What do we mean by "top percentile" or TP based latency? - latency

When we discuss performance of a distributed system we use the terms tp50, tp90, tp99.99 TPS.
Could someone explain what do we mean by those?

tp90 is a maximum time under which 90% of requests have been served.
Imagine you have times:
Calculating TP is very simple:
sort all times in ascending order: [2s, 10s, 100s, 1000s]
find latest item in portion you need to calculate. For TP50 it will ceil(4*.5)=2 requests. You need 2nd request. For TP90 it will be ceil(4*.9)=4. You need 4th request.
get time for the item found above. TP50=10s. TP90=1000s

Say if we are referring to in-terms of performance of an API, TP90 is the max time under which 90% of requests have been served.
TPx: Max response time taken by xth percentile of requests.
time taken by 10 requests in ms [2,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] - there are 10 response times
TP100 = 10
TP90 = 9
TP50 = 5


Limit 100 requests per min setup in Jmeter is not working

I have tried couple of suggestions as mentioned in other sites on how to configure/Limit 100 requests per minute for a given REST endpoint for a single user. its not working !
Can someone please guide me to setup on how to limit a 100 requests for a given REST endpoint?
Thankyou in Advance!!
The easiest way is adding Constant Throughput Timer however be aware that it's precise enough on minute level so you will have to let your test to run for at least a minute before you start seeing the rate limiting, if your test throughput is higher during the first minute - consider playing with ramp-up.
If you have only 1 user and your test runs for a minute or less you will have to consider the following options:
Precise Throughput Timer
Throughput Shaping Timer
the latter one is extremely easy to use and it provides visual way of defining the target throughput:

Designs for counting occurrences of events in streaming processing?

The following discussion is in the context of Apache Flink:
Imagine that we have a keyedStream whose key is its id and event time is its timestamp, if we want to calculate how many events arrived within 10 minutes for each event.
The problems need to be solved are:
How to design the window ?
We can create a window of 10 minutes after each event arrives, but this mean that for each event, there will be a delay of 10 minutes because the wait for the window of 10 minutes.
We can create a window of 10 minutes which takes the timestamp of each event as the maximum timestamp in this window, which means that we don't need to wait for 10 minutes, because we take the last 10 minutes of elements before the element arrives. But this kind of window is not easy to define, as far as I know.
How to deal with memory or other resource issues ? Even we succeed to create a window, maybe the kind of ids of events are diverse, so many window like this, how the system keep their states in the memory ? There is a big possibility of stakoverflow of memory.
Maybe there are some problems that I don't mention here, or maybe there are some good solutions except window(i.e. Patterns). If you have a good solutions, please give me a clue, thank you.
You could do this with a GlobalWindow and a Trigger than fires on every event and an Evictor that removes events that are more than 10 minutes old before counting the remaining events. (A naive implementation could easily perform very poorly, however.)
Yes, this may require keeping a lot of state -- you'll be keeping every event from the past 10 minutes (well, you only need to store the timestamp from each event). If you setup the RocksDB state backend then Flink will spill to disk if need be, but with some obvious performance penalty. Probably better to use a cluster large enough to hold 10 minutes of traffic in memory. Even at one million events per second, each with a 32-bit timestamp, that's only 2.4GB in 10 minutes (1 million events per second x 600 seconds x 4 bytes per event) -- doesn't seem like a problem at all.

rate limit policy on queries to Azure Insights REST API for Events (Audit Logs)

I have some questions regarding Azure Insights REST Api for Events.
When I make HTTP request to Inisghts API for events, I receive the header "
x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-reads", with value "14999".
But next query in 1s returns me the same value of remaining reads.
I see there is some throttling policy there, but I would like to understand how it works and what is the correct way to deal with that.
In particular,
1) how many reads I am able to do per second?
2) if I exceed the whole remaining reads parameter, how much time should I wait before it will again be maximum?
3) is it decreased on every query attempt, despite of the $top parameter setted and how many results has been returned?
Thank you!
This article seems to have the responses you need.
To answer the questions based on it:
There is no limit to the number of requests per second, but you have 15k
requests/hour/subscription/region/instance of ARM region. Worst case scenario you will get throttled after 15k requests but you'd have to be extremely unlucky for that.
If you exceed the limit, you are
told how much you have to wait and you can integrate that logic by
looking at the Retry-After header. Happily, it's a matter of
I believe the $top parameter doesn't affect the query since
no matter how many results are brought back, a paging request is
still just one request.
As for the fact that you get 14999 requests
remaining multiple times, as they say in their documentation it is
expected since an ARM region has multiple instances and each instance has
15k requests limit/subscription/hour. If you hit simultaneously and
you get the same number remaining, it just means that you were lucky
enough to hit different instances within the same ARM region.
1) how many reads I am able to do per second?
Based on the rate limits published here - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/azure-subscription-service-limits/#subscription-limits, you can perform 15000 reads / hour (not sure it would translate to 4 reads / second).
2) if I exceed the whole remaining reads parameter, how much time
should I wait before it will again be maximum?
Given the rates are defined per hour, my guess would be to wait till next hour if you exhaust 15000 read request limit.
3) is it decreased on every query attempt, despite of the $top
parameter setted and how many results has been returned?
This is based on the number of API calls and not the amount of data returned. So I would say defining $top parameter should not have any impact on this.
When I make HTTP request to Inisghts API for events, I receive the
header " x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-reads", with value
"14999". But next query in 1s returns me the same value of remaining
I would assume there's some caching in play here. Is it the same request you're repeating or a different request all together?

Whats the batch request limit for Facebooks Graph API?

Does anyone know whats the limit for batch requests when using FBs graph API?
From their documentation:
We currently limit the number of batch requests to 20.
That's not clear. Is that 20 per 600 seconds? Per day? Total for one app ever?
It is 50 now. 50 request/batch
It means that 20 individual requests are allowed to be batched together into a single batched request, which saves you from sending 20 individual http requests over at the same time.
If you have more than twenty (20) you can build an array and then break them into groups of 20 or less and loop them thru your PHP in one "session". We have one app that will run 600 - 700 OG requests but it is sloooooooow, up to 300 seconds, some times, depending on FB.

What does server throughput mean

If the throughput is increase how will be changed the response and request time?
If I have the data(request/min)?
JMeter's definition of throughput can be seen here: https://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/glossary.html
Basically its a measure of how many requests that JMeter were able to send to your test site/application in one second. Or in another word the number of requests that your test site/application was able to receive from JMeter in one second. An increase in the throughput will mean your site/application was able to receive more requests per second while a decrease will mean a reduction in the number of request it handled per second.
The relationship between throughput with response/request time totally depends as ysth stated. I typically use this number to see the load of the server but run the test several times (30x min) and take the average.
There's not necessarily a relationship. Can you tell us anything more about why you want to know this, what you plan to do with the information, etc.? It may help get you an answer better suited to your needs.
After completion of the project development as a developer, we are responsible to test the performance of the application.
As part of performance testing, we have to check
1)Response time of application
2)bottle nack of application
3)Throughput of application
Throughput of application:-
In general 'Request capacity of application in a given time.'
As per Apache JMeter doc :-
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).