SelBlocks extension for Selenium IDE Error - selenium-ide

i m using sel blocks extension for selenium to carry out the Data Driven Tetsing using xml file.
Whenever i execute the forXml command in Selenium IDE, i m getting the following error:
[error] Unexpected Exception: fileName -> chrome://selblocks/content/extensions/sel-blocks.js?1372683973921, lineNumber -> 739, columnNumber -> 2
Please help me out

Sel Blocks 1.3 is not compatible with Firefox 22. You can install the new version 1.3.1 directly from
Cheers, Samit Badle
Selenium IDE Maintainer. Twitter: #samitbadle Blog:


calling XQuery Update from the command line after update to oXygen 17.1

We have for the past year been running a batch script I wrote to call a series of XQuery Updates from the Windows command line using Saxon. It worked fine while we were on oXygen 16, but after all the machines in our department were upgraded to oXygen 17.1, the script is now throwing an error that I can't seem to fix. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
This used to work when oXygen 16 was installed:
java -cp "C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 16\lib\saxon9ee.jar" net.sf.saxon.Query -update:on -t -q:"C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\SVN Working Copies\trunk\rbscXSL\Locations2015\AbID2dsc-items.xq"
I have confirmed that the .jar file is in the same relative location (with the oXygen version number being the only change to the path) and has the same name as before. Nevertheless, after updating the class path to "C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\saxon9ee.jar" the script throws the following error:
Saxon-EE from Saxonica
Java version 1.8.0_92
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: XQuery Update is not supported in this Saxon Configuration
at net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryCompiler.setUpdatingEnabled(
at net.sf.saxon.Query.doQuery(
at net.sf.saxon.Query.main(
Fatal error during query: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: XQuery Update is not supported in this Saxon Configuration
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Java 8 is installed on my machine. I have also ensured that the XQuery Update still works when called from within the oXygen editor.
After reading up on!using-xquery/commandline and!conformance/update, I added the -tree:linked flag and the -qversion:1.0 flag (they result in the same error message):
java -cp "C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\saxon9ee.jar" net.sf.saxon.Query -qversion:1.0 -tree:linked -update:on -t -q:"C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\SVN Working Copies\trunk\rbscXSL\Locations2015\AbID2dsc-items.xq"
According to the documentation, XQuery Update should run if the -update:on flag is set, which it is, and the XML is read in using the doc() or collection() function, which is also the case--these are the variables from my XQuery file:
declare variable $EAD as document-node()* := doc("sample_input.xml");
declare variable $ITEMS as document-node()* := doc("sample_input.AbID.xml");
I'm at a loss what else to try. If anyone can see what's going wrong here, I'd greatly appreciate any pointers!
Do you have your own Saxon-EE license, or are you relying on the license that comes with oXygen? The oXygen license does not cover use of Saxon-EE outside of oXygen itself (so it doesn't cover the way you are running Saxon from the command line). Perhaps you found a loophole in the way oXygen handles the Saxon activation that worked in earlier releases but has since been fixed, either in oXygen or in Saxon.

cannot get streams work on eclipse

I recently installed JDK 8 on my Eclipse (MAC) and I m trying to use the streams.
However, it seems that Java 8 is not correctly configured since I get the following error on the following line of code:
List<Eshop> tempShops = e -> e.getName().equals(name)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Multiple markers at this line
- e cannot be resolved to a variable
- e cannot be resolved
- Syntax error on token "-", --
Anybody has an idea what might be wrong?
Also tried like
List<Eshop> tempShops = (e) -> e.getName().equals(name)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Eclipse Kepler did not contain Java 8 support (unless you installed a patch).
You should use the current Eclipse Neon (4.6.1) for full Java 8 support.
I had the same problem. I created a predicate separately and the java.util.function.Predicate package got auto imported and the error was resolved.
You could try something like this:
Predicate shop = e -> {return e.getName().equals(name);};
List tempShops =;

ask, Command error J2ME LWUIT

I have an error to add a command button in my project using LWUIT 1.5
this is my code
initialitation :
Command backCommand = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 0);
and this is an error
cannot find symbol symbol: method addCommand
(javax.microedition.lcdui.Command) location:
please help me T.T, THANSK for the answer
It seems that you are using Command object from the lcdui lib. Check your class imports and add the Commandobject from the LWUIT lib.

How to use the plugin sfTCPDFPlugin?

I work with symfony 1.4, and I want to use the plugin sf sfTCPDFPlugin.
I followed step by step all the instructions, I read the question “How to generate PDF using sfTCPDFPlugin in symfony 1.4?” and answers, but when I try to generate a PDF file, I get the following error:
The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".
In detail, I have done the following:
I installed PEAR - PHP Extension, and run OK.
I installed
successfully the plugin sfTCPDFPlugin
I downloaded and installed
the "TCPDF library"
$ symfony plugin:publish-assets
$ symfony cc
Copy the /plugins/sfTCPDFPlugin/config/pdf_configs.yml into the config folder of your application
Now I try to test the plugin, but when I want to run the function "test" that is included in the plugin, I get the following error:
The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error":
PHP Fatal error: Class 'TCPDF' not found in D:\proyectos\conflictosnew\plugins\sfTCPDFPlugin\lib\sfTCPDF.class.php on line 14
I use Wampsever under Windows XP
Any idea what could be happening?
I have found an error! The link contained in: "Download the TCPDF library" at:, is incorrect, because download fonts only, not the complete library
In the following link you can find the complete library TCPDF:

read.csv(file.choose()) problem in StatET/Eclipse

When trying to read a csv file in StatET/Eclipse (OS X 10.6, Eclipse 3.6) using the following command:
I get the response:
Error in file.choose() : file choice cancelled
The command works as expected in 'R' itself and reading a named csv file works in StatET. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Update: submitting this question to secured a response from Stephan Wahlbrink
Updating StatET to 0.9.2 should fix
the problem.
Updating from within Eclipse (Help > Check for Updates) to the latest version (site-statet-00.09.02 [ 2011-01-03 | stable | Eclipse 3.6 ]) did indeed fix the problem.
Many thanks to Stephan.
Everything seems ok for me. My platform is StatET/Eclipse(win7-x64, Eclipse 3.6).
Only when I click 'cancel' in the select file dialog, it will give that error message.