Watir-webdriver: how to change attribute value without js/jquery - watir-webdriver

How can I change a href attribute value using watir-webdriver without using js/jquery?
I can get an attribute value:
But I also need to change a bit of the href attribute value.

I think that the only way to modify the link is to use javascript. The code is quite maintainable since the element is retrieved using watir.
#Get the first link (or any element you want)
element = browser.frame.link
#Check element's initial attribute
puts element.attribute_value('href')
#=> "page_a.html"
#Execute javascript to change the attribute
script = "return arguments[0].href = 'page_b.html'"
browser.execute_script(script, element)
#Check that the attribute has changed
puts element.attribute_value('href')
#=> "page_b.html"


AEM: How to dynamically get the current page path and pass it to the request parameter for drop down

if I put locale=en-us it works fine,
How can I dynamically get the current page locale and pass it to the request parameter ?
So, your servlet requires locale as one of the parameters to retrieve dropdown values. I can think of 2 options to do this.
Invoke the servlet with $Path as one of the parameters. $Path will give you the complete page path, all the way till jcr:content. options=/bin/services/myservlet.GET_DROPDOWN_VALUES.json?compNode=$PATH.
In your servlet, construct page object using $PATH, then as #jwepurchase mentioned, get the locale using page.getLanguage(false).
String compNodePath = (String) request.getParameter("compNode");
String pagePath = StringUtils.substringBefore(compNodePath, "jcr:content");
PageManager pageMgr = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(PageManager.class);
Page page = pageMgr.getContainingPage(pagePath);
Locale pageLocale = page.getLanguage(false);
getLanguage will look for jcr:language property in currentpage or its ancestors. This property gets set when you set the Language field in page properties (advanced tab) of your page(usually set in the root locale page) to an appropriate value. eg: If you set the language to english(us), jcr:language will be en_us.
Similar steps as option 1, if value in page property is not set, you can use currentPage.getAbsoluteParent(DEPTH_VAL) to retrieve the locale value. Not a recommended soln though.
com.day.cq.wcm.api.Page.getLanguage(false) will return the value of the jcr:language property on the page or the first parent page where it is sent. Generally this isn't set on every page.
If you have included Adobe's global.jsp or used the <cq:defineObjects/> tag in your JSP, you should find that "currentPage" is already in scope, providing access to a Page object.
I generally have a custom taglib function to make it easier to access via EL. But as a scriptlet I expect the following would work:
<%= ((Page)getPageContext().getAttribute("currentPage")).getLanguage(false)%>

Get the properties of reference pages - Kentico

I have a page where I need to display testimonials, In that page document type I have a field to assign testimonials by using page selection, so It will save the GUID of selected testimonial in the database,
I have used following code to display the description of Testimonial, But is there any other way to get the document fileds by passing the GUID,
One option I can use is write a custom macro.
{% Documents["/Page-Resource/Testimonial/Testimonial"].getValue("Description") #%}
Note: I have used the text/xml type transformation
Well it's not that easy but there is one way and that is to use loops:
r = ""; foreach (i in CMSContext.Current.Documents) {if(i.NodeGUID == "a88f82be-bb76-4b82-8faf-5253209f0f75"){r = i}}; r.Description
Use NodeGUID or DocumentGUID based on what you store in your custom field.
Replace the hardcoded guid with something like CMSContext.Current.CurrentDocument.YourDescriptionFieldWithGuid
See the documentation if you have any doubts about K# syntax

Zend form change elements required options to false at runtime

I have a form and having two file upload elements. it is like
$data_file_one = $this->createElement('file','data_file_one');
->addValidator('Extension', false, 'csv')
Both are set to required true. I use the same form for new post and edit posts. When it is used for editing the file upload should not be mandatory and must be set to required false. So, I need to change
setRequired(true) to setRequired(false)
How can I do when edit action is called to load form and change this element option?
Thanks in advance.
Zend_Forms have a method called getElement that allow you to retrieve an element from a form by its name. This gives you the ability to modify an element's default value before rendering it to the user.
For example, to change a field from being required to being optional, you can do the following:

Bricolage: how to check if a story has a particular field?

