Data interpolation over a non-homogeneous surface - matlab

In my project i deal with big data surfaces.
In a certain point, i have a line across the data, and I need the values of the points of the line.
The grid is non,homogeneous, it doesnt go from n:m with fixed steps nor nothing.
Lets ilustrate!
In the figure the 2D proyection of my data can be seen. Each of the points has also other 3 data information. I defined a arbitrary red line with the form y=ax+b. a and b are known.
How can I define i.e. 50 points in the line that has not only the x and y coords (wich is straigforward) but also the interpolation of the 3 data information of each of the points around it.
I know is not an easy question but I can't seem to step forward even a bit.
PD: realize I DONT want code written for me, but the idea of how to achieve my objective.

You could use a tool like triScatteredInterp, which will triangulate the 2-d domain, then interpolate a list of points along your line. Griddata is also an option.
I have a toolbox for problems like this (of course.) It allows me to build a triangulation of the non-convex domain in the (x,y) plane. Then it can form a completely general slice through that surface, interpolating in z also as it does so. The result will be a 1-manifold, in this case a piecewise linear function along that path in (x,y,z). While those tools are not posted on the file exchange, they are available for the person willing to invest the time to learn to use them.
If the surface you describe is a completely general one in 3-d, that might be fairly complex, then you might need a CRUST based tool to define that surface triangulation. These can be found online too. Once a triangulation is available, my tools can then be used to slice them. (Sorry, I never did finish that piece.)

What I did was to define several points in the crack line and then cheack for each one of them in wich quadrilateral it is with inpoligon matlab function (no tthe fastest way but less than 2 secs).
Then I created a triangular plane in the used quadrilaterals using x,y and Z or the othre data , achieving a linear interpolation between the data.
finally i take out all the points that are 0 o Nan.


Geometry from 2D point cloud with MATLAB

I have an unorganized point cloud and I want to compare ideal CAD geometry and profile measurement of an object. For example, I have a CAD data of ideal object and I have a point cloud like this;
How can I compare these two data? I know from CAD file, is point on the CAD data belongs to line or radius(Arc), but how can I derive radius error of an Arc or length error of a Line?
I tried to organize data with knnsearch but results are not satisfying.So, I tried to draw a line starting from a one point ( lets Say point 1) and I want to go next closest point ( Lets say Point 2). If closest neighbour of Point 2 is Point 1, then go to second closest point of Point 2. That algorithm seems to good for me but results are not satisfying also. Connection lines went one edge to other.
I also thought that, may be I should convert CAD data to point cloud and I have to compare each point of measurement with closest point on CAD point cloud. I know which points belong to line and which point belong the Arc and I can calculate mean error from a line or Arc. But end points of lines or arcs will be trouble I think. Comparison results at these points will have large error I think.
On the other hand, CAD geometry and measurements will not be convex and perfectly covered always. Some non-convex geometries can be measured. For example, you can see measurements of inverted V shape with lack of some points. It is the worst case;
If there are some errors on geometry estimation when measurements are not enough, it is acceptable for me.
CPU load is also important criteria for me. There are 10.000 points and I want to complete filterings and geometry matchings in 20 ms with i7 processors.
Are there any robust solution for this aim?
Ok, I'm answering my question. Matlab has built-in functions for computational geometry.
Boundary function of this module has solved my problem partially. I can use it for non-convex geometries. For convex geometries, I'm calculating center point of geometry by simple avaraging of points. Then, I'm sorting all points by atan2 function.
But I can't figure out how can I find geometries. One way is using CAD data and iterate described geometries in CAD data to minimize least square error between point cloud. Other way is, creating arc and lines from points directly. I dont which way will be faster and more robust.

Curve fitting, but I want to guarantee only one inflection point

I often find myself fitting a scatter plot, and knowing that the 'true fit' should have only one inflection point. Any ideas for forcing a fit that will obey this?
I am using Matlab and Microsoft Excel
Many thanks
Option 1:
I like to use spline smoothing with Akaike information criteria, and while it is a hyper-parametric fit and has a large number of analytic candidate inflection points, the smoothed data at the sample points tends to reveal only what is within the data.
If your data doesn't actually have an inflection point, this is indicated. If it does, it is also usually captured. Statistical jargon for an important cousin to this is called a "non-informative prior".
Try slides 30-31 here: link.
Option 2:
If you have an older version of MatLab then you can specify the exact model easily in the "cftool" (not the same as sftool) then get m-file that gives how you put it into your own script. Pick a model appropriate to your data.

