Eclipse jar file is not exported with project - eclipse

I have a simple project that I need to be very easily imported into eclipse and started. When I export my project and import it again it comes with an error saying it is missing a required jar file. This jar file is added to the build path, but does not carry over when the project is exported. Why is this? I have been searching all day for an answer on Google and none have helped.
Would I just have to send the jar file along with the project and have the users manually add it?
Things I have tried:
Going into build path order and export and clicking the jar file.
using a clean workspace for the import / restarting eclipse.

For anyone with a future problem like this one. I was putting the jar in the lib folder and also adding it to my build path, but the jar would not export over. When I added the jar to the WEB-INF / lib folder it successfully carried over with the export.

You may want to try this:
Right click on the imported project select Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Java build Path -> Libraries Tab and check if the jar file which eclipse says missing is present in the Libraries tab.
If it is present then select it and click Edit, a "File dialog" will pop up, find the desired jar which is in your computer's directory. and click Ok then wait for eclipse to build
the workspace. If it is not present then add it through Add JARs... or Add External JARs...

Export it as an Archive file of the project rather than a jar. Then it's just a matter of someone else importing it as an Existing Project. Exporting it as a jar is only something you do when you want to deploy the jar and run it.


Importing maven sourceproject into eclipse

I have imported my maven project in eclipse using Import Maven project. It got import in eclipse project explorer, but all the source folder are opening as files and folders, its not opening as java source folder. Since its opening as files and folder, it doesnot have compilation unit, found very difficult to code using it.
What do I need to do inorder to make the source folder as java source folder so that I can code easily?
Select the project and from the context menu choose Maven -> Update Project Configuration (This menu item gets reworded across various maven releases so look for something similar). You may also need to choose Update Dependencies.
In the shell/command line, execute mvn eclipse:eclipse

Eclipse - why cant it integrate jars in lib folder into project?

I manually copy needed jar files into my project lib folder. Then, I try to add them to build path via "configure build path option". If i choose "add jar", then the lib folder does not show up in the "to choose from" list. So, I am forced to use "add external jars" option instead. But, that option does not make the jars a part of the project even though they lie in the lib folder. After I restart eclipse 2-3 times, the jars are magically integrated into my project.
Why is eclipse behaving this way ? Why can't I do this easily ?
Please help me.
By default, Eclipse dose not detect file change which come from outside, like copy a jar file in lib folder manually.
So after you copied jar files, you have to refresh the project by pressing F5 while selecting your lib folder. I believe that's why eclipse cannot found your jar files.
If you want to solve this problem once for all, you can active "Refresh using native hooks or polling" via
Window -> Preference -> General -> Workspace
However, this might slow down Eclipse if you have a big project with many many files.
As Bananeweizen mentioned, instead of doing all the copied from outside of Eclipse, you can also copied those file into Eclipse, Package Explorer View for example. This way Eclipse will detect and refresh folder automatically.
The way I was taught to add external jars to an eclipse project is to drag the jar file from explorer into the lib folder in eclipse and then on the dialogue eclipse responds with is choose the copy to option and eclipse imports the jar file and copies it to the lib location at the same time.

