NuGet Package Restore doesn't work - nuget

I have added a NuGet package to my solution and enabled package restore on the solution. This correctly created the .nuget folder with targets file etc.
The NuGet package is actually another project which becomes a dependency in the solution. Initially I added this package to the solution manually.
To Test this NuGet feature, I deleted the folder underneath the packages folder.
At that point I then get compiler errors obviously because other dependent projects are reliant on the project that has just been removed.
When I build the solution, I'm expecting NuGet to go and download the NuGet packages that it requires is this is set to Enable Package Restore, and then build successfully as all other dependent projects can now build.
However, I see no evidence of the NuGet package from being downloaded in the output, and the build errors remain the same as if the project hasn't been downloaded.
Can anyone confirm whether there is something I am missing or am doing wrong here?

To my knowledge deleting packages under the packages folder should be restored by NuGet's package restore feature.
It would be helpful to:
See the actual build error.
Know which packages you are trying to restore.
Some packages, such as ours, rely on .targets files which have issues when being used in package restore.

Make sure that NuGet.Config in your solution folder has "packageRestore" option enabled:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="enabled" value="True" />
Also it should be enabled globally in "C:\Users\%UserName%\Application Data\NuGet\NuGet.Config" (it can be set from within VS, Tools->Options->Package Manager.
Also note that there's another approach for restoring package since NuGet 2.7 - "Automatic Package Restore". See doc for more info: and


Why isn't there any packages folder in my .NET Core solution's containing folder?

Are packages now cached in a more shared location somewhere or what?
My solution folder is devoid of any packages folder:
Per project: References->Nuget dictates what packages are referenced and restored. But, as Eastrall mentioned, the packages folder is now global and located in your user folder: C:\Users\[YourUsername]\.nuget\packages
To force ./packages folder for Solution
To force download of packages folder to be a child of the solution folder for .NET Core projects, follow these steps:
Create a NuGet.Config file in the same directory as the .sln file.
Copy the following contents into the NuGet.Config file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="globalPackagesFolder" value=".\packages" />
Configure NuGet to download missing packages by:
3.1. In Visual Studio: Tools -> Options
3.2. Filter by nuget (top left in dialog). Select General
3.3. Ensure Allow NuGet to download missing packages is checked
Close and re-open the solution. NuGet will download the required packages.
Note: the NuGet.Config configuration can also be achieved by executing the following command from the NuGet Package Manager Console (Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console):
PM> nuget config -set globalPackagesFolder=.\packages -configfile "$(pwd)\NuGet.Config"
You still have packages folder in your .NET Core solution, but the global packages are located at: C:\Users\[YourUsername]\.nuget\packages
You can check out a question I asked to see if the answers do you any good.
How do I include NuGet packages in my solution for .Net Core projects?
You can get that packages folder back, but you might not be happy with the results, since .Net Core projects rely on so many NuGet packages. Mine is hovering around 1 GB.

