Perl booleans, negation (and how to explain it)? - perl

I'm new here. After reading through how to ask and format, I hope this will be an OK question. I'm not very skilled in perl, but it is the programming language what I known most.
I trying apply Perl to real life but I didn't get an great understanding - especially not from my wife. I tell her that:
if she didn't bring to me 3 beers in the evening, that means I got zero (or nothing) beers.
As you probably guessed, without much success. :(
Now factually. From perlop:
Unary "!" performs logical negation, that is, "not".
Languages, what have boolean types (what can have only two "values") is OK:
if it is not the one value -> must be the another one.
so naturally:
!true -> false
!false -> true
But perl doesn't have boolean variables - have only a truth system, whrere everything is not 0, '0' undef, '' is TRUE. Problem comes, when applying logical negation to an not logical value e.g. numbers.
E.g. If some number IS NOT 3, thats mean it IS ZERO or empty, instead of the real life meaning, where if something is NOT 3, mean it can be anything but 3 (e.g. zero too).
So the next code:
use 5.014;
use Strictures;
my $not_3beers = !3;
say defined($not_3beers) ? "defined, value>$not_3beers<" : "undefined";
say $not_3beers ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
my $not_4beers = !4;
printf qq{What is not 3 nor 4 mean: They're same value: %d!\n}, $not_3beers if( $not_3beers == $not_4beers );
say qq(What is not 3 nor 4 mean: #{[ $not_3beers ? "some bears" : "no bears" ]}!) if( $not_3beers eq $not_4beers );
say ' $not_3beers>', $not_3beers, "<";
say '-$not_3beers>', -$not_3beers, "<";
say '+$not_3beers>', -$not_3beers, "<";
defined, value><
What is not 3 nor 4 mean: They're same value: 0!
What is not 3 nor 4 mean: no bears!
perl -E 'say !!4'
what is not not 4 IS 1, instead of 4!
The above statements with wife are "false" (mean 0) :), but really trying teach my son Perl and he, after a while, asked my wife: why, if something is not 3 mean it is 0 ? .
So the questions are:
how to explain this to my son
why perl has this design, so why !0 is everytime 1
Is here something "behind" what requires than !0 is not any random number, but 0.
as I already said, I don't know well other languages - in every language is !3 == 0?

I think you are focussing to much on negation and too little on what Perl booleans mean.
Historical/Implementation Perspective
What is truth? The detection of a higher voltage that x Volts.
On a higher abstraction level: If this bit here is set.
The abstraction of a sequence of bits can be considered an integer. Is this integer false? Yes, if no bit is set, i.e. the integer is zero.
A hardware-oriented language will likely use this definition of truth, e.g. C, and all C descendants incl Perl.
The negation of 0 could be bitwise negation—all bits are flipped to 1—, or we just set the last bit to 1. The results would usually be decoded as integers -1 and 1 respectively, but the latter is more energy efficient.
Pragmatic Perspective
It is convenient to think of all numbers but zero as true when we deal with counts:
my $wordcount = ...;
if ($wordcount) {
say "We found $wordcount words";
} else {
say "There were no words";
say "The array is empty" unless #array; # notice scalar context
A pragmatic language like Perl will likely consider zero to be false.
Mathematical Perspective
There is no reason for any number to be false, every number is a well-defined entity. Truth or falseness emerges solely through predicates, expressions which can be true or false. Only this truth value can be negated. E.g.
¬(x ≤ y) where x = 2, y = 3
is false. Many languages which have a strong foundation in maths won't consider anything false but a special false value. In Lisps, '() or nil is usually false, but 0 will usually be true. That is, a value is only true if it is not nil!
In such mathematical languages, !3 == 0 is likely a type error.
Re: Beers
Beers are good. Any number of beers are good, as long as you have one:
my $beers = ...;
if (not $beers) {
say "Another one!";
} else {
say "Aaah, this is good.";
Boolification of a beer-counting variable just tells us if you have any beers. Consider !! to be a boolification operator:
my $enough_beer = !! $beers;
The boolification doesn't concern itself with the exact amount. But maybe any number ≥ 3 is good. Then:
my $enough_beer = ($beers >= 3);
The negation is not enough beer:
my $not_enough_beer = not($beers >= 3);
my $not_enough_beer = not $beers;
fetch_beer() if $not_enough_beer;
A Perl scalar does not symbolize a whole universe of things. Especially, not 3 is not the set of all entities that are not three. Is the expression 3 a truthy value? Yes. Therefore, not 3 is a falsey value.
The suggested behaviour of 4 == not 3 to be true is likely undesirable: 4 and “all things that are not three” are not equal, the four is just one of many things that are not three. We should write it correctly:
4 != 3 # four is not equal to three
not( 4 == 3 ) # the same
It might help to think of ! and not as logical-negation-of, but not as except.
How to teach
It might be worth introducing mathematical predicates: expressions which can be true or false. If we only ever “create” truthness by explicit tests, e.g. length($str) > 0, then your issues don't arise. We can name the results: my $predicate = (1 < 2), but we can decide to never print them out, instead: print $predicate ? "True" : "False". This sidesteps the problem of considering special representations of true or false.
Considering values to be true/false directly would then only be a shortcut, e.g. foo if $x can considered to be a shortcut for
foo if defined $x and length($x) > 0 and $x != 0;
Perl is all about shortcuts.
Teaching these shortcuts, and the various contexts of perl and where they turn up (numeric/string/boolean operators) could be helpful.
List Context
Even-sized List Context
Scalar Context
Numeric Context
String Context
Boolean Context
Void Context

