BlackBerry 10.2 Map is supporting overlay maps? - blackberry-10

We experienced so many problems to port a geomapping application to BlackBerry 10. 6-7 months a go, BlackBerry 10 Map service was not supporting overlay maps.
Are there any improvements on BlackBerry 10.2 on it?

The design of the mapping system in BB10 seems very well suited to a developer providing a source for overlay tiles -- either from a network server source or locally generated from data -- but I have not seen any indication that such API additions are on the road map.
There are some small improvements in 10.2. We have GeoPolyline and GeoPolygon classes. Unfortunately while using these classes with the 10.2 Beta API does not produce compilation or run time errors, I can't get them to produce visible marks on the map either.
The ability to overlay data on a map or, by suppressing the default background tiles, creating all new maps that provide the same UI experience to the user as other mapping solutions on the platform seems like too powerful a tool to pass up. I hope they get around to it soon.

There isn't any improvement yet...


HOW do Unity World Anchors work on the HoloLens?

I'm currently building a HoloLens application and have a feature in-mind that requires holograms to be dynamically created, placed, and to persist between sessions. Those holograms don't need to be shared between devices.
I've had a nightmare trying to find (working) implementations and documentation for Unity WorldAnchors, with Azure Spatial Anchors seeming to stomp out most traces of it. Thankfully I've gotten past that and have managed to implement WorldAnchors by using the older HoloToolkit, since documentation for WorldAnchors in the newer MRTK also seems to have also disappeared.
MY QUESTION (because I am unable to find any docs for it) is how do WorldAnchors work?
I'd hazard a guess that it's based on spatial mapping, which presents the limitation that if you have 2 identical rooms or objects that move in the original room, the anchor/s is/are going to be lost.
What I'd LIKE to hear is that it's some magical management of transforms, which means my app has an understanding of its change in real-world location between uses even if the app is launched from a different location each time.
Does anybody know the answer or where I might look (beyond the limited Unity and MS Docs for this matter) to find out implementation details?
Thank you.
I'd hazard a guess that it's based on spatial mapping, which presents the limitation that if you have 2 identical rooms or objects that move in the original room, the anchor/s is/are going to be lost.
We won’t divulge the internal implementation details of the internal coding of the World Anchor but we can state that it is not based on GPS currently with HoloLens v1 or HoloLens v2. Currently, the World Anchor uses the data in the spatial map for placement. The underlying piece that is key is the anchors rely on the spatial scanning and the scanning can use wifi to improve the speed and accuracy, see these two references: 1 & 2
What I'd LIKE to hear is that it's some magical management of transforms, which means my app has an understanding of its change in real-world location between uses even if the app is launched from a different location each time.
It is certainly possible to have two identical rooms with exact layout to trick the mapping to think it is the same room. We document that here:

building an app to cater for WP7,Iphone & Android

I am about to start building an app that will be used across all platforms. I will using monotouch and monodriod so I can keep things in .net
I'm a little lazy so I want to be able to reuse as much code as possible.
Lets say I want to create an application that stores contact information. e.g. Name & Phone number
My application needs to be able to retrieve data from a web service and also store data locally.
The MVVM pattern looks like the way to go but im not sure my approach below is 100% correct
Is this correct?
A project that contains my models
A project that contains my views,local storage methods and also view models which I bind my views to. In this case there would be 3 different projects based on the 3 os's
A data access layer project that is used for binding to services and local data storage
Any suggestions would be great.
Thanks for your time
Not specifically answering your question, but here are some lazy pointers...
you can definitely reuse a lot of code across all 3 platforms (plus MonoWebOS?!)
reusing the code is pretty easy, but you'll need to maintain separate project files for every library on each platform (this can be a chore)
MVVM certainly works for WP7. It's not quite as well catered for in MonoTouch and MonoDroid
some of the main areas you'll need to code separately for each device are:
UI abstractions - each platform has their own idea of "tabs", "lists", "toasts", etc
network operations - the System.Net capabilities are slightly different on each
file IO
multitasking capabilities
device interaction (e.g. location, making calls etc)
interface abstraction and IoC (Ninject?) could help with all of these
The same unit tests should be able to run all 3 platforms?
Update - I can't believe I just stumbled across my own answer... :) In addition to this answer, you might want to look at MonoCross and MvvmCross - and no doubt plenty of other hybrid platforms on the way: (MVC Rather then Mvvm)
Jonas Follesoe's cross platform development talk: Has to be the most comprehensive resource out there at the moment. He talks about how best to share code and resources, abstract out much of the UI and UX differences, shows viable reusable usage of MVVM across platforms and nice techniques for putting together an almost automated build. (yes, that includes a way for you to compile you monotouch stuff on Visual Studio)
Best of all he has a available source code for the finished product and for a number of the major component individually placed in its own workshop project and a 50 + page pdf detailing the steps to do so.FlightsNorway on github
IMO the only thing missing is how best to handle local data storage across all platforms. In which case I would direct you to Vici Cool Storage an ORM that can work with WP7, MonoTouch and (while not officially supported) MonoDroid.
*Disclaimer* The site documentation isn't the most updated but the source code is available. (Because documentation is Kriptonite to many a programmer)
I think the easiest way to write the code once and have it work on all three platforms will probably be a web-based application. Check out Untappd for example.
You can start by looking at Robert Kozak's MonoTouch MVVM framework. It's just a start though.
MonoTouch MVVM