In the Bricolage CMS, what is the way to check whether a story has a particular field (in this case called 'teaser') set?
Do you mean in a template? If you want to know if a story has a field in a template, you can use either the get_field() or the get_value() method. Use get_field() if you just want to know if the field is present, as it returns a Bric::Biz::Element::Field object (I assume Mason templating here):
if (my $field = $element->get_field('teaser')) {
$m->print('<p>', $field->get_value, "</p>\n");
If you want to know if a field has a value, you use get_value():
if (my $val = $element->get_value('teaser')) {
That method will return undef if there is no field object, and the value of the field object if it exists. Note that if the value is an empty string or 0, nothing will be printed there, either.
But it's important to note that Bricolage documents are organized in a tree structure of elements. The best way to create templates is one for each container element. The above example, might be in a top-level "story" element template, where $element will be the top-level element itself. But if your "teater" field is in a subelement, say "Metadata", you'll want to create a "metadata" element template with the above code, and call it from your story element template, like so:
See Bric::Templates for an introduction to Bricolage templating and the API.

jQuery: Select all 'select' elements with certain val()

Does anyone know of an easy way, using jQuery, to select all <select> elements whose val() attribute yields a certain value?
I'm trying to do some validation logic and would like to just select all those elements with a single selector, then apply a warning class to each of their parents. This I know how to do once I select all the elements, but I didn't see a selector that handles this case.
Am I going to have to select all of the <select> elements into a selector, then iterate through them and check each of their values? I was hoping there would be a simpler way.
Why doesn't select[value=x] work? Well firstly because <select> doesn't actually have a value attribute. There is not a single value of a select box: there may be no selected options (there shouldn't normally be, but there can be in at least IE), and, in a <select multiple>, there can be any number of selected options.
Even input[value=x] doesn't work, even though <input> does have a value attribute. Well, it does work, it just doesn't do what you think. It fetches the value of the value="..." attribute in the HTML, not the current value you have entered into the form. The value="..." attribute actually corresponds to the defaultValue property and not value.
Similarly, option[value=x][selected] doesn't work because it is checking the <option selected> attribute from the HTML source (selected attribute -> defaultSelected property) and not the current selectedness of the option (selected property not attribute) - which might have changed since the page was loaded.
Except in IE, which gets the value, selected etc form attributes wrong.
Except (again): Tesserex's example may seem to work, and the reason for that is that that it's using a non-standard jQuery-specific selector, :has. This causes the native querySelectorAll methods of modern browsers to fail, and consequently jQuery falls back to its own (native JavaScript, slow) selector engine instead. This selector engine has a bug where it confuses properties for attributes, allowing [value=x] to do what you expected, and not fail like it should! (Update: this is probably no longer the case in newer jQuery versions.)
Summary: form field state checking and selectors don't mix. Apart from these issues, you also have to worry about escaping issues - for example, what if the value you want to test against contains quotes or square brackets?
So instead, yes, you should check it manually. For example using a filter:
$('select').filter(function() {
return $(this).val()==='the target value';
(There is a value property in HTML5 and supported by modern browsers, that when you read it gives you the value of the first selected <option>. jQuery's val() is safe to use here because it provides the same method of getting the first selected option even on browsers that don't support this.)
The existing answers don't work on select tags, but I found something that does. Ask for a select that has a selected option.
You can use :
where X is the value against which you want to check the select's value.
Attribute selectors Is what you're looking for I believe.
Something like $+('element[attribute="value"]')
See also:
*= anywhere
^= starts with
$= ends with
~= contains word
You can create a change event that puts the value in a custom attribute on the select element whenever the value changes. You can then use a simple selector to find all of the select elements that have that value. For example:
$("select").on("change", function (e) {
var $select = $(e.currentTarget);
$select.attr("select-value", $select.val());
And then you can do this:
var $matches = $("select[select-value='" + searchVal + "']");
$matches will have all of your matching selects.
This is a lot easier than having to iterate through elements. Remember to set select-value to the initial value when rendering the page so you don't need to trigger a change event for each select so the select-value is set.