Nuget Dependencies not getting installed

I am running a private Nuget Server locally on IIS.
I am creating packages and uploading them all via commadline using nuget.exe (Later on I have to put this on build server, hence the command line). However there is one issue I am stuck at.
I am trying to declare dependencies. I generate the nuspec file in the folder where the .csproj file is there. Then I manually edit the nuspec file to add this under the metadata tag:
<group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.5">
<dependency id="DemoProject" version="" />
DemoProject, version is present on the Nuget Server.
The project I am creating package for, MyProj.csproj does not have the reference to the DemoProject added to it via Visual Studio. It is just at the packing time I want to create the dependency. It sounds strange but is needed for some initial validation.
Then I run pack command:
"C:\nuget\NuGet.exe" pack MyProj.csproj -IncludeReferencedProjects -Prop Configuration=Release
Then I push it to NuGet server using command line.
When I do an install via command line, then only MyProj package is present at the install location.
When I use Nuget Package Explorer and create a package, I can use the Package Dependency Editor to specify the dependency. It asks for the URL of my local Nuget Server and then adds the dependency. And when I install that package, it works !!
There seem to be no difference in the generated nuspec file in both the cases.
Obviously Nuget Package manager is doing something which I am missing out on.
Any hints?
More details: When I create a lib folder in the Package manager console and put my dll manually, lib->net45->MyProj.dll, then when I install the package thus created also "does not" install the dependency. Back to reading documentation again.
I know this doesn't directly answer your question but I had an issue with NuGet dependencies and my solution may possibly provide a hint.
DLL#1 was had no NuGet Dependencies. Pushed that to my private repo.
DLL#2 referenced DLL#1 NuGet package. Pushed that to my private repo.
All fine and dandy except from the Application project when I go to "Manage NuGet Packages...", the NuGet Package for DLL#2 is listed on the Browse tab but it shows no dependencies. I was forced to install both DLL#1 AND DLL#2 nuget packages. I desired to install DLL#2 nuget package and get DLL#1 automatically.
The way I fixed this was uninstalling all NuGet packages from DLL#2 solution.
Then going to Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > General. Then set the Default package management format to Packages.config and then unchecking the option "Allow format selection on first package install".
Then i installed all the needed NuGet packages. Now when i pack it up and push it up to the server, it shows the proper dependencies when going to "Manage NuGet Packages...".
nuget pack doesn't see the dependencies because its looking for them in the \packages folder. That folder didn't exist because I was using PackageReference for package management.
All worked after switching to Packages.config for package management.
I know the problem I had wasn't the same as yours but if you're not using Packages.config for package management, perhaps its related.
Late answer but the issue with this nuspec is <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.5">. I feel confident that ".NETFramework4.5" is an invalid targetFramework. A full list of the available Target Frameworks is here.
When working with the Dependency section, you may not need to use the group tag. Any users who encounter similar errors would do well to read through that section. They have samples of proper usage.

NuGet package restore not working from .nuget\packages.config

I have a project, which uses Chutzpah to run unit tests, however the project does not use Chutzpah any other way, it only uses its command line interface. When I installed the Chutzpah NuGet package, the reference was added to .nuget\packages.config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="Chutzpah" version="2.4.3" />
I have package restore enabled for this project and the build successfully restores all other used packages but not Chutzpah. I assume it has to do with the fact, that the package reference is located in .nuget\packages.config and not in a project packages.config file, but I don't know why this happened and what is the correct way to work with this?
The Chutzpah NuGet package was added to the project via Visual Studio to a specific project.
To work around the issue I moved the package reference to a project packages.config file and the restore works fine.
Package Restore will not automatically restore solution-level packages. You will need to add a build step to get NuGet to restore the solution packages. For example:
.nuget/nuget.exe install .nuget/packages.config -o packages
For more information see this post on solution level packages.

Nuget package restore with local feed

I'm trying to get nuget package restore working in a solution that is looking for packages in the regular, public nuget feed and in a local feed located on a shared network drive.
What I've tried so far is enabling nuget package restore on the solution, then editing the Nuget.targets and changing the PackageSources variable, but that doesn't seem to work. Is this possible?
My Nuget.targets file looks like this for the package sources section:
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(PackageSources)' == '' ">
<!-- Package sources used to restore packages. By default, registered sources under %APPDATA%\NuGet\NuGet.Config will be used -->
<!-- The official NuGet package source ( will be excluded if package sources are specified and it does not appear in the list -->
<PackageSource Include="" />
<PackageSource Include="\\mynetworkshare\Development\NugetPackages" />
The error I get on build is "Unable to find version '1.0.0' of package 'MyCustomPackage'. I have verified that the nupkg exists at \\mynetworkshare\Development\NugetPackages\MyCustomPackage.1.0.0.nupkg.
The fix for me was bhuvak's answer plus I had to rename some packages.
I had been creating symbols packages (named similar to MyCustomPackage.1.0.0.symbols.nupkg) and using those from my local package feed folder. However, package restore doesn't seem to pick those up. I had to rename them, removing the .symbols portion of the file name.
After I did that, package restore works great.
Updating the sources in NuGet.targets should work.
Make sure you have added both official NuGet source and local feed explicitly in the targets file.
What error are you noticing ?
We had a similar issue to #evan. We're using the CreateNewNuGetPackageFromProjectAfterEachBuild package to create our NuGet packages on a TFS 2013 build server. We have a local, share based package source and copy the nupkg files from the build output to this share. We found that builds that reference these packages fail because NuGet package restore fails to find the packages in the local source.
Running NuGet from the command line on the build server we get strange behaviour:
nuget.exe list <search-term-for-our-packages> -allversions
always succeeds and lists each version of our packages. However, when we go to a failed build's \src folder and run
nuget.exe restore .\oursolution.sln
we always get:
Unable to find version '' of package ''.
I tried all sorts of things to resolve this, playing with nuget.config and swapping between versions of nuget.exe but the fix was simply to do with the naming of our nupkg files. By default CreateNewNuGetPackageFromProjectAfterEachBuild names the nupkg that it generates as the package Id plus the build configuration and target. E.g.
With this file in our package source nuget list works but nuget restore fails. When I rename the package to
then nuget list and nuget restore work as expected.
Our fix is simply to modify the config file of CreateNewNuGetPackageFromProjectAfterEachBuild to prevent it including the build configuration and target. But why does nuget restore depend on the package file name whereas nuget list doesn't?