as I already said, I don't know well other languages - in every language is !3 == 0?
Yes. In C (and thus C++), it's the same.
void main() {
int i = 3;
int n = !i;
int nn = !n;
printf("!3=%i ; !!3=%i\n", n, nn);
Prints (see )
!3=0 ; !!3=1
how to explain this to my son
Very simple. !3 means "opposite of some non-false value, which is of course false". This is called "context" - in a Boolean context imposed by negation operator, "3" is NOT a number, it's a statement of true/false.
The result is also not a "zero" but merely something that's convenient Perl representation of false - which turns into a zero if used in a numeric context (but an empty string if used in a string context - see the difference between 0 + !3 and !3 . "a")
The Boolean context is just a special kind of scalar context where no conversion to a string or a number is ever performed. (perldoc perldata)
why perl has this design, so why !0 is everytime 1
See above. Among other likely reasons (though I don't know if that was Larry's main reason), C has the same logic and Perl took a lot of its syntax and ideas from C.
For a VERY good underlying technical detail, see the answers here: " What do Perl functions that return Boolean actually return " and here: " Why does Perl use the empty string to represent the boolean false value? "
Is here something "behind" what requires than !0 is not any random number, but 0.
Nothing aside from simplicity of implementation. It's easier to produce a "1" than a random number.
if you're asking a different question of "why is it 1 instead of the original # that was negated to get 0", the answer to that is simple - by the time Perl interpreter gets to negate that zero, it no longer knows/remembers that zero was a result of "!3" as opposed to some other expression that resulted in a value of zero/false.

If you want to test that a number is not 3, then use this:
my_variable != 3;
Using the syntax !3, since ! is a boolean operator, first converts 3 into a boolean (even though perl may not have an official boolean type, it still works this way), which, since it is non-zero, means it gets converted to the equivalent of true. Then, !true yields false, which, when converted back to an integer context, gives 0. Continuing with that logic shows how !!3 converts 3 to true, which then is inverted to false, inverted again back to true, and if this value is used in an integer context, gets converted to 1. This is true of most modern programming languages (although maybe not some of the more logic-centered ones), although the exact syntax may vary some depending on the language...

Logically negating a false value requires some value be chosen to represent the resulting true value. "1" is as good a choice as any. I would say it is not important which value is returned (or conversely, it is important that you not rely on any particular true value being returned).


