Auto sync images and videos into webservice - iphone

How to auto sync the images and video from the app into the Api Web services.
Do we have any tutorials or source codes on this.
Thanks in advance!!!

There can be multiple approaches depending upon what you are trying to achieve and what backend you are using.
If you are using simple API web services, you need to write your own mechanism both on server as well as client side, which will identify records to be synced based on TimeStamp and few other columns in your DB
If you are open to use other Platforms like, they provide in built APIs and libraries to take care of syncing logic
As you are trying to sync file(Images and Videos), you can also try DropBox, iCloud, or Google Drive. Here is a link to an article which i found in a quick search which uses CoreData and Dropbox
Let me know if this helps.


What is the easiest way to fetch data dynamically from a cloud storage to a flutter app

I am looking for a way to fetch data to my flutter app which can be adjusted and modified dynamically after deploying the app. As an example, if I want to change the images of the carousel depending on promotions or launch new books to the digital library. I need an economic option to host the data in cloud storage and fetch it from there.
I have considered firebase as well as google drive, but have yet to find a good guide. being a beginner and having concerns about security I want some expert advice if possible.
Seeing many a tutorial I assume there is no better way than linking file URLs from the
Cloud Storage. So to dynamically change those is it possible to refer the URLs to some excel sheet fields to obtain URLs. Those fields can certainly be adjusted then without any hard coding. but the question is how to refer to such a sheet file? *
I also want to segregate the users into paid and free users, I have successfully proceeded with the authentication with firebase but still don't understand(I do have some concepts but don't know where to do that) how to put them in groups and impose limitations on them about accessing the data. any guidance, links and helpful advice will be cordially appreciated.
According to what you are looking for, I highly recommend you to use Firebase Remote Config, which is a cloud tool that allows you to modify your app's functionality and appearance without forcing users to download an update. You define in-app default values that control the functionality and appearance of your app when you use Remote Config. Then, for all app users or for subsets of your user base, you may utilize the Firebase console or the Remote Config backend APIs to modify in-app default values.
Your program can control when updates are applied, and it can check for updates regularly and apply them with minimal performance impact.
Remote Config comes with a client library that takes care of essential functions like fetching parameter values and caching them while still allowing you to manage when new values are active and how they affect the user experience in your app.
Here is a tutorial that uses Flutter and Firebase Remote Config that could also help you.

Swift - Using URLSessionStreamTask to keep my app in sync with Firebase DB data

I came across this link trying to figure out how to access the REST api of my firebase database and stream it to my app. I can get/send data manually, but for my app I can't use the firebase api (because it is an app clip), so I'm trying to do it with native tools and rest, but the issue I'm running into is getting the configuration right (per this info) and actually parsing the incoming info and updating my app. I'm so lost and could use some help just figuring out how to make the code in the sample work, especially since I'm using swift ui as well.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Apparently App Clips do not allow sockets connections, so (while Google rewrites their sdk to comply), I migrated my database to Realtime Database (since it was a better fit for us usage-wise), and have been using standard rest for sending and getting data, and for the "listener" functionality I have been using IKEventSource that listens to server-side events and updates them accordingly in my app clip. Seems to be a pretty good workaround so far.

How to host audio files for a web application

I'm planning to make web application which allows users to upload music/audio files and host them etc, i'm wondering what the best method would be to go about this, i have used cloudinary in previous projects for image hosting but nothing for audio.
What do companies like Soundcloud use if not there own service which i am assuming is the case.
What would you recommend? It will be vital when it comes to building a scalable and reliable service so I don't want to go into this project uneducated.
ps. I will be using meteor and mongodb to build the application.
I'd recommend getting started with edgee:slingshot in your app. It's much lighter on your Meteor server since uploads and downloads go straight to the storage system. There you have several choices including S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Rackspace Cloud. You could also use CollectionFS but slingshot seems architecturally better suited to this class of problem.

Sending a binary data over the network to the my sql database

I'm working on the application that will record the voice. I want those recordings to be stored in the external mysql database. I know that JSON works well with android and PHP that I can use to connect to DB but it works only with textual data. How can I accomplish this task? What do you recommend to use to send the data? I will appreciate for a link of the good tutorial with examples. Thanks.
There are some different examples on the internet that explain how to use HTTP requests and networking on Android to communicate with a web server. Maybe you could start by looking at some of these
Also, take a look at some of the articles here that talk about how to write a good networking app

How do I sync an offline web app (HTML+JS+CSS) with my server?

Do I need to implement my own sync methods in order to make an offline web app (html+css+js) stay up to date with changes made on the server (and viceversa)? I'm using MySQL on the server side.
I read Two-way sync between iPhone application and web application with some pointers but I think they're talking about native applications when they mention CFUUIDCreate and I wander if this is possible for the Web.
Does someone have some code to share or maybe can point me in the right direction?
Thank you!
P.S.: I hope my english is not that rusty ;)
To store static contents on the client-side, as Jethro Larson said, the Application Cache Manifest is the way to go to cache the static contents of your website (HTML, CSS, JS and images).
To handle dynamically generated contents offline, you can use javascript templates. There are several solutions for this.
To sync the two databases, there is a project called persistence.js ( which is a javascript library which offers a unique API to work with WebSQL databases, Local Storage, etc. They have a plugin for this library called persistence.sync ( which syncs the remote database with the server's one. It consists of POST and GET requests to a specific url that you can configure (for example They have an example back-end written in node.js and here is one for Rails. It's simple to understand and persistence.sync is well documented.
Look at the offline cache: