Blue Dot Menu displaying HTML as text - intuit-partner-platform

After the app menu html is retrieved, it is displayed as text instead of html. Chrome complains Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain. I'm using MVC on the platform. I've tried specifying the content type of the response as "text/html" and "application/javascript", but neither worked.
[EDIT 1]
menuProxy: ""
+ "apex/bluedot",
grantUrl: ""
+ "apex/authpage"
<div id="intuitPlatformAppMenu">
<a id="intuitPlatformAppMenuLogo" href="javascript:void(0);" title="Intuit App Center">
<span id="intuitPlatformAppMenuDot"> </span>
<div id="intuitPlatformAppMenuDropdown" style="display: none;">
<div id="intuitPlatformAppMenuDropdownTop"></div>
<div id="intuitPlatformAppMenuDropdownInner">
When dropdown is open, code is added at arrow location as string and a class 'open' is addedto #intuitPlatformAppMenuLogo.
[EDIT 2]
Server side apex code
public with sharing class GetBlueDotMenu {
public String response {get; set;}
public GetBlueDotMenu() {
QbApiController api = new QbApiController ('GET', 'QB API' , null, null, '');
response = api.execute();
api.execute() returns the response body and saves it to response which is then rendered on the page.

This issue arises from Visualforce's default rendering of strings as escaped. To fix it, the apex:outputText attribute escaped needs to be "false". See

PFB link -
For IE8, you should add (as mentioned in the above doc)
<html xmlns="" xmlns:ipp="">
You can clear the browser's cache and try it again.
Plz let me know how it goes.


html2Canvas - Returned canvas is empty

I am trying to implement html2Canvas v 1.0.0-rc.1 in my Angular 7/Ionic 4 project.
The issue I have is when I try to get the canvas of a simple div, the return canvas is emptied and nothing is appended to my destination div using *.appendChild as per the documentation.
For debugging I console log the return canvas where it looks like this:
<canvas width="0" height="0" style="width: 0px; height: 0px;"></canvas>
Below is my code and console logs. I've tested in Safari 12 and Chrome 74. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance
<div id="destination">
Destination - Html Canvas to Append to This
<div id="cover">
Source - Hello World
printTest(): void {
let element = document.getElementById("cover");
console.log('Source Element', element);
html2canvas(element).then((canvas) =>{
console.log('Console Canvas', canvas)
var destination = document.getElementById('destination');
Console Logs

<form action="" method="GET"> has to redirect to the website when I type a URL in the input field

I have a simple search input box in my webpage that has google search action to it.This is the code.
<div className="search-container">
<form action="" method="GET">
<input type="search" id="search" name="q" placeholder="Search Google or type URL" />
<button className="icon" type="submit"><i className="small material-icons">search</i></button>
This is the image of search box
So if i type anything for example like apple, it searches google for apple and displays the content. But if I type a url like, it again searches google and displays the search result for facebook.
But I need it to redirect to that particular website when I enter a url. If i enter and press enter, It must redirect me to the facebook website and not to the google search results page for facebook.
Please help me out in this. Thanks in advance.
Effectively what you want here is for the one button to do two different things (search via google, or redirect to a URL). Because you want one element to do two different things, I would recommend using Javascript so that the page can decide which thing to do.
The following code will take in a string from an input box and either redirect if it starts with "HTTP://" or searches google if it doesn't:
function search(query){
if(query.slice(0, 7) == "http://"){
window.location.href = query
window.location.href = "" + query
<label for="url">Enter a URL or search query</label>
<input type="text" name="search" id="search">
<button type="submit" onclick="search(document.getElementById('search').value)">search</button>
You can add JS to check whether the input value is a URL.
function go() {
const val = document.getElementById('input').value
(isURL(val) ? '' :
'') + val,
function isURL(url) {
try {
new URL(url)
return true
} catch (e) {
return false
<input type="text" id="input" placeholder="Search Google or type URL" />
<button onclick="go()">Search</button>

