Is there a list of facebook graphpaths one can use? - facebook

I'm playing around with the facebook api and finding it... extremely... frustrating. I suspect I'm not looking in the right spot, so apologies in advance.
All the resources I read seem to think that this page is useful. I'm finding just the opposite (as much as i like "tables of contents" in books, online i find them poor. You cannot really "search" a table of content of that code or key word and instead have to open up every link, which is silly in 2013).
Is there some sort of resource - facebook approved or not - that lists all the "graphpaths" one can use?
I'm aware - somewhat - of the "me" graphpath, but what are the others?

I personally use Graph API Explorer to explore it.
There exits 2 different choices of starting path. Either /me or /{id}.
That ID can be personid, pageid or any facebookid.


Determining how many people have been added to a facebook group by a single member

I am the admin of a Facebook group and am trying to keep track of how many people each user has added. I cannot seem to nail down how I can easily write a script to:
Determine how many people a User has added.
Echo that to a file in the format $User:$number_of_added_members.
I've been made aware I cannot do this with the API, I am banging my head against a wall here. If anyone could at least point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.
I just did this...
actually i am a programmer and did it in the hard way because i needed group by users. I hoped that the graph api at least give me an xml of user with added by in order to make my code read it but it did not so what i did is just to copy the table on the members page and paste it on a txt file and make a python code read it and make a dictionary of user: number_of_users_he_added.
it was quick but there is a problem that the members page does not give u all the results, its infinity scroll and i have a lot of members.
u can write a js script that read the dom instead of copy paste or even a chrome extension but still have the problem with the infinity scroll.
if facebook provide the added by field in their graph it will be great
Maybe you can work with the site which lists all members and look for the string below the member which says "added by on " But I'm not sure, how long this stays before it switches to "in the group since"
Use a crawler software like the one in Symfony to traverse the HTML of the page. You will need a PHP CLI for this tool. DOMCrawler from Symfony

How to display ALL Facebook Comments on my Blog in ONE place?

Yes, before you ask, I need to clarify that I looked a possible
solution up but that wasn't what I'm trying to achieve.
What I really wan't to do cannot be explained in a few words so I'm going to give a short verbose explaination.
Like this familiar interface of comment-tool in facebook's developer site , I want to