Mapkit with multiple annotations

I have a map displaying multiple annotations.
I'd like to mimic the behavior of the Places tab on the Photos built-in app (iOS 4), where the annotations are automatically joined together or splited apart as the user changes the zoom level.
How do I do that?
The specific clustering functionality that is used in the 'Places' feature of The Photos app is not exposed to developers currently. If your are looking for a magic library, sample code or the like to do this currently you are out of luck.
If you are very comfortable with MapKit and clustering techniques in general you could work on rolling your own solution or contributing to a public effort to achieve this.
Some things to look at:
iPhone Map Kit cluster pinpoints

are there any good statistic visualization libraries for the iphone?

I wonder if every developer would have to code statistic visualization by him/herself, or if there's a lib already that can be used to draw charts, curves, stats, etc. (like in the stock app for example)?
Take a look at this graphing package, it will also compile on the iPhone:
Note that I've not used it yet, I ran across it before and made a note of the potential usefulness of it.
You might use the Google Charts API, and just use the images that come back from that:
For instance, you can retrieve the bytes from this URL,40&chs=250x100&chl=Hello|World
and insert them into an NSImage, or just let the web view do the rendering for you.
Core Plot is a cross-platform (Mac / iPhone) plotting framework being developed by a group of scientifically-minded Cocoa developers. It is based on Core Animation, and was advancing quite quickly the last time I checked in. You might want to read the mailing list archives to get an idea of the design goals and current state of the framework.

Performance benefits of upgrading Richfaces to newer version

I have a client that's running an application based on JBoss 4.0.5, Seam 1.2 and RichFaces 3.0.1. Their system is having performance problems due to the fact that a lot of data is coming back from the server to be displayed on screen and it seems like the rendering of that data is taking forever. The data brought back is displayed in a tabbed interface, but the tabs aren't currently being loaded individually, but all at once.
I'm trying to build up a case to present to the client on the benefits of upgrading to never version of RichFaces, which, as I understand it, has added a great number of features related to tabbed panels and being able to use ajax to page the data and load the chunks you actually need to display at the moment, and not the rest that's in other tabs.
The move to a newer version of RichFaces will also result in never versions of Jboss and Seam, as the current production build of RichFaces 3.2.1 requires JSF 1.2.
IF anyone has some suggestions or experience on performance of current versions RichFaces, paging, etc, I would really appreciate some feedback.
I haven't noticed much of a performance improvement by upgrading through various Richfaces versions. You're better off optimizing the code that is involved in the rendering - for example checking whether code is called mutliple times (as is the case when logic is placed in a getter).
I've found the bean-timing interceptor (#MeasureCalls) that Tobias Hill outlines in the Seam forum to be absolutely fantastic - more so than a profiler for specific problems (probably less so if you don't know where to start looking). It lets me track down those methods that are called more often than required and allows me to streamline my beans.
The forum link is :
One warning... I recently upgraded to JBoss 5.1.0GA, JSF 1.2, etc... so that our software stays current, but there is a drawback. JBoss 5 uses -significantly- more memory than JBoss 4, and takes longer to start. It would be wise for you to test our your new configuration on one machine before attempting to switch system-wide.
Use a profiler and do it for yourself. Only you have the application. Only you know which combination of components are "slow". I think you can measure it for yourself very fast.
p.s. show us the results ,-)
I find the Apache implementation of JSF1.2 much better the the Apache implementation of JSF1.0. I use a little RichFace 3.2 and it seems fine, still a bit too much information being sent on the ajax requests from the client so RichFaces Ajax executes much slower then a hand crafted AJAX solution, but code very much faster in RichFaces.