Dicominfo not giving all metadata - matlab

I have a dicom from a GE MRI scanner and there are a few pieces of information in the header I require (namely the relative position of the scan). I tried using info = dicominfo(filename) but, for some reason, this piece of information does not show up. I know that this information is saved, however. It might be a private data, but I'm not completely sure. If anyone has any information on how to resolve this issue that would be greatly appreciated.

Try using the dicomread function instead, it should be more versatile than dicominfo and it reads the information files too. If this doesn't work then it means that the information you are trying to obtain is not made available by GE.

Or use gdcm to dump the private GE header:
$ gdcmdump --pdb input.dcm


iTextSharp error, casting IncCell to Rectangle

I've been asked to look at C# code that's returning the following error:
Unable to cast object of type
'iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.IncCell' to type 'iTextSharp.text.Rectangle'.
at iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfDocument.Add(IElement element)
at iTextSharp.text.Document.Add(IElement element)
It looks like they're using iTextSharp v5.0.2 and have not yet moved from HtmlWorker to XmlWorker.
What is IncCell? I see it in the source docs but can't find any info about what it is - I'm assuming it's just for internal use.
Is this related to a cell in a table? A need for a Div or Paragraph within a cell?
What can they do to diagnose issues like this down to the HTML source that caused the error? I suspect this is an issue with not conforming to XHTML, but I can't verify that without knowing exactly what IElement that code was working on when it choked. It could be due to bad styling too, I have no idea at this time. Is there any kind of detail logging that will tell us what element is being processed at any given time? Should I just get them to load source and trace through it?
Is it probable that this will be fixed with an update to the latest version (currently 5.5.9), and a re-fit of XmlWorker?
Other recommendations?

How to Convert IPicture to Image - .NET 4.5 TagLib Sharp

I am wanting to display the album artwork of a song (accessed via the taglib-sharp library) within a Windows Forms picture box. The problem I'm running into is that the taglib-library returns an image of type TagLib.IPicture whereas the picture box requires an object of type System.Drawing.Image.
I have scoured the internet for many hours now, looking for a way to convert from an IPicture to Image, but to no avail. The best lead I have is this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.axhost.getpicturefromipicture.aspx, but I have yet to see a successful example of how to implement this.
Any help as to how to convert between these two types would be much appreciated. Note: IPicture is not analogous to IPictureDisp in this case.
I've done the opposite before - turning an existing .jpg into an IPicture for embedding in an .mp3 file. I just tried reversing that operation and, after tweaking and testing, came up with this:
TagLib.File tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(mp3FilePath);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(tagFile.Tag.Pictures[0].Data.Data);
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
Thanks for the question - I already know how I'm going to use this myself!
Update: Here's the other way (.jpg to IPicture that I've done before):
tagFile.Tag.Pictures = new TagLib.IPicture[]
new TagLib.Picture(new TagLib.ByteVector((byte[])new System.Drawing.ImageConverter().ConvertTo(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(jpgFilePath), typeof(byte[]))))

Sending MMS on iPhone using CoreTelephony

I am interested in sending an MMS within a private application on the iPhone. A lot of the information I need is proprietary, and therefore I can't find it anywhere. Basically, I'm looking for the proper way to construct a CTMessage and encode it for MMS, and then sending it via one of the overloaded sendMMS functions. Thanks in advance.
For those interested: here is what I managed to dig up (&/OR piece together myself).
For every MMS, a CTMessage is allocated & initialized. addRecipient/setRecipient is called to do just that.
For each data/text section a CTMessagePart is built with its data and corresponding datatype, and then added to the CTMessage's items array. The first item in each MMS items array is always a CTMessagePart containing a SMIL-formatted layout that the recipient interprets to display the message. Each CTMessagePart following the first is in the order that it is referenced from the SMIL data.
Each (unmodifiied) iPhone has an instance of CTMessageCenter running, with the id sharedMessageCenter. Calling sharedMessageCenter's sendMMS, giving the id of the CTMessage you just created will automate the rest of the process. Essentially, the CTMessage is encoded using the CTMmsEncoder into an MMS-PDU hex string. (Not to sure of the correct name for it, hah). Anyways, sharedMessageCenter's send method will then send the (encoded) MMS to your provider's MMSC.
That pretty much sums it up, and should give anyone looking to head down that path a good place to start depending on what they're doing. I can do my best to answer any questions.

saving segmented images from a number plate

hye everyone i m doing my project "automatic vechicle identification".i have to design software in matlab,i have done extraction of plate region ,segmentation of characters,...now i want to save these segmented characters so that i can further recognize these character from a data base......any body can help me please feel free to write to me, thanks in advance
So if you have some data, myData then you can just issue a command save myData and you will have a new file in the current directory named myData.mat. To load the data later, just type in load myData and then you will have a new variable in the workspace named myData. There's lots more you can do with this, so you should check out help save.
Alternatively you could use a database. I've never actually used a database in Matlab, but there seems to be plenty of information about how one would go about doing this: http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox/database/ug/database.html

How can I tell if two image files are the same in Perl?

I have a Perl script I wrote for my own personal use that fetches image files from a website periodically. It then saves these images to a folder. These image files are quite often the same from fetch to fetch, and I'd like to not save duplicates if I can get around it.
My question: What would be the best way to compare/check if they are the same?
My only real thought so far is to open a file handle to existing one, md5 it, md5 the $response->content from the fetch and then compare them. Would that work?
Is there a better way?
Wow, already tons of great suggestions. Does it help if I tell you that this script runs daily via cron? I.e. it is guaranteed to always run at the exact same time everyday? Also: I'm looking at the last-modified headers on some of these, and they don't look 100% accurate, i.e. there are some that have a last-modified of over a week ago when I know the image is more recent than that. I'm assuming that's because the image file itself hasn't been modified on the server since then... which doesn't help me much...
Don't open and hash the stored image each time - stash the hash alongside the image when you store it. Compare sizes as well.
Don't issue a GET request straight away, do a HEAD first and compare the size, last modification date and any Etags to what you got last time.
There are a number of HTTP headers you can use for this -- if you save the time that you last retrieved the file, you can do a conditional get with
If-Modified-Since: <date>
Or, if the server returns an Etag header with the response, you can store that with the image, (or a collection of all of the etags you have seen for that image), and do:
If-None-Match: <all of your etags here>
If the server supports conditional gets, then you will get a "304 Not Modified" response, with no body.
Yep that sounsd right.
Depending on how you're getting the file and how frequently you might also be able to check for HTTP 304 Not Modified and save yourself the download.
md5 would work, but you'd still have to pull the file. Are there any useful metadata in the HTTP headers, content-length, cache-control directives, ETags, etc. ?
There's also a nice fdupes tool for the purpose. Don't know what system you're using and what systems the tool can be built for.