Calculating the e number using Raku

I'm trying to calculate the e constant (AKA Euler's Number) by calculating the formula
In order to calculate the factorial and division in one shot, I wrote this:
my #e = 1, { state $a=1; 1 / ($_ * $a++) } ... *;
say reduce * + * , #e[^10];
But it didn't work out. How to do it correctly?
I analyze your code in the section Analyzing your code. Before that I present a couple fun sections of bonus material.
One liner One letter1
say e; # 2.718281828459045
"A treatise on multiple ways"2
Click the above link to see Damian Conway's extraordinary article on computing e in Raku.
The article is a lot of fun (after all, it's Damian). It's a very understandable discussion of computing e. And it's a homage to Raku's bicarbonate reincarnation of the TIMTOWTDI philosophy espoused by Larry Wall.3
As an appetizer, here's a quote from about halfway through the article:
Given that these efficient methods all work the same way—by summing (an initial subset of) an infinite series of terms—maybe it would be better if we had a function to do that for us. And it would certainly be better if the function could work out by itself exactly how much of that initial subset of the series it actually needs to include in order to produce an accurate answer...rather than requiring us to manually comb through the results of multiple trials to discover that.
And, as so often in Raku, it’s surprisingly easy to build just what we need:
sub Σ (Unary $block --> Numeric) {
Analyzing your code
Here's the first line, generating the series:
my #e = 1, { state $a=1; 1 / ($_ * $a++) } ... *;
The closure ({ code goes here }) computes a term. A closure has a signature, either implicit or explicit, that determines how many arguments it will accept. In this case there's no explicit signature. The use of $_ (the "topic" variable) results in an implicit signature that requires one argument that's bound to $_.
The sequence operator (...) repeatedly calls the closure on its left, passing the previous term as the closure's argument, to lazily build a series of terms until the endpoint on its right, which in this case is *, shorthand for Inf aka infinity.
The topic in the first call to the closure is 1. So the closure computes and returns 1 / (1 * 1) yielding the first two terms in the series as 1, 1/1.
The topic in the second call is the value of the previous one, 1/1, i.e. 1 again. So the closure computes and returns 1 / (1 * 2), extending the series to 1, 1/1, 1/2. It all looks good.
The next closure computes 1 / (1/2 * 3) which is 0.666667. That term should be 1 / (1 * 2 * 3). Oops.
Making your code match the formula
Your code is supposed to match the formula:
In this formula, each term is computed based on its position in the series. The kth term in the series (where k=0 for the first 1) is just factorial k's reciprocal.
(So it's got nothing to do with the value of the prior term. Thus $_, which receives the value of the prior term, shouldn't be used in the closure.)
Let's create a factorial postfix operator:
sub postfix:<!> (\k) { [×] 1 .. k }
(× is an infix multiplication operator, a nicer looking Unicode alias of the usual ASCII infix *.)
That's shorthand for:
sub postfix:<!> (\k) { 1 × 2 × 3 × .... × k }
(I've used pseudo metasyntactic notation inside the braces to denote the idea of adding or subtracting as many terms as required.
More generally, putting an infix operator op in square brackets at the start of an expression forms a composite prefix operator that is the equivalent of reduce with => &[op],. See Reduction metaoperator for more info.
Now we can rewrite the closure to use the new factorial postfix operator:
my #e = 1, { state $a=1; 1 / $a++! } ... *;
Bingo. This produces the right series.
... until it doesn't, for a different reason. The next problem is numeric accuracy. But let's deal with that in the next section.
A one liner derived from your code
Maybe compress the three lines down to one:
say [+] .[^10] given 1, { 1 / [×] 1 .. ++$ } ... Inf
.[^10] applies to the topic, which is set by the given. (^10 is shorthand for 0..9, so the above code computes the sum of the first ten terms in the series.)
I've eliminated the $a from the closure computing the next term. A lone $ is the same as (state $), an anonynous state scalar. I made it a pre-increment instead of post-increment to achieve the same effect as you did by initializing $a to 1.
We're now left with the final (big!) problem, pointed out by you in a comment below.
Provided neither of its operands is a Num (a float, and thus approximate), the / operator normally returns a 100% accurate Rat (a limited precision rational). But if the denominator of the result exceeds 64 bits then that result is converted to a Num -- which trades performance for accuracy, a tradeoff we don't want to make. We need to take that into account.
To specify unlimited precision as well as 100% accuracy, simply coerce the operation to use FatRats. To do this correctly, just make (at least) one of the operands be a FatRat (and none others be a Num):
say [+] .[^500] given 1, { 1.FatRat / [×] 1 .. ++$ } ... Inf
I've verified this to 500 decimal digits. I expect it to remain accurate until the program crashes due to exceeding some limit of the Raku language or Rakudo compiler. (See my answer to Cannot unbox 65536 bit wide bigint into native integer for some discussion of that.)
1 Raku has a few important mathematical constants built in, including e, i, and pi (and its alias π). Thus one can write Euler's Identity in Raku somewhat like it looks in math books. With credit to RosettaCode's Raku entry for Euler's Identity:
# There's an invisible character between <> and i⁢π character pairs!
sub infix:<⁢> (\left, \right) is tighter(&infix:<**>) { left * right };
# Raku doesn't have built in symbolic math so use approximate equal
say e**i⁢π + 1 ≅ 0; # True
2 Damian's article is a must read. But it's just one of several admirable treatments that are among the 100+ matches for a google for 'raku "euler's number"'.
3 See TIMTOWTDI vs TSBO-APOO-OWTDI for one of the more balanced views of TIMTOWTDI written by a fan of python. But there are downsides to taking TIMTOWTDI too far. To reflect this latter "danger", the Perl community coined the humorously long, unreadable, and understated TIMTOWTDIBSCINABTE -- There Is More Than One Way To Do It But Sometimes Consistency Is Not A Bad Thing Either, pronounced "Tim Toady Bicarbonate". Strangely enough, Larry applied bicarbonate to Raku's design and Damian applies it to computing e in Raku.
There is fractions in $_. Thus you need 1 / (1/$_ * $a++) or rather $_ /$a++.
By Raku you could do this calculation step by step
1.FatRat,1,2,3 ... * #1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
andthen .produce: &[*] #1 1 2 6 24 120 720 5040 40320 362880
andthen .map: 1/* #1 1 1/2 1/6 1/24 1/120 1/720 1/5040 1/40320 1/362880 ...
andthen .produce: &[+] #1 2 2.5 2.666667 2.708333 2.716667 2.718056 2.718254 2.718279 2.718282 ...
andthen .[50].say #2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995957496696762772

