "", INTStatus: "Started" } );
db.trials.insert( { _id: ObjectId("51d2750d16257024e046c0d7"), Application: "xxx", ProcessContext: "SEARCH", InteractionID: "I001", opID: "BBB", buID: "Default", HostName: "xxx-ttt-tgd-002", InstanceName: "Instance1", EventTime: ISODate("2011-11-03T14:23:58Z"), HOPID: "", HOPName: "", HOPStatus: "", INTStatus: "Started" } );
These are the 2 records for which I wanted to know the time stamp difference using the above logic. How can I use the logic such that I can get the difference?


MongoDB does not remove documents from a collection with a configured TTL Index

I try to get started with TTL indices in mongo, and wanted to get a simple demo setup running, but I just cannot get it to work and I am not sure what I do wrong.
Mongod version:
$ mongod --version
db version v4.4.5
Build Info: {
"version": "4.4.5",
"gitVersion": "ff5cb77101b052fa02da43b8538093486cf9b3f7",
"openSSLVersion": "OpenSSL 1.1.1m 14 Dec 2021",
"modules": [],
"allocator": "tcmalloc",
"environment": {
"distmod": "debian10",
"distarch": "x86_64",
"target_arch": "x86_64"
I start with a completely fresh, default configured mongod instance:
$ mkdir /tmp/db && mongod --dbpath /tmp/db
Then I run the following commands
use test
created_at: Date( + 60_000)
db.ttldemo.createIndex({created_at: 1}, {expireAfterSeconds: 1})
I would expect the document to vanish after some time, but even after running find() after waiting for a few minutes, the document is still present.
Is there anything I am missing here?
db.adminCommand({getParameter:1, ttlMonitorSleepSecs: 1}) yields 60 to me
I tried in mongo 4.2.17, your insertion of documents yields a document like:
"_id" : ObjectId("61f17ea34844b5f0505d80ea"),
"created_at" : "Wed Jan 26 2022 19:02:27 GMT+0200 (GTB Standard Time)"
when the
db.getCollection('ttldemo').insertOne({created_at: new Date()})
yields a document like:
"_id" : ObjectId("61f17f404844b5f0505d80ec"),
"created_at" : ISODate("2022-01-26T17:05:04.023Z")
Emphasis here on the created_at field, where this on the first case is a string, in the second case is an ISODate.
as from the documentation , this index works on dates only:
To create a TTL index, use the createIndex() method on a field whose value is either a date or an array that contains date values, and specify the expireAfterSeconds option with the desired TTL value in seconds.
The solution here is to construct the date as follows:
db.getCollection('ttldemo').insertOne({created_at: new Date(new Date().getTime()+60000)})
this will create a new ISODate based on the current date + 60 seconds.

Get the groups of a customeruser in otrs

I am extending OTRS with an app and need to get the groups a customeruser is in. I want to do this by communicating with the SessionGet-Endpoint (
The Endpoint for SessionGet returns a lot of information about the user but not the groups he is in. I am not talking about agents who can login to the backend of otrs but customerusers.
I am using OTRS 6 because it was the only one available in docker. I created the REST-endpoints in the backend and everything works well. There is a new functionality why I need to get the information about the groups.
Had a look at the otrs system-config but could not figure out if it is possible to include this information in the response.
Although I am a programmer, I did not want to write perl because of ... reasons.
I had a look at the file which handles the incoming request at /opt/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Operation/Session/ and traced the calls to the actual file where the information is collected from the database in /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/AuthSession/ In line 169 the SQL-statement is written so it came to my mind that I just can extend this to also get the information of the groups, because, as I said, I did not want to write perl...
A typical response from this endpoint looks like this:
"SessionData": [
"Value": "2",
"Key": "ChangeBy"
"Value": "2019-06-26 13:43:18",
"Key": "ChangeTime"
"Value": "2",
"Key": "CreateBy"
"Value": "2019-06-26 13:43:18",
"Key": "CreateTime"
"Value": "XXX",
"Key": "CustomerCompanyCity"
"Value": "",
"Key": "CustomerCompanyComment"
A good thing would be to just insert another Value-Key-pair with the IDs of the groups. The SQL-statement queries only one table $Self->{SessionTable} mostly called otrs.sessions.
I used the following resources to create a SQL-statement which extends the existing SQL-statement with the needed information. You can find it here:
SQL => "
SELECT id, data_key, data_value, serialized FROM $Self->{SessionTable} WHERE session_id = ? ORDER BY id ASC
SELECT MAX(id) FROM $Self->{SessionTable} WHERE session_id = ?
) +1
AS id,
'UserGroupsID' AS data_key,
FROM otrs.group_customer_user
WHERE user_id =
SELECT data_value
FROM $Self->{SessionTable}
WHERE session_id = ?
AND data_key = 'UserID'
AS data_value,
0 AS serialized
Bind => [ \$Param{SessionID}, \$Param{SessionID}, \$Param{SessionID} ],
Whoever needs to get the groups of a customeruser can replace the existing code with the one provided. At least in my case it works very well. Now, I get the expected key-value-pair:
"Value": "10, 11, 6, 7, 8, 9",
"Key": "UserGroupsID"
I used the following resources:
Adding the results of multiple SQL selects?
Can I concatenate multiple MySQL rows into one field?
Add row to query result using select
Happy coding,

How use values mode in Orion?