NuGet Restore Fails when dependency adds a .targets import to the .csproj

I ran into an issue recently with NuGet restore. I added a project dependency (in this case PostSharp) and then enabled restore. I checked in the source, but not the /packages directory (as I shouldn't needed to....right!). When TeamCity or another developer grabs the source and runs MsBuild, they receive the following error:
C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\e374975c0264c72e\ProjectName\ProjectName.csproj(70, 3): error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\e374975c0264c72e\packages\PostSharp.\tools\PostSharp.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
The problem is, NuGet hasn't run yet to restore/download PostSharp or it's .targets file. This feels like a NuGet bug to me, but wanted to see if others have this same issue.
Anybody have this issue or know the resolution. Yes, I could check-in the /packages directory, but then why use NuGet at all?
Another approach is to modify the <Import> element in question, to make it conditional, e.g.:
<Import Project="$(CodeAssassinTargets)" Condition="Exists($(CodeAssassinTargets))" />
This depends on a new property defined in an earlier <PropertyGroup>. I usually add one at the top of csproj file with other "global" flags, e.g.:
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
Then in an appropriate target, like BeforeBuild, give a helpful error message:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Error Text="CodeAssassin.ConfigTransforms target is missing. It needs to exist at $(CodeAssassinTargets) in order to build this project!" Condition="!Exists($(CodeAssassinTargets))" />
With these modifications, the project will load even if the nuget package restore has never been done. If auto package restore is enabled, the first build attempt should clear up the missing target issue, but if it does not, one manual package restore will.
#porterhouse91, have you checked your csproj file to make sure it has been set up with the appropriate build target?
I haven't yet tried the new built-in Package Restore feature, but I'm assuming it works at least somewhat like the previous workflows out there on the interwebs. If that's the case, enabling Package Restore in your solution only affects the projects in your solution at the time you enable it. If you've added a new project (having NuGet dependencies) to the solution since enabling Package Restore, you're gonna need to enable it again.
Another possibility: the previous workflows involved having a .nuget folder that you needed to check in to VCS, so you might need to check that in if it hasn't been checked in yet (if the built-in Package Restore feature does indeed use this approach).
BTW, if this answer is at all helpful, thank Stephen Ritchie -- he asked me to give it a shot for you.
I had a problem like this as well, but I was able to modify the .targets file in the source package to work around it. Basically, RestorePackages is a build target that runs when the project is built. Unfortunately, the package won't even load properly before the imports are satisfied. The only way I know to fix this is to include the .targets file as content and then change the BuildDependsOn property so it restores the packages before it runs your custom tasks.
<BuildDependsOn Condition="$(BuildDependsOn.Contains('RestorePackages'))">
<BuildDependsOn Condition="!$(BuildDependsOn.Contains('RestorePackages'))">
To be clear, this doesn't help with pre-built packages, but if you can build the package again yourself, you can fix it.
I ran into this same issue with Visual Studio 2012 and NuGet packages not checked into source control.
The error:
The imported project "\packages\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.7\tools\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets" was not found.
Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
I found a msdn writeup on the situation that gave the following workarounds for grabbing a project from source control without the NuGet packages.
Stop using package restore and check-in all package files
Explicitly run package restore before building the project
Check-in the .targets files
I decided to go with option #2, however, NuGet currently (v2.6) does not include a way to install all packges from the packages.config file from within visual studio. Some searching revealed that you need to use the NuGet Command Line to execute the following command before opening Visual Studio (reference).
c:\path\to\nuget.exe install -o packages project-folder\packages.config