Getting an argument from a private constructor - scala

I want to get access to an argument in a private constructor without using mutable variables:
class Class1 {
val strArgPublic = // get strArg argument from the private constructor. How?
private def this(strArg: String) = {
I want not only get strArg and return it, but change it a little bit and return a new modified copy of it.
How can I do this?

There is not only private constructor in your class. There is also a public constructor. You should decide what will be a value of strArgPublic after public constructor. If there is should be no public constructor you should define your class like this:
class Class1 private(strArg: String) {
val strArgPublic = transform(strArg)
If there should be a parameterless public constructor you could define one as auxiliary constructor:
class Class1 private(strArg: String) {
val strArgPublic = transform(strArg)
def this() = this("default")


Call parent constructor with this as argument

I have a class that takes one of its subclasses as an argument. When constructing that subclass, I want to be able to use this as the value of that argument:
class A(val b: B)
class B extends A(this)
However, this fails to compile
this can be used only in a class, object, or template
[error] class B extends A(this)
[error] ^
Is there any way to get around this? I'm pretty sure that a pattern like this can be written in Java.
I'm not so sure about the last statement:
public class MyClass {
static class A {
A(B b) {
static class B extends A {
String value;;
B() {
value = "x";
public static void main(String args[]) {
new B();
gives the following error:
/ error: cannot reference this before supertype constructor has been called
There is no good reason to attempt to let the this reference escape the scope of the constructor before the object itself has been constructed. Refactor it.

Setting setter of an interface in class implementing it

Just begin with using kotlin in android-
I am trying to use setter of an interface in a class implementing it-
interface MyInterface {
val prop: Int // abstract
var propertyWithImplementation: String
get() = "foo"
set(text){"$text foo"}
fun foo() {
class Child : MyInterface {
override val prop: Int = 29
override var propertyWithImplementation="bhu"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Expected Output=bhu foo
Where am i going wrong?
You are overriding the var, not setting it, and not using the parent setter in the override, so it ends up not being used in any way. Setting it would look like e.g.
class Child : MyInterface {
override val prop: Int = 29
init {
but if you do that the output will be foo because that's what the getter always returns. And the setter doesn't actually set anything, it just creates a string and ignores it.
You don't have backing fields in an interface, so you'll need to store the value somewhere else, e.g.
interface MyInterface {
protected var backingProperty: String
var propertyWithImplementation: String
get() = backingProperty
set(text){ backingProperty = "$text foo" }
class Child {
override var backingProperty = "foo"
to fix this problem.

Get type of an object in a Haxe macro

I would like to get the class of an object in a macro so that I can access its static variables:
// autoBuild macro adds static field "id_ : Int" to all subclasses
class Base {
class Child1 extends Base {
public function new() {}
class Child2 extends Base {
public function new() {}
class Container {
public function addChild(index: Int, object: Base) {}
macro function add(object: ???) {
// find out class of on object
// ???
// var id = class.id_;
this.addChild(id, object);
Desired usage:
var c = new Container();
c.add(new Child1());
c.add(new Child2());
You can use Context.typeof() to get the expression's type - then you need to do a bit of pattern matching to find out the type's name. The following only works with classes because it only matches TInst, but could be extended:
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
class Container {
// [...]
public macro function add(self:Expr, object:Expr):Expr {
var name = switch (Context.typeof(object)) {
case TInst(_.get() => t, _):;
case _: throw "object type not found";
return macro $self.addChild($i{name}.id_, $object);
This will generate the following code:
var c = new Container();
c.addChild(Child1.id_, new Child1());
c.addChild(Child2.id_, new Child2());
Note that accessing _id via it's unqualified name is only safe if it's actually imported (or toplevel) - in practice you'd want to use t.pack in combination with $p{} to generate the fully qualified path.

Listen changes on abstract variable

So I have this abstract class:
export abstract class Foo {
// Can't do this, but I want to make sure the implementation sets "name"
//abstract name: string;
set name(value: string) {
// Do things
As I state in the code, I want to listen to the changes made to the attribute name inside Foo class, but keeping it abstract to make sure the programmer sets/implements the attribute somewhere.
Is there a way to make sure the programmer sets that variable or, at least, requires him to declare it.
Not sure if this is possible.
You can have a protected constructor which receives the name:
abstract class Foo {
protected constructor(public name: string) {}
Or you can declare an abstract method which returns it:
abstract class Foo {
public name: string;
protected constructor() { = this.getName();
protected abstract getName(): string;
You can call getName in a different place/time instead of in the constructor.

How to define func to a specific case of Enum in Swift?

enum Type {
case A
case B
func do() {
I would like do for available for case A
I don't think what you want is possible with enums.
However, it can be done with tricks.
First, create a class called Type:
class Type { private init() {} }
And create two classes, AType and BType to inherit Type:
// Put this in the same file as Type
class AType: Type { private init() {} }
class BType: Type { private init() {} }
The private initializer is to prevent external code to create AType and BType objects.
In Type, add these static properties:
static let A = AType()
static let B = BType()
Then you're basically done!
To add a method that only Type.A is accessible, just add it in the AType class!
This way, just like an enum, Type.A and Type.B can still be assigned to a Type object!