JPA 2 one to many - how does JPA infer column information? - jpa

I have a JPA2 (Hibernate) application which uses a MySQL database with only two tables. One table is called "companies" and the other table is called "employees". Between the two tables there is a one-to-many ralationship (1 company has many employees). The foreign-key column in table "employees" is called "company_id".
In my JPA2 Application I use the following annotations:
In the entity class "Company" I have the following annotation
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Collection<Employee> employees;
and in class Employee
private Company company;
How does JPA know what column it should use to determine all employees of a company. The annotations do not hold this information, but the application works.
Thank you

The ManyToOne side is missing the optional JoinColumn annotation, which in turn has the optional name attribute defaulting to:
The concatenation of the following: the name of the referencing relationship property or field of the referencing entity or embeddable class; "(underscore)"; the name of the referenced primary key column. If there is no such referencing relationship property or field in the entity, or if the join is for an element collection, the join column name is formed as the concatenation of the following: the name of the entity; "(underscore)"; the name of the referenced primary key column.
On the other side of the relationship, the OneToMany side, it's missing the mappedBy attribute (it should be equal to the name of the field that owns the relationship, in your case "company"). Javadoc says that this attribute is required unless the relationship is unidirectional, so there are chances that the JPA implementation you are using is assuming the relationship is unidirectional.


OneToOne Join On Non-Primary Column Spring Data JPA Hibernate

I am using Spring data JPA(Hibernate).
I am trying to join my tables (Table A & Table B) but on Non-Primary Columns. Is it possible to actually do that? I am trying to use referenceColumnName, but it seems to not working, giving error :
Cannot set int to Integer.
When I am removing referenceColumnName, then it is working but obviously it is joining with Primary Key. Also in case of One-to-one Bidirectional, where should I place mappedBy & JoinColumn?
The annotation #JoinColumn indicates that this entity is the owner of the relationship (that is: the corresponding table has a column with a foreign key to the referenced table), whereas the attribute mappedBy indicates that the entity in this side is the inverse of the relationship, and the owner resides in the "other" entity.
Regarding the other question of using joining tables on Non-Primary columns, there are plenty of threads why don't you go through. for example
Does the JPA specification allow references to non-primary key columns?

Why does EclipseLink support the #CascadeOnDelete with #ElementCollection?

I have the following embeddable class that contains an #Lob:
public class EntityState {
private Integer version;
private char[] xmlState;
I also have the following embeddable class that contains the above embeddable:
public class EntityEvent {
private String note;
private EntityState entityState;
Finally, I have many entity classes that contain a property called history that is a list of EntityEvents. The following is an example:
public class Company {
private List<EntityEvent> history;
When I deploy my application in GlassFish 4.1, EclipseLink creates the following tables in my Derby database:
When I create a new Company, my application creates an EntityEvent and adds the EntityEvent to the Company history.
When I modify a Company, my application does the following:
Creates an EntityState object and sets the xmlState property to an XML representation of the unmodified entity.
Creates an EntityEvent object containing the above EntityState.
Adds the EntityEvent to the Company history.
The problem is that when I try to delete an entity that has a history with multiple EntityEvents I receive the following error:
Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.2.v20140319-9ad6abd): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Comparisons between 'CLOB (UCS_BASIC)' and 'CLOB (UCS_BASIC)' are not supported. Types must be comparable. String types must also have matching collation. If collation does not match, a possible solution is to cast operands to force them to the default collation (e.g. SELECT tablename FROM sys.systables WHERE CAST(tablename AS VARCHAR(128)) = 'T1')
Error Code: 20000 Call: DELETE FROM Company_HISTORY WHERE ((((((((((CHANGES = ?) AND (CLIENTTYPE = ?)) AND (CREATED = ?)) AND (IPADDRESS = ?)) AND (NOTE = ?)) AND (TYPE = ?)) AND (VERSION = ?)) AND (XMLSTATE = ?)) AND (CREATER_ID = ?)) AND (Company_ID = ?)) bind => [10 parameters bound]
I found a few references to the issue in the following links:
Hibernate - #ElementCollection - Strange delete/insert behavior
I tried the #OrderColumn technique described in the above referenced stackoverflow article but this did not work in EclipseLink.
The solution that work for me was to add the EclipseLink nonstandard #CascadeOnDelete annotation to my entity as shown below:
public class Company {
private List<EntityEvent> history;
After performing this change and rebuilding my database, my COMPANY_HISTORY table has a new definition:
Without #CascadeOnDelete
With #CascadeOnDelete
The solution to my problem surprised me because it seems repetitive. My understanding is that JPA should delete all embeddables associated with an entity when the entity is deleted. The fact that EclipseLink has this nonstandard annotation as documented in the following link makes me think that EclipseLink has a bug and instead of fixing the bug created a new #CascadeOnDelete annotation so that the bug would be covered up by the databases cascading delete functionality.
So my question is why. Why does EclipseLink support the #CascadeOnDelete with #ElementCollection?
CascadeOnDelete is simply a feature that specifies that you have specified the "On Delete Cascade" option in your tables, so that JPA does not need to issue SQL to delete the corresponding references. This SQL can apply to any reference, which is why CascadeOnDelete works on an element collection mapping and any other referene mapping.
Your issue has to do with lob comparison limitation in your database, and since there isn't an ID field to uniquely identify element collection rows, this limitation interferes with the way EclipseLink tries to ensure it is only removing the required rows. If you were willing to add an order column to your table, why not just make the EntityEvent an Entity? Or you can customize EclipseLink as described here so that it uses the foreign key and an orderBy field or any combination of fields as a primary key to uniquely identify rows instead of including the lob field.

