Can't gzip my mysqldump on the command line windows - command-line

I'm trying to make a back up of my MySQL db and zip the file.
Every time I try to run this command...
C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.5.24\bin\mysqldump.exe -u usernam -ppassword db_name | gzip > sites\\backups\backup-date.sql.gz
All I get is an error saying "'gzip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file'
I've used the following resources hoping they would help but have done nothing
All say the same thing but nothing happens.
Could someone please shine some light on what i am doing wrong?

I had this same problem myself with WAMP.
All you need to do is:
Download gzip.exe from here:
Place gzip.exe in your PHP folder

That is telling you that gzip is nowhere your system can find. You can blame however you installed gzip.
Check the value of your $PATH environment (or system) variable. Then install a copy of gzip in one of those directories.

Yes, you have to put zip.exe in your wamp folder, like wamp/bin/mysql/[your mysql version]/bin.

Find or install gzip locally. After that directly in PHP folder create just gzip.bat file, specify the fully qualified path to existing gzip binary file and save.
For example:C:\git\bin\gzip.exe
It's not necessary to place gzip.exe in your PHP folder.


Need help to write a basic Command Line code

I'm using Windows 10 if it matters and I'm trying to feed a file to the "oeminst" app that will convert this file from .EDR to .CCSS. According to the app's website its usage summary is this:
oeminst [-options] [inputfiles]
-v Verbose
-n Don't install, show where files would be installed
-c Don't install, save files to current directory
-S d Specify the install scope u = user (def.), l = local system]
infile Manufacturers setup.exe install file(s) or .dll(s) containing install files
infile.[edr|ccss|ccmx] EDR file(s) to translate and install or CCSS or CCMX files to install
If no file is provided, oeminst will look for the install CD.
more info can be found here
So far I tried this code:
C:\Users\PC>oeminst infile. [C:\Users\PC\testfile.edr]
oeminst: Error - Unable to load file 'infile [C:\Users\PC\testfile]'
I'd appreciate if someone at least could tell me if I'm doing it right or not.
P.S. sorry for the messed up text. Not sure how to fix it. It looks good in editing mode.
Try this : oeminst infile.edr C:\Users\PC\testfile.edr
Nevermind, I got it.
C:\Users\PC>oeminst C:\Users\PC\testfile.edr

Ctools do not show up in pentaho UI

I am using Pentaho CE 5 on windows. I would like to use CTools but I can't make them show up in the File -> New menu to use them.
Being behind a proxy, I can not use the Marketplace plugin, so I have tried a manual installation.
First, I tried to use the I have run the following command line in cygwin (wget and unzip are installed):
./ -s /cygdrive/d/Users/[user]/Mes\ Programmes/pentaho/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/ -w /cygdrive/d/Users/[user]/Mes\ programmes/pentaho/biserver-ce/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/
The script starts, asks me what module I want to install, and begins the downloads.
For each module, I get an output like (set -x added to the script) :
echo -n 'Downloading CDF...' Downloading CDF...+ wget -q --no-check-certificate ''
-O .tmp/cdf/ SYSTEM_WGETRC = c:/progra~1/wget/etc/wgetrc syswgetrc = C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32/etc/wgetrc
'[' '!' -z '' ']'
rm -f .tmp/dist/marketplace.xml
unzip -o .tmp/cdf/ -d .tmp End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it
constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case
the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last
disk(s) of this archive. unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in
and cannot find .tmp/cdf/, period.
chmod -R u+rwx .tmp
echo Done Done
Then the script ends. I have seen on this page (pentaho-bi-suite) that it is the normal output. Nevertheless, it seems a bit strange to me and when I start my pentaho server (login: admin/password), I cannot see any new tools in the menus.
After a look to a few other tutorials and the script itself, I have downloaded the .zip snapshots for every tool and unzipped them in the system directory of my pentaho server. Same result.
I would like to make the .sh works, what can I try or adjust ?
EDIT 05/06/2014
I checked the files dowloaded by the script and they are all empty. It seems that wget cannot fetch the zip files, and therefore the installation fails.
When I try to get any webpage through wget, it fails. I think it is because of the proxy.
Here is my .wgetrc file, located in my user's cygwin home folder:
How could I make this work?
EDIT 10/06/2014
In the end, I have changed my network connection settings to bypass the proxy. It seems that there is an offline mode for the installer, so one can download all needed files on a proxy-free environment and then run the script offline.
I guess this is related with the -r option.
I consider this post solved, since it not a CTools issue anymore.
Difficult to identify the issue in the above procedure..
but you can refer this blog he is key member of pentaho itself..
In the end, I have changed my network connection settings to bypass the proxy. It seems that there is an offline mode for the installer, so one can download all needed files on a proxy-free environment and then run the script offline. I guess this is related with the -r option.
I consider this post solved, since it is not a CTools issue anymore.
You can manually install the components from or if you have pentaho 5.1 or above, you add the following parameters to CATALINA_OPTS option (in start-pentaho.bat or
-Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort= -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="localhost||10...*"