Turn off Warning: Extension: Conversion from LOGICAL(4) to INTEGER(4) at (1) for gfortran?

I am intentionally casting an array of boolean values to integers but I get this warning:
Warning: Extension: Conversion from LOGICAL(4) to INTEGER(4) at (1)
which I don't want. Can I either
(1) Turn off that warning in the Makefile?
or (more favorably)
(2) Explicitly make this cast in the code so that the compiler doesn't need to worry?
The code will looking something like this:
A = (B.eq.0)
where A and B are both size (n,1) integer arrays. B will be filled with integers ranging from 0 to 3. I need to use this type of command again later with something like A = (B.eq.1) and I need A to be an integer array where it is 1 if and only if B is the requested integer, otherwise it should be 0. These should act as boolean values (1 for .true., 0 for .false.), but I am going to be using them in matrix operations and summations where they will be converted to floating point values (when necessary) for division, so logical values are not optimal in this circumstance.
Specifically, I am looking for the fastest, most vectorized version of this command. It is easy to write a wrapper for testing elements, but I want this to be a vectorized operation for efficiency.
I am currently compiling with gfortran, but would like whatever methods are used to also work in ifort as I will be compiling with intel compilers down the road.
Both merge and where work perfectly for the example in question. I will look into performance metrics on these and select the best for vectorization. I am also interested in how this will work with matrices, not just arrays, but that was not my original question so I will post a new one unless someone wants to expand their answer to how this might be adapted for matrices.
I have not found a compiler option to solve (1).
However, the type conversion is pretty simple. The documentation for gfortran specifies that .true. is mapped to 1, and false to 0.
Note that the conversion is not specified by the standard, and different values could be used by other compilers. Specifically, you should not depend on the exact values.
A simple merge will do the trick for scalars and arrays:
program test
integer :: int_sca, int_vec(3)
logical :: log_sca, log_vec(3)
log_sca = .true.
log_vec = [ .true., .false., .true. ]
int_sca = merge( 1, 0, log_sca )
int_vec = merge( 1, 0, log_vec )
print *, int_sca
print *, int_vec
end program
To address your updated question, this is trivial to do with merge:
A = merge(1, 0, B == 0)
This can be performed on scalars and arrays of arbitrary dimensions. For the latter, this can easily be vectorized be the compiler. You should consult the manual of your compiler for that, though.
The where statement in Casey's answer can be extended in the same way.
Since you convert them to floats later on, why not assign them as floats right away? Assuming that A is real, this could look like:
A = merge(1., 0., B == 0)
Another method to compliment #AlexanderVogt is to use the where construct.
program test
implicit none
integer :: int_vec(5)
logical :: log_vec(5)
log_vec = [ .true., .true., .false., .true., .false. ]
where (log_vec)
int_vec = 1
int_vec = 0
end where
print *, log_vec
print *, int_vec
end program test
This will assign 1 to the elements of int_vec that correspond to true elements of log_vec and 0 to the others.
The where construct will work for any rank array.
For this particular example you could avoid the logical all together:
Of course not so good for readability, but it might be ok performance-wise.
Edit, running performance tests this is 2-3 x faster than the where construct, and of course absolutely standards conforming. In fact you can throw in an absolute value and generalize as:
integer,parameter :: h=huge(1)
and still beat the where loop.

