deallocating array of pointer in fortran - fortran90

I am new to Fortran. I am facing a problem with array of pointers. I am writing code in Fortran90. Due to large size of data I have to use array of pointers. Pseudocode is like this
type ::a
integer ::Id
real ::Coords(3)
end type a
type ::b
type(a),pointer ::Member
end type b
type(b),allocatable ::data(:)
integer ::i
!allocation and assigning
do i=1,n
d(i)%member%Id = i
d(i)%member%Coordinates(:) = i*2.0
end do
!Some stuff using data
!De allocation
do i=1,n
end do
I have observed that deallocating the array of pointers in this way is very slow. When dealing with some milions of datasets, it takes significant time to do this. and if I don't do this, the memory doesn't gets released. I want to reuse the data by assigning with new size (new n value in pseudocode) without exiting the program. So I can't run away without deallocating the array, otherwise there will not be enough memory available for doing next stuffs.
Can anyone suggest me if there could be some other way of deallocating array of pointers in Fortran? or can I handle large dataset in my Fortran program?


Broadcast variables in parfor loop in MATLAB

The following loop results in an error in C_mat and B_mat:
%previously defined
parfor n=1:N_RIPETIZIONI*K
The warning says:
The entire array or structure B_mat is a broadcast variable. This might result in unnecessary communication overhead.
The same for C_mat.
How can I fix it so that the indices of B_mat and C_mat are no more broadcast variables?
The issue is that the way you index B_mat (i.e. not using n), every thread in the parfor requires the entirety of B_mat to run. The big bottleneck in parfor code is transferring copies of the data to each node.
MATLAB is basically telling you that if you were to do this, you may actually have slower code than otherwise. Its not that B_mat is some type of variable called "broadcast", its that the way you wrote the code, each n in parfor requires a copy of B_mat.
I assume this is not your real code, so we can't really help you fix it, but hopefully this explains it.

Is it possible to create a sub-array without using additional memory on Matlab?

Well, I am trying to implement an algorithm on Matlab. It requires the usage of a slice of an high dimensional array inside a for loop. When I try to use the logical indexing, Matlab creates an additional copy of that slice and since my array is huge, it takes a lot of time.
slice = x(startInd:endInd);
What I am trying to do is to use that slice without copying it. I just need the slice data to input a linear operator. I won't update that part during the iterations.
To do so, I tried to write a Mex file whose output is a double
type array and whose size is equal to the intended slice data size.
plhs[0] = mxCreateUninitNumericMatrix(0, 0, mxDOUBLE_CLASS,mxREAL); % initialize but do not allocate any additional memory
ptr1 = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); % get the pointer of the input data
Then set the pointer of the output to the starting index of the input data.
mxSetPr(plhs[0], ptr1+startInd);
mxSetM(plhs[0], 1);
mxSetN(plhs[0], (endInd-startInd)); % Update the dimensions as intended
When I set the starting index to be zero, it just works fine. When I try to give
other values than 0, Mex file compiles with no error but Matlab crashes when the Mex function is called.
slice = mex_slicer(x, startInd, endInd);
What might be the problem here?
The way you assign the data pointer to the array, it means that MATLAB will attempt to free that memory when the array is deleted or has something else assigned to it. Attempting to call free using a pointer that was not obtained by malloc will cause a crash.
Unfortunately, MATLAB does not support "views", arrays that point at parts of a different array. So there is no way to do what you want to do.
An alternative solution would be to:
store your data differently, so that it doesn't take as much time to index (e.g. in smaller arrays)?
perform all your computations in C or C++ inside a MEX-file, where you can very simply point at sub-ranges of a larger data block.
See this FEX submission on creating MATLAB variables that "point" to the interior data of an existing variable. You can either do it as a shared data copy which is designed to be safe (but incurs some additional overhead), or as an unprotected direct reference (faster but risks crashing MATLAB if you don't clear it properly).