Reading FIWARE-NGSI v2 Specification (
In section Simplified Entity Representation
I couldn't test values mode as recomend. My test fail:
values mode. This mode represents the entity as an array of attribute
values. Information about id and type is left out. See example below.
The order of the attributes in the array is specified by the attrs URI
param (e.g. attrs=branch,colour,engine). If attrs is not used, the
order is arbitrary.
[ 'Ford', 'black', 78.3 ]
Where and how I referenced an entityID?
POST /v2/entities/Room1?options=values&attrs=branch,colour,engine
[ 'Ford', 'black', 78.3 ]
"error": "MethodNotAllowed",
"description": "method not allowed"
POST /v2/entities?options=values
[ 'Ford', 'black', 78.3 ]
"error": "ParseError",
"description": "Errors found in incoming JSON buffer"
GET /version
"orion": {
"version": "1.10.0-next",
"uptime": "0 d, 0 h, 1 m, 34 s",
"git_hash": "0f92803495a8b6c145547e19f35e8f633dec92e0",
"compile_time": "Fri Feb 2 09:45:41 UTC 2018",
"compiled_by": "root",
"compiled_in": "77ff7f334a88",
"release_date": "Fri Feb 2 09:45:41 UTC 2018",
"doc": ""
"options=values" is a representation format for querying data not for posting new entity data for obvious reasons, when you are creating new entities you have to specify the entity id and the entity type and with the values representation format you can't ...

can't accept new chunks because there are still 1 deletes from previous migration

I have a mongodb production cluster running in 2.6.11 with 20 replicatSets. I getting space disk issue, because the chunks majority are store in one replicatSet. When I check the log, I can see that move chunk failed because of "deletes from previous migration"
2015-12-28T17:13:32.164+0000 [conn6504] about to log metadata event: { _id: "db1-2015-12-28T17:13:32-56816dbc6b0464b0a5801db8", server: "db1", clientAddr: "xx.xx.xx.11:50077", time: new Date(1451322812164), what: "moveChunk.start", ns: "emailing_nQafExtB.reports", details: { min: { email: "xxxxxxx" }, max: { email: "xxxxxxx" }, from: "shard16", to: "shard22" } }
2015-12-28T17:13:32.675+0000 [conn6504] about to log metadata event: { _id: "db1-2015-12-28T17:13:32-56816dbc6b0464b0a5801db9", server: "db1", clientAddr: "xx.xx.xx.11:50077", time: new Date(1451322812675), what: "moveChunk.from", ns: "emailing_nQafExtB.reports", details: { min: { email: "xxxxxxx" }, max: { email: "xxxxxxx" }, step 1 of 6: 3, step 2 of 6: 314, note: "aborted", errmsg: "moveChunk failed to engage TO-shard in the data transfer: can't accept new chunks because there are still 1 deletes from previous migration" } }
I follow the answer from this question, but doesn't work for me. I run stepDown command on one primary and all my cluster primary. I do the same with the cleanUpOrphaned command.
Does somedody run over this problem ?
Thanks in advance for any insights.

mongoid/ mongodb query with time condition is extremely slow

I want to select all the data which ts(timestamp) less than specific time
last_record = History.where(report_type: /#{params["report_type"]}/).order_by(ts: 1).only(:ts).last
History.where(:ts.lte => last_record.ts)
It seems this query will take super long time
I don't understand why, is there any quick way to do the sort of query ?
class History
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
include Mongoid::Attributes::Dynamic
field :report_type, type: String
field :symbol, type: String
field :ts, type: Time
The query log in console
Started GET "/q/com_disagg/last" for at 2015-01-10 10:36:55 +0800
Processing by QueryController#last as HTML
Parameters: {"report_type"=>"com_disagg"}
MOPED: COMMAND database=admin command={:ismaster=>1} runtime: 0.4290ms
MOPED: GET_MORE database=cot_development collection=histories limit=0 cursor_id=44966970901 runtime: 349.9560ms
Have set the timestamp as index, but still extremely slow query
{ "v" : 1, "key" : { "ts" : 1 },
"name" : "ts_index",
"ns" : "cot_development.histories" }