Association with Different Column Names in Entity Framework

I have a table Person with a Primary Key of PersonId. I have another table CheckDetails with a column named DirectorId. There is a Foreign Key between Person.PersonId and CheckDetails.DirectorId. It is a 1-to-Many relationship
I created 3 entities: Person, Director, and CheckDetail.
Person maps back to the Person table and has PersonId as its key.
Director inherits from Person and has an ICollection of CheckDetail.
CheckDetail has Director property named Director.
I used the following when mapping Director:
HasRequired( d => d.CheckDetails ).WithMany( ).HasForeignKey( d => d.PersonId );
but I get the following error: The foreign key component 'PersonId' is not a declared property on type 'Director'. Verify that it has not been explicitly excluded from the model and that it is a valid primitive property.
How do I create this association?

How JPA knows the foreign key field from a mappedBy attribute?

In this example here
I understand what the mappedBy attribute is doing. It is telling JPA that the foreign key exists in Users table. But the foreign key in db is a field, but here they are designating a whole object
as foreign key. How does JPA know which field inside BillingInfo object serves as foreign key?
mappedBy = "billingInfo" doesn't say where the foreign key is. It's telling Hibernate that the annotated field (user) constitutes the inverse side of a bidirectional association, and that the owning side of this association is the field User.billingInfo.
Hibernate thus looks how the User.billingInfo is mapped to know how this bidirectional association must be mapped.
In this case, the only annotation on User.billingInfo is #OneToOne. Since that doesn't say how the association is mapped, the defaults specified in the JPS specification will apply, and, IIRC, a join column named "billingInfo_id" will be used.

JPA: Give a name to a Foreign Key on DB?

I have a simple questions. How can I give a name to the Foreign Key relations that arise from the # ManyToOne annotation ?
With JPA 2.1 you can just do this with the foreignKey annotation:
import javax.persistence.ForeignKey;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
#JoinColumn(name = "company_id", nullable = false, foreignKey = #ForeignKey(name="FK_COMPANY__ROUTE"))
private Company company;
Do not confuse with the deprecated hibernate equivalent
As of JPA 2.1 it is possible to define foreign keys via #ForeignKey annotation.
Unfortunately, it is not very useful if you only need to change the name. If you specify custom name of the FK, you also have to specify SQL definition of the FK. That is at least the way it works in EclipseLink 2.5.0.
If you are interested in naming the column used in the foreign key, one may specify the name of the column used to create the foreign key, using the #JoinColumn annotation along with the #ManyToOne annotation. The value of the name attribute of the #JoinColumn annotation is used by the JPA provider to map the column name in the table to the entity's attribute.
However, the name of the foreign key constraint created itself cannot be configured. At the time of writing this, it is not possible to specify the name of the foreign key constraint using a JPA annotation or configuration parameter in the OR mapping files. If you need to change the name of the foreign key constraint, then you must create the DDL statement yourself, instead of relying on the JPA provider to do this.
I think #ForeignKey doesn't work with #JoinTables or I don't know how to set custom names by this, I have tried it on #JoinTable->foreignKey and #JoinColumn->foreignKey