Error : NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException: Could not instantiate class named NSLayoutConstraint - ios5

Developed an application on iOS 6 sdk. I have both iphone and ipad version. I googled for the error message and advised disabled Auto Layout on properties of xib file. It works on iPhone 5.1 but not iPad 5.1. And i cannot figure out the exact issue. Please help me. Thanks

You are probably using different XIB files for iPhone and iPad. Deselect "Use Autolayout" in the iPad's XIB file as well.


storyboard is displayed differently on simulator ipad in swift

I have an app that was previously made for iPhone before, so i recently added an iPad storyboard, i followed some of the answers to related questions guidelines e.g
targetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch"and change it to targetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch.iPad"
i also added the ipad storyboard to my info menu
The only thing i have not yet done is this since i use Xcode 11.5, i couldn't see it in my storyboard source code
<simulatedScreenMetrics key="destination" type="retina4"/> and change it to to <simulatedScreenMetrics key="destination"/>
This is how my app is displayed on the simulator
versus how it looks on my storyboard below. Please don't mind the labels because they are localized in the simulator. Could anyone tell me what i am doing wrong

Using Single Storyboard for iPhone & iPad on Xcode 5.1.1

I have been developing an iOS App with iPhone(4-inch) Storyboard. Now I would like to use the same storyboard for iPad also. My iPhone storyboard contains 130+ scenes now.
I need to make it for iPad also.
I tried solution from link:
Converting Storyboard from iPhone to iPad
After following it my Xcode crashes, may be due to many scenes in the single storyboard.
I know about size classes in Xcode 6 and also tried it but the fonts don't update for the iPad size class(Regular Width| Regular Height) on simulator/device with iOS 7 but on iOS 8 it does. Since I have deployment target as iOS 7 I can't overlook the issue.
Can anyone help me with a solution that works on Xcode 5.1.1 of having same iPhone storyboard for iPad(Like a Universal App) as well?
Any help/clue will be appreciated.
Have you tried using size classes?
If that doesn't work, you could always use 2 different storyboards- 1 for the iPhone and 1 for the iPad

Xcode 6.0.1 iPhone only app behaves like a normal iPad app on iPad - iOS 8

I´ve just created a new iPhone only app with Xcode 6.0.1 -- when I run the app in the iPad simulator the app looks just like a normal iPad app (it´s an iPhone only app) --> I want that the app shows the upscaled iPhone version...
Any suggestions how to solve this issue?
BTW: I know that this issue only occurs when the LaunchScreen.xib is selected as Launch Screen File
Thank you in advance!
I experienced the same problem.
I added following row to the info.plist file after reading this link
Main storyboard file base name (iPhone) --> Main
It is now working iPhone only mode in my case.
setting UILaunchStoryboardName~iphone instead of UILaunchStoryboardName in Info.plist helps me

XCode Interface Builder iPad/iPhone

Just a silly question that just cant figure out. Ive been working on iPad apps for a while but now Im back on an iphone project.
I created an iphone 4.0 sdk based project but when i double tap on a xib file, IB comes with iPad layout and i cant figure out how to switch it back to iphone layout.
When you create the project, be sure to select Product = iPhone in the "New Project" window.
Also, if you already have the iPad views, you can transform them to iPod/iPhone views through File->Create iPod/iPhone Version using autosizing masks
Partially solved,solution sucks. i created a view based project and there IB shows xib with iphone layout. Couldnt find a solution yet when creating a window based project.

XIB files becoming blank - using iPhone sdk 4

I just updated to iPhone SDK4. The problem I am facing is - I was writing an app in iPhone sdk 3.0 just open that project in xcode 3.2.3 made some changes in xib file, now when i run this project in simulator the user interface (xib) appearing blank (with black color).
Any idea why this is happening...?
You may be trying to run directly from IB (with cmd+R) this makes it only load the view you're currently editing and does something similar to what you're describing. Save, switch to xcode and run from there, see if that helps. :)