postgreSQL COPY command error

Hallo everyone once again,
I did various searches but couldn't gind a suitable/applicable answer to the simple problem below:
On pgAdminIII (Windows 7 64-bit) I am running the following command using SQL editor:
COPY public.Raw20120113 FROM 'D:\my\path\to\Raw CSV Data\13_01_2012.csv';
I tried many different variations for the path name and verified the path, but I keep getting:
ERROR: could not open file "D:\my\path\to\Raw CSV Data\13_01_2012.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
Any suggestions why this happens?
Thank you all in advance
After some tests I came to the following conclusion: The reason I am getting this error is that the path includes some Greek characters. So, while Windows uses codepage 1253, the console is using 727 and this whole thing is causing the confusion. So, some questions arise, you may answer them if you like or prompt me to other questions?
1) How can I permanently change the codepageof the console?
2) How can I define the codepage is SQL editor?
Thank you again, and sorry if the place to post the question was inappropriate!
Try DIR "D:\my\path\to\Raw CSV Data\13_01_2012.csv" from command line and see if it works - just to ensure that you got the directory, file name, extension etc correct.
The problem is that COPY command runs on server so it takes the path to the file from the server's scope.
To use local file to import you need to use \COPY command. This takes local path to the file into account and loads it correctly.

Syntax of Wget for windows

Does anybody know syntax for wget command in windows. I tried its basic syntax but the problem is file gets downloaded in the directory on which I have opened command prompt. I want to know whether we can explicitly specify destination in its command. If possible then let me know that would be much helpful for me.
If anyone reading this wants to save files downloaded to a directory, use "-P".
This saves whatever is served by your link to C:\Users\username\Downloads.
According to the manual -O, --output-document=FILE write documents to FILE.
So you must give a file name after a valid directory as such:
C:\cronjobs>wget -q -O C:\Users\Public\Documents\tmp1.txt ""
note: -q option is to say quiet but -O is to say save file to a given file name and it will work!
Sure you can.
Use the -O syntax, and the path to use.
I've just tested this with:
C:\users\julien>wget -O "C:\here.html"
And "here.html" was google's index page on the root of my "C:" drive

Using COPY FROM in postgres - absolute filename of local file

I'm trying to import a csv file using the COPY FROM command with postgres.
The db is stored on a linux server, and my data is stored locally, i.e. C:\test.csv
I keep getting the error:
ERROR: could not open file "C:\test.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
SQL state: 58P01
I know that I need to use the absolute path for the filename that the server can see, but everything I try brings up the same error
Can anyone help please?
Quote from the PostgreSQL manual:
The file must be accessible to the server and the name must be specified from the viewpoint of the server
So you need to copy the file to the server before you can use COPY FROM.
If you don't have access to the server, you can use psql's \copy command which is very similar to COPY FROM but works with local files. See the manual for details.