Why does discoverAndAddAccount method of the API Explorer return a General IO Error? - intuit-partner-platform

Calling the discoverAndAddAccount method via the API Explorer returns the following error:
HTTP Status 500 - message=General IO error while proxying request; errorCode=006003; statusCode=500.
Can anybody help me identify what I missed?

Did you pass the private key password and SSL key of certificate in the API explorer?

Please verify if you are passing a correct request body
<InstitutionLogin xmlns="http://schema.intuit.com/platform/fdatafeed/institutionlogin/v1">
<name>Banking Userid</name>
<name>Banking Password</name>
Doc Ref - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0020_customeraccountdata/customer_account_data_api/0020_api_documentation/0020_discoverandaddaccounts#Discover_and_Add_Request
Also refer the following doc for correct userid and pwd while testing with dummy CC_Bank>
If it doesn't resolve the issue, then please raise a support ticket.
Link - http://developer.intuit.com/Support/Incident
EDIT { Adding Snapshot }
'DiscoverAndAddAccounts' call is working fine for me. Can you share the screenshot. I can look into this and let u know if I get something.


Correct uri for DeleteAgentUser (Google Homegraph)

I'm trying to use the DeleteAgentUser of Homegraph to unlink a user with Google. I already implemented the ReportState and the correct uri for this is: https://homegraph.googleapis.com/v1/devices:reportStateAndNotification. So I thought the DeleteAgentUser has to be: https://homegraph.googleapis.com/v1/devices:deleteAgentUser but I'm getting a '404 Not Found' Error.
I tried it with:
everything with post and delete request and always getting the error.
What is the correct Homegraph uri to delete a user from Google?
Looking at the RPC defined in the public protobuf, it seems that the implementation is defined as:
rpc DeleteAgentUser(DeleteAgentUserRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = {
delete: "/v1/{agent_user_id=agentUsers/**}"
So, it seems like you'd send a DELETE request to https://homegraph.googleapis.com/v1/{agent_user_id} or maybe https://homegraph.googleapis.com/v1/agentUsers/{agent_user_id} with your agent user id, and signed with your authorization token similar to Report state.

RestTemplate considering a resource to be a parameter

My request goes like this... https://......./results/#codeResults
When i hit this get request with postman, i get the desired output. (Please note that #codeResults is used as it is in the request and is not to be replaced by any value)
But when I try to hit this using exchange method of RestTemplate it says -
Status Code : 400
message: invalid resultId: #codeResults
As an alternative approach, I tried to pass #codeResults as a path param using URIComponentBuilder as well but still I am getting the same issue.
Please provide any pointers on this.

golang Chi router with query params not working

I am working on a restful service in golang using chi. I am trying to create a route as below
r.Mount("/api/dest", router.NewDestRouter(chi.NewRouter(), destSrv).InitRoutes())
func (dr *DestRouter) InitRoutes() http.Handler {
dr.router.Post("/{number}/product?version={v}", handlers.HandleProduct(dr.dest))
return dr.router
But I try to hit this endpoint via post man I get a 404 not found
May I know the issue here?
As #mkopriva mentioned, simply use r.URL.Query().Get("version") to get the query parameter.
Met this issue, found status 404, for your situation, only go with /{number}/product, do not need to add the content ?version={v}, chi only match with the path, and then use r.URL.Query().Get("version") to get the query parameters, it will work.

Restheart: mongodb thgourh http get returns 404

I have managed to access a static url but when it comes to accessing an existing collection in mongodb (2.6) through a browser (e.g., it returns a 404. Anybody knows if I have to add anything to the default configuration.yml to activate mongo access?
Thanks for help!!
First make sure it is RESTHeart responding you request:
if it is running on your pc, try (not
Also note that in case of 404, you should get a hal+json document with a "message" property (with somenthing like "the db test does bot exist").
If it is restheart, then either the db "test" or the collection "test/test" does not exist an you have to create them first.
If restheart coudn't connect with mongodb you would get "400 Internal Server Error" response code.
Finally I managed to find what the problem was by myself. I post the answer in case it's helpful for somebody else. Thanks Andrea for the help in any case :)
In the static-resources-mounts I had "where: /", which seemed to collide with the mongo-mounts default own "where: /". By changing either where value the access to mongodb retrieves a correct hal+json.

QBO API V3.0: Persistent error today retrieving Tax Rates

We have consistently getting the following error today when using API V3.0 to retrieve TaxRate from QBO:
An application error has occurred while processing your request - Detail: System Failure Error: An unexpected error occurred while accessing or saving your data. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, contact customer support. - Error Code: 10000
Is this a temporary issue with the servers or has something changed in the API ?
I tried both the taxrate endpoints(findById and Query) from ApiExplorer and got a successful response.
GetById - https://qb.sbfinance.intuit.com/v3/company/688779980/taxrate/2
Query - https://qb.sbfinance.intuit.com/v3/company/688779980/query?query=select * from TaxRate
Can you please give it a try from ApiExplorer and check if you are hitting the correct endpoints. Otherwise you can raise a support ticket mentioning your company's relamID.
Standard BASE URL for V3 - https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3/company
We get the following when we try this call using devkit -
There is a bug in .net devkit where IDSquery will not work for count.
You need to use the following lamda function until the fix is in place-
QueryService AccQueryService2 = new QueryService(context);
int accs22= AccQueryService2.Select(c => c).Count();
The team has identified this a bug. They will rectify this in the next release around 1 month from now.