Posting Html with images (WYSIWYG) to core controller

I'm having trouble posting my wysiwyg content to my controller in core. I can't seem to get any value from the form editor. The value for the Content property comes to the controller as null. I'm using the summernote form editor to handle my richtext box editor.
Here is my code
public class Editor
public int EditorId { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public async Task<IActionResult> Create(Editor editor)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));
return View(editor);
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<form asp-action="Create">
<div asp-validation-summary="ModelOnly" class="text-danger"></div>
<div class="form-group">
<label asp-for="Content" class="control-label"></label>
<textarea asp-for="Content" id="summernote" name="editordata"></textarea>
<span asp-validation-for="Content" class="text-danger"></span>
<div class="form-group">
<input type="submit" value="Create" class="btn btn-default" />
<a asp-action="Index">Back to List</a>
#section Scripts {
$(document).ready(function () {
#{await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial");}
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
#section Styles{
<!-- include libraries(jQuery, bootstrap) -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- include summernote css/js -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
So the issue is when I post the form it's gets to the controller but the content comes over as null. I'm not sure how to post the content
Here are my thoughts, I'm thinking i'm missing a some attribute that allows html to come over the wire to my controller, but all the reserach i've found is that core doesn't require that. Or I need to handle this type of request in the middleware pipeline, but that doesn't make much sense since it's just html strings i'm sending over the wire to the controller.
It looks like the top of your view was not left out, I assume you have Editor as model.
The problem is on your text area you are using both asp-for and then setting the id and name to something that doesn't match your model property.
You should just use asp-for and let it decide the id and name instead of adding those yourself.
What is really getting posted is a string named editordata because you used that name on the textarea. remove that and it will be named Content to match the property of the model
You also don't need the [Bind] attribute shown in the controller action in your screenshot.
I have been sitting with the same issue and was able to resolve it due to Joe's answer!
Could I suggest working on the summernote class for the text area instead of using your id?
I noticed when I use the id that my textarea's display property doesn't get set to none, but it works when i use the class="summernote".
<textarea asp-for="Instructions" class="summernote"></textarea>
$(document).ready(function () {
Put this script in your page head:
<script src=""></script>
Lets say you have model called ForumModel where you save contents of editor. Property where you your content is saved is called answer:
public string Answer { get; set; }
So in your view you have following tag:
#model ForumModel
Therefore if you want to add editor:
<textarea id="editor1" asp-for="#Model.Answer" class="form-control" required=""></textarea>
And now all that is left is to call your controller on submit button. When your form is submitted you go to constructor that saves your contents.
public IActionResult Reply(ForumModel forumModel)
return RedirectToAction("SomeRandomPage");

Accessing elements from within a iFrame -fails in watir-webdriver 0.6.6 - works fine in 0.6.4

I am trying to select a value in a dropdown which is inside a iFrame. The frame is nested within a table.
<html class ="some text">
<head>...</head> <body id="htmlBody">
<div class= "modalWindow ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content ModalWindow containsFrame" id="ui-id-2">
<iframe src= "/MyApplicantPortal/Applicant/254471/SelectOrderTemplate?t=1">
<html class = "some text"
<head id= "Head1">
<body id="htmlBody">
<form method= "post" action="SelectOrderTemplate?t=1" id="form1">
<div class = "ModalContent">
<td class="label1">
<Select id= "MyselList" </td>
My code:
element(:select_frame, :frame, :src => MyApplicantPortal\/Applicant\/\d+\/SelectOrderTemplate\?t=1/)
select_list(:template) {select_frame_element.select_list_element(:id => 'MyselList')}
Watir::Exception::UnknownFrameException: unable to locate frame using {:src=>/MyApplicantPortal\/Applicant\/\d+\/SelectOrderTemplate\?t=1/, :tag_name=>"frame"}
Watir-webdriver 0.6.5 has changed the way locating frames works.
Before (ie pre-0.6.5), browser.frame located frame and iframe elements.
Now, browser.frame locates frame elements and browser.iframe locates iframe elements.
You will need to change your frame accessor to match the new rules (when you migrated to 0.6.5 or later). The second parameter needs to change from :frame to :iframe:
element(:select_frame, :iframe, :src => /MyApplicantPortal\/Applicant\/\d+\/SelectOrderTemplate\?t=1/)
I am in the process of releasing a new version of the page-object gem that addresses this issue. Should be out in a day or two.

Wicket Error path: 'label1' does not exist for page: BarPage

I would like to assert some label label1 in some application. I write the following junit testcase:
wicketTester.assertLabel("label1", "Hello!");
The page, where the label is added looks like this:
public class FooPage extends WebPage {
public FooPage() {
add(new Label("label1", "Hello!"));
and the corresponed html page looks like this:
<div wicket:id="label1"></div>
The label label1 - which i would like to assert- is displayed, when someone clicks on the link
<a wicket:id="fooId" href="FooPage">Foo</a>
in the following page:
<html xmlns:wicket="">
<div class="xxx">
<a wicket:id="fooId"
When I run the junit Test, I get the following error:
path: 'label1' does not exist for page: BarPage
My Question is: How to get the right path for the label label1?
Have you clicked link 'fooId' in your test (with wicketTester.clickLink) ?
You can find out your component path like this
Modify WicketApplication class
In Wicket 7
In Wicket 6 or older
Usage example:
public RuntimeConfigurationType getConfigurationType() {
if (Boolean.valueOf(getProperty("development.mode"))) {
//show component path in html tag
return RuntimeConfigurationType.DEVELOPMENT;
return RuntimeConfigurationType.DEPLOYMENT;
From the web browser if you inspect your component, you will find somthing similar to this:
<input type="text" value="" component_path="pageContent_form_username" name="username" id="username3" >
Please don't forget to change all the underscores with (:) colons like this:
pageContent_form_username -> pageContent:form:username