how to get static block content custom attributes by block id in magento - magento-1.7

I am creating this below block content in admin HTML. I cant able to get the slidertype attributes in 3columns.phtml but in template page i can get
So kindly give the solution that how to get the following attributes.
{{block type="catalog/product_bestseller" name="bestseller" slidercount="20" slidertype="1" template="catalog/product/bestseller_right.phtml"}}

I am using the below code to get static block attribute value. Its working fine for us.
$bestSellerBlock = Mage::getModel('cms/block')
$bestSellerContentText = strip_tags($bestSellerBlock->getContent());
$sliderType = trim($sliderTypeArray[1]);
Arularasan D.


Magento 2 with Full Page Cache: How to get product ID from a product page?

I am trying to find a solution to what seems to be a FPC-linked issue.
In my code I am using the following method in order to get the current product ID from a Product page.
This worked just fine until I tried it on a website with Full Page Cache: in this case, it returns an empty value (maybe because the session data cannot be accessed from cache).
Does anyone know an alternative method to get the product ID from the current context?
I have tried this alternative synthax:
While not the best solution and definitely not best practice, you can use objectmanager:
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$product = $objectManager->get('Magento\Framework\Registry')->registry('current_product');
$id = $product->getId();
This will get you the id but, as stated above, it's not suggested and you should create a block and inject the registry there and call it in your code.
You can see this post

Get website name using TypoScript?

Is there a way to get the website name using TypoScript?
In my TypoScript template I am using
data = page : name
to get the name of the current page I am on e.g. About.
I need to get the webiste name as well, so I have tried
data = site : name
but this is not correct and I can't find the correct data name for the website name in the documentation.
NOTE: by website name I mean the Sitename entered in the template settings.
I found this solution on from Waldgeist. It reads from the TSFE without a DB query.
lib.siteTitle = TEXT
data = TSFE:tmpl|sitetitle
attribute = property
With line below you need to know used uid of the TypoScript template entry from table sys_template, where uid=1 in example below:
data = DB:sys_template:1:title
Or maybe you want use the sitename as set for your installation:
data = GLOBAL:TYPO3_CONF_VARS|SYS|sitename

Redirect to last page when overlay comment-form is used

I've got a view (phase4) with some custom content type content in it, where the users may comment on.
When the users want to comment, the comment form should appear in a modal form. I solved this by using the admin overlay.
Adding following function to my custom module:
function phase2_admin_paths_alter(&$paths) {
$paths['comment/reply/*'] = TRUE;
and using following link:
to open the comment form in a modal way. So far so good... but....
How do I redirect the user back to the page, the user was coming from.
I know that I have to overwrite the #action of the form in the template_form_FORMID_alter, like
$form['#action'] = $lasturl;
but how do I get the last url, so that it is reusable (so hardcoding the url isn't an option)?
My first idea was that I transfer the last url by adding it to the url as a $_GET-parameter, but it looks like this:
I also tried it with drupal_get_destination(), but either with no success, because of the tranformation of the "?" and the "=" in the url.
Are there other ways to find out where the user was coming from?
Note: phase4 isn't the alias of node 161. Phase 4 is a view, where node 161 is an element of.
You have to use the drupal_get_destination() function with l() function to create such links.
$destination = drupal_get_destination(); // Store current path

Magnolia HierarchyManager and Content are depreciated. How do I replicate functionality using Session and jcrNode?

I'm trying to do some logic in my Spring controller where I route to a website node based on the template used in another website node.
I can use LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil.getHierarchyManager("website").getContent("mynodepath").getTemplate() to do this, but I see that the HierarchyManager and Content classes are depreciated.
I looked at the Session class, but I have thus far been unable to figure out how to get the Template id based on the jcrNode.
You can use instead:
javax.jcr.Session jcrSession = LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil.getSession("website");
Node mynode = jcrSession.getNode("/my/node/path");
info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData metaData = info.magnolia.jcr.util.MetaDataUtil.getMetaData(mynode);
String template = metaData.getTemplate();
Basically, instead of getHierarchyManager("website").getContent("mynodepath") you should use

How do I format HTML code in Code Mirror when the value is set to it?

I am using the Code Mirror plugin to edit HTML source of a page. The HTML code is fetched from database and set as value in Code Mirror. But, after setting the value it is displayed in the same format in which it was saved in the database. How can I display it in proper format? Thanks in advance.
There is a function called autoFormatRange
This fragment from the CodeMirror Group might be what you need:
function autoFormat() {
var totalLines = editor.lineCount();
var totalChars = editor.getTextArea().value.length;
editor.autoFormatRange({line:0, ch:0}, {line:totalLines, ch:totalChars});