Algorithm to evaluate value of Boolean expression

I had programming interview which consisted of 3 interviewers, 45 min each.
While first two interviewers gave me 2-3 short coding questions (i.e reverse linked list, implement rand(7) using rand(5) etc ) third interviewer used whole timeslot for single question:
You are given string representing correctly formed and parenthesized
boolean expression consisting of characters T, F, &, |, !, (, ) an
spaces. T stands for True, F for False, & for logical AND, | for
logical OR, ! for negate. & has greater priority than |. Any of these
chars is followed by a space in input string. I was to evaluate value
of expression and print it (output should be T or F). Example: Input:
! ( T | F & F ) Output: F
I tried to implement variation of Shunting Yard algorithm to solve the problem (to turn input in postfix form, and then to evaluate postfix expression), but failed to code it properly in given timeframe, so I ended up explaining in pseudocode and words what I wanted.
My recruiter said that first two interviewers gave me "HIRE", while third interviewer gave me "NO HIRE", and since the final decision is "logical AND", he thanked me for my time.
My questions:
Do you think that this question is appropriate to code on whiteboard in approx. 40 mins? To me it seems to much code for such a short timeslot and dimensions of whiteboard.
Is there shorter approach than to use Shunting yard algorithm for this problem?
Well, once you have some experience with parsers postfix algorithm is quite simple.
1. From left to right evaluate for each char:
if its operand, push on the stack.
if its operator, pop A, then pop B then push B operand A onto the stack. Last item on the stack will be the result. If there's none or more than one means you're doing it wrong (assuming the postfix notation is valid).
Infix to postfix is quite simple as well. That being said I don't think it's an appropriate task for 40 minutes if You don't know the algorithms. Here is a boolean postfix evaluation method I wrote at some stage (uses Lambda as well):
public static boolean evaluateBool(String s)
Stack<Object> stack = new Stack<>();
StringBuilder expression =new StringBuilder(s);
if(ch=='0') stack.push(false);
else if(ch=='1') stack.push(true);
else if(ch=='A'||ch=='R'||ch=='X')
boolean op1 = (boolean) stack.pop();
boolean op2 = (boolean) stack.pop();
case 'A' : stack.push(op2&&op1); break;
case 'R' : stack.push(op2||op1); break;
case 'X' : stack.push(op2^op1); break;
boolean op1 = (boolean) stack.pop();
return (boolean) stack.pop();
In your case to make it working (with that snippet) you would first have to parse the expression and replace special characters like "!","|","^" etc with something plain like letters or just use integer char value in your if cases.

Is it Pythonic to use bools as ints?

False is equivalent to 0 and True is equivalent 1 so it's possible to do something like this:
def bool_to_str(value):
"""value should be a bool"""
return ['No', 'Yes'][value]
Notice how value is bool but is used as an int.
Is this this kind of use Pythonic or should it be avoided?
I'll be the odd voice out (since all answers are decrying the use of the fact that False == 0 and True == 1, as the language guarantees) as I claim that the use of this fact to simplify your code is perfectly fine.
Historically, logical true/false operations tended to simply use 0 for false and 1 for true; in the course of Python 2.2's life-cycle, Guido noticed that too many modules started with assignments such as false = 0; true = 1 and this produced boilerplate and useless variation (the latter because the capitalization of true and false was all over the place -- some used all-caps, some all-lowercase, some cap-initial) and so introduced the bool subclass of int and its True and False constants.
There was quite some pushback at the time since many of us feared that the new type and constants would be used by Python newbies to restrict the language's abilities, but Guido was adamant that we were just being pessimistic: nobody would ever understand Python so badly, for example, as to avoid the perfectly natural use of False and True as list indices, or in a summation, or other such perfectly clear and useful idioms.
The answers to this thread prove we were right: as we feared, a total misunderstanding of the roles of this type and constants has emerged, and people are avoiding, and, worse!, urging others to avoid, perfectly natural Python constructs in favor of useless gyrations.
Fighting against the tide of such misunderstanding, I urge everybody to use Python as Python, not trying to force it into the mold of other languages whose functionality and preferred style are quite different. In Python, True and False are 99.9% like 1 and 0, differing exclusively in their str(...) (and thereby repr(...)) form -- for every other operation except stringification, just feel free to use them without contortions. That goes for indexing, arithmetic, bit operations, etc, etc, etc.
I'm with Alex. False==0 and True==1, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Still, in Python 2.5 and later I'd write the answer to this particular question using Python's conditional expression:
def bool_to_str(value):
return 'Yes' if value else 'No'
That way there's no requirement that the argument is actually a bool -- just as if x: ... accepts any type for x, the bool_to_str() function should do the right thing when it is passed None, a string, a list, or 3.14.
def bool_to_str(value):
"value should be a bool"
return 'Yes' if value else 'No'
is more readable.
Your code seems inaccurate in some cases:
>>> def bool_to_str(value):
... """value should be a bool"""
... return ['No', 'Yes'][value]
>>> bool_to_str(-2)
And I recommend you to use just the conditional operator for readability:
def bool_to_str(value):
"""value should be a bool"""
return "Yes" if value else "No"
It is actually a feature of the language that False == 0 and True == 1 (it does not depend on the implementation): Is False == 0 and True == 1 in Python an implementation detail or is it guaranteed by the language?
However, I do agree with most of the other answers: there are more readable ways of obtaining the same result as ['No', 'Yes'][value], through the use of the … if value else … or of a dictionary, which have the respective advantages of hinting and stating that value is a boolean.
Plus, the … if value else … follows the usual convention that non-0 is True: it also works even when value == -2 (value is True), as hinted by dahlia. The list and dict approaches are not as robust, in this case, so I would not recommend them.
Using a bool as an int is quite OK because bool is s subclass of int.
>>> isinstance(True, int)
>>> isinstance(False, int)
About your code: Putting it in a one-line function like that is over the top. Readers need to find your function source or docs and read it (the name of the function doesn't tell you much). This interrupts the flow. Just put it inline and don't use a list (built at run time), use a tuple (built at compile time if the values are constants). Example:
print foo, bar, num_things, ("OK", "Too many!)[num_things > max_things]
Personally I think it depends on how do you want to use this fact, here are two examples
Just simply use boolean as conditional statement is fine. People do this all the time.
a = 0
if a:
do something
However say you want to count how many items has succeed, the code maybe not very friendly for other people to read.
def succeed(val):
if do_something(val):
return True
return False
count = 0
values = [some values to process]
for val in values:
count += succeed(val)
But I do see the production code look like this.
all_successful = all([succeed(val) for val in values])
at_least_one_successful = any([succeed(val) for val in values])
total_number_of_successful = sum([succeed(val) for val in values])

What's wrong with this Perl boolean syntax?

I have hack I need to employ under these conditions:
It's the last page of data.
It's not the first page, either.
There's not a page-size-even number of data items.
So I tried this code:
my $use_hack =
$last_page_number == $current_page_number and
$page_number != 1 and
$total_items % $items_per_page != 0;
And I keep getting this warning Useless use of numeric ne (!=) in void context about the last condition and it's evaluating true when $total_items % $items_per_page = 0.
say 'NOT EVEN' if $total_items % $items_per_page != 0; #works properly, though...
I've tried various combinations of parentheses to get it right, but nothing seems to work.
Okay, operator precedence. and has almost the lowest precedence of any operator in Perl, so Perl was evaluating the expression in a weird order. Switching to && instead got me correct results. Blarg.
The More You Know.
As Philip Potter pointed out below, Perl Best Practices (p.70) recommends always using &&,||, ! for boolean conditions - limiting and or and not for control flow because of their low precedence. (And it even goes so far as to say to never use and and not, only or for fallback logic.)
Thanks, everybody!
Enclose the RHS in parenthesis:
my $use_hack = (
$last_page_number == $current_page_number and
$page_number != 1 and
$total_items % $items_per_page != 0);
Assignment (=) is having higher precedence when compared to and operator. You can take a look at the Perl Operator Precedence.