advice with pointers in matlab

I am running a very large meta-simulation where I go through two hyperparameters (lets say x and y) and for each set of hyperparameters (x_i & y_j) I run a modest sized subsimulation. Thus:
for x=1:I
for y=1:j
For each subsimulation however, about 50% of the data is common to every other subsimulation, or subsimulation(x_1,y_1).commondata=subsimulation(x_2,y_2).commondata.
This is very relevant since so far the total simulation results file size is ~10Gb! Obviously, I want to save the common subsimulation data 1 time to save space. However, the obvious solution, being to save it in one place would screw up my plotting function, since it directly calls subsimulation(x,y).commondata.
I was wondering whether I could do something like
subsimulation(x,y).commondata=% pointer to 1 location in memory %
If that cant work, what about this less elegant solution:
subsimulation(x,y).commondata='variable name' %string
and then adding
What solution do you guys think is best?
You could do this fairly easily by defining a handle class. See also the documentation.
An example:
classdef SimulationCommonData < handle
function this = SimulationCommonData(someData)
% Constructor
this.someData = someData;
Then use like this,
commonData = SimulationCommonData(something);
subsimulation(x, y).commondata = commonData;
subsimulation(x, y+1).commondata = commonData;
% These now point to the same reference (handle)
As per my comment, as long as you do not modify the common data, you can pass it as third input and still not copy the array in memory on each iteration (a very good read is Internal Matlab memory optimizations). This image will clarify:
As you can see, the first jump in memory is due to the creation of common and the second one to the allocation of the output c. If the data were copied on each iteration, you would have seen many more memory fluctuations. For instance, a third jump, then a decrease, then back up again and so on...
Follows the code (I added a pause in between each iteration to make it clearer that no big jumps occur during the loop):
function out = foo(a,b,common)
out = a+b+common;
for ii = 1:10; c = foo(ii,ii+1,common); pause(2); end

matlab local static variable

In order to test an algorithm in different scenarios, in need to iteratively call a matlab function alg.m.
The bottleneck in alg.m is something like:
load large5Dmatrix.mat
small2Dmatrix=large5Dmatrix(:,:,i,j,k) % i,j and k change at every call of alg.m
clear large5Dmatrix
In order to speed up my tests, i would like to have large5Dmatrix loaded only at the first call of alg.m, and valid for future calls, possibly only within the scope of alg.m
Is there a way to acheve this in matlab other then setting large5Dmatrix as global?
Can you think of a better way to work with this large matrix of constant values within alg.m?
You can use persistent for static local variables:
function myfun(myargs)
persistent large5Dmatrix
if isempty(large5Dmatrix)
load large5Dmatrix.mat;
small2Dmatrix=large5Dmatrix(:,:,i,j,k) % i,j and k change at every call of alg.m
% ...
but since you're not changing large5Dmatrix, #High Performance Mark answer is better suited and has no computational implications. Unless you really, really don't want large5Dmatrix in the scope of the caller.
When you pass an array as an argument to a Matlab function the array is only copied if the function updates it, if the function only reads the array then no copy is made. So any performance penalty the function pays, in time and space, should only kick in if the function updates the large array.
I've never tested this with a recursive function but I don't immediately see why it should start copying the large array if it is only read from.
So your strategy would be to load the array outside the function, then pass it into the function as an argument.
This note may clarify.

How to avoid allocating memory for the returned value each time a function is called

I have a function that returns a large vector and is called multiple times, with some logic going on between calls that makes vectorization not an option.
An example of the function is
function a=f(X,i)
and I am doing
for i=1:n a=f(X,i); end
When profiling this (size(X,1)=5.10^5, n=100 ) times are 0.12s for the zeros line and 0.22s for a(:)=X(:,i) the second line. As expected memory is allocated at each call of f in the 'zeros' line.
To get rid of that line and its 0.12s, I thought of allocating the returned value just once, and passing it in as return space each time to an appropriate function g like so:
function a=g(X,i,a)
and doing
for i=1:n a=g(X,i,a); end
What is surprising to me is that profiling inside g still shows memory being allocated in the same amounts at the a(:)=X(:,i); line, and the time taken is very much like 0.12+0.22s..
1)Is this just "lazy copy on write" because I am writing into a?
2)Going forward, what are the options?
-a global variable for a (messy..)?
-writing a matrix handle class (must I really?)
(The nested function way means some heavy redesigning to make a nesting function to which X is known (the matrix A with notations from that answer)..)
Perhaps this is a bit tangential to your question, but if this is a performance critical application, I think a good way to go is to rewrite your function as a mex file. Here is a quote from,
The main reasons to write a MEX-file are:...
Speed; you can rewrite bottleneck computations (like for-loops) as a MEX-file for efficiency.
If you are not familiar with mex files, the link above should get you started. Converting your existing function to C/C++ should not be overly difficult. The yprime.c example included with MATLAB is similar to what you're trying to do, since it is iteratively being called to calculate the derivatives inside ode45, etc.