How to create a Jar file in Netbeans

Well I have my source code that i have done using the IDE netbeans. Now I wanted to move this java application to a web application. For that I need to create a jar file from my source code, so that I could invoke it in ma jsp file.
I have not been able to find any option in netbeans or any other way to create a .jar file of this source code.
Could someone tell me how to do that.
Create a Java archive (.jar) file using NetBeans as follows:
Right-click on the Project name
Select Properties
Click Packaging
Check Build JAR after Compiling
Check Compress JAR File
Click OK to accept changes
Right-click on a Project name
Select Build or Clean and Build
Clean and Build will first delete build artifacts (such as .class files), whereas Build will retain any existing .class files, creating new versions necessary. To elucidate, imagine a project with two classes, A and B.
When built the first time, the IDE creates A.class and B.class. Now you delete but don't clear out B.class. Executing Build should leave B.class in the build directory, and bundle it into the JAR. Selecting Clean and Build will delete B.class. Since was deleted, no longer will B.class be bundled.
The JAR file is built. To view it inside NetBeans:
Click the Files tab
Expand Project name >> dist
Ensure files aren't being excluded when building the JAR file.
Please do right click on the project and go to properties.
Then go to Build and Packaging.
You can see the JAR file location that is produced by defualt setting of netbean in the dist directory.
I also tried to make an executable jar file that I could run with the following command:
java -jar <jarfile>
After some searching I found the following link:
Packaging and Deploying Desktop Java Applications
I set the project's main class:
Right-click the project's node and choose Properties
Select the Run panel and enter the main class in the Main Class field
Click OK to close the Project Properties dialog box
Clean and build project
Then in the fodler dist the newly created jar should be executable with the command I mentioned above.
Now (2020) NetBeans 11 does it automatically with the "Build" command (right click on the project's name and choose "Build")

How to convert IntelliJ project to Eclipse?

I have one IntelliJ project and I want to open it in Eclipse, so what should I do?
There is an export to eclipse option in Intellij Under file menu.
This option will generate you the necessary .project and .classpath files that will be used by eclipse. Personally, I would remove any IDE dependencies using some dependency management systems like Maven or Apache IVY. ( Is system the right term?)
I had the same issue and (I don't have Intellij) but doc_180's comment pointed me in the right direction. Here is a simple solution. In Eclipse create a new blank Android project. Copy the .project and .classpath files and the .settings folder to the Intellij folder. Edit the .project file and change the name of the project.
You should now be able to Import the project in Eclipse by right clicking and selecting "Import->Existing Project into Workspace".
I see this is an old question, but thought I should add this answer for others Googling it like me ;)
Without access to IntelliJ to export and convert the project, try the following.
In STS or Eclipse create an empty project first, then, select File -> Import and choose General -> File System. In the resulting dialog box, select the root folder of the IntelliJ project as source and the empty project as the destination.
For unit tests, add the test folder as a source folder to the build path (right-click on the folder, select Build Path -> Use as Source Folder).
The projects I import this way run without any further modifications, including the tests.
Eclipse and Intellij create different project structure each other (Output path, Source Code etc...). You can export the current project to Eclipse environment.
File -> Export -> Project to Eclipse

Import Libraries in Eclipse?

I just recently downloaded the dom4j library, but for the life of me I have no idea how to access it. I dropped it in the plug-ins folder and rebooted Eclipse, without success. For some reason finding a straight answer for this is more difficult that I thought it would be.
No, don't do it that way.
From your Eclipse workspace, right click your project on the left pane -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Add Jars -> add your jars here.
Tadaa!! :)
Extract the jar, and put it somewhere in your Java project (usually under a "lib" subdirectory).
Right click the project, open its preferences, go for Java build path, and then the Libraries tab. You can add the library there with "add a jar".
If your jar is not open source, you may want to store it elsewhere and connect to it as an external jar.
For the Android library projects, I do it as in the attached screenshot:
Right click the project, select Properties->Android and in the library section click Add. From here you can select the available libraries.
If you are importing a jar file, then importing them as jar or external jar, as other posters posted would work. I prefer to copy/paste jar file in the libs folder (create one if it doesn't exist) and then import as jar.
If you want to get this library into your library and use it, follow these steps:
You can create a new folder within Eclipse by right-clicking on your project, and selecting New Folder. The library folder is traditionally called lib.
Drag and drop your jar folder into the new lib folder, and when prompted select Copy Files.
Selecting the Project tab at the top of the screen, and click Properties.
Select Java Build Path followed by the Libraries tab.
Click the Add JARs… button and select your JAR file from within the lib folder.
Your JAR file will now appear in both the lib and Referenced Libraries folders. You can explore the JAR's resources by clicking Referenced Libraries.