Efficiently visualise large quantities of points with matlab.

I have a set of 3D points which numbers up around 1 million points. I am looking to visualise these with matlab.
I have tried the following functions:
But they are both very sluggish. Is there a more efficient way to visualise this level of points in matlab? Maybe a way to mesh the points?
If not can anyone suggest a plug-in or even a different program for visualising 3D points?
You're going to run into efficiency issues no matter what plugin/program you use if you want all million+ points to show up in a plot. My suggestion would be to downsample. Use the plot3 or scatter3 function on every other point, or every nth point, until you get a figure that is not sluggish. As long as the variance in your data isn't astronomical, downsampling a little bit shouldn't affect the overall distribution of points (given that you have a million+ points). And any software that is able to display that much data without being sluggish is most likely downsampling/binning or using some interpolation technique to do so (so you might as well have control over it).
fscatter3 from the file exchange, does what you like.
Is there a specific reason to actually have it display that many points?
I Googled around a bit and found some people who have had similar issues (someone suggested Avizo as an alternate program but I've never used it): (not clickable because I don't have enough rep to post more than two links)
An alternate solution would be to generate a histogram if you're more interested in the density of the data:
I you know beforehand roughly the coordinates of the feature you are looking for, try passing the cloud through a simple pass-through-filter, which essentially crops your point cloud. I.e. if you know that the feature is at a x-coordinate > 5, remove all points with x-coordinate < 5.
This filter could for the first coordinated be realized as
data = data(data(1,:) > 5,:);
Provided that your 3d data is stored in an n by 3 matrix.
This, together with downsampling, could help you out. If you still find the performance lagging, consider using something like the PCD viewer in PointCloudLibrary, check half way down the page at
It is a stand alone app you could launch from matlab. I find it's performance far better than the sluggish matlab plotting tools.
For anyone who is interested I ended up finding a Point cloud visualiser called Cloud Compare. It is extremely fast and allows selection and segmentation as well as filtering on point clouds.

how to make a smooth plot in matlab

I have about 100 data points which mostly satisfying a certain function (but some points are off). I would like to plot all those points in a smooth curve but the problem is the points are not uniformly distributed. So is that anyway to get the smooth curve? I am thinking to interpolate some points in between, but the only way that comes up to my mind is to linearly insert some artificial points between two data points. But that will show a pretty weird shape (like some sharp corner). So any better idea? Thanks.
If you know more or less what the actual curve should be, you can try to fit that curve to your points (e.g. using polyfit). Depending on how many points are off and how far, you can get by with least squares regression (which is fairly easy to get working). If you have too many outliers (or they are much too large/small), you can also try robust regression (e.g. least absolute deviation fitting) using the robustfit function.
If you can manually determine the outliers, you can also fit a curve through the other points to get better results or even use interpolation methods (e.g. interp1 in MATLAB) on those points to get a smoother curve.
If you know which function describes your data, robust fitting (using, e.g. ROBUSTFIT, or the new convenient functions LINEARMODEL and NONLINEARMODEL with the robust option) is a good way to go if there are outliers in your data.
If you don't know the function that describes your data, but want a smooth trendline that is little affected by outliers, SMOOTHN from the File Exchange does an excellent job in my experience.
Have you looked at the use of smoothing splines? Like interpolating splines, but with the knot points and coefficients chosen to minimise a least-squares error function. There is an excellent implementation available from Matlab central which I have used successfully.

Using matlab to calculate the properties of a polygon defined as a list of points

Does MATLAB have a built-in function to find general properties like center of mass & moments of inertia for a polygon defined as a list of (non-integer valued) points?
regionprops performs this task for integer valued points, on the assumption that these represent indices of pixels in an image. But the only functions I can find that treat non integral point lists are polyarea and inpolygon.
My kludge for now is to create a bwconncomp structure with all the points multiplied by some large value (like 10,000), then feeding it in to regionprops, but wondered if there is a more elegant solution.
You should check out the submission POLYGEOM by H.J. Sommer on the MathWorks File Exchange. It looks like it has all the property measurements you want, and nice documentation describing the formulae used in the code.
I don't know of a function in MATLAB that would do this for you.
However, poly2mask might be of use for you to create the pixel masks to feed into regionprops. I also suggest that, should you decide to go this route, you carefully test how much the discretization affects the results, so that you don't create crazy large arrays (and waste time) for no real gain in accuracy.
One possibility is to farm out the calculations to the Java Topology Suite. I don't know about "moments of inertia", but it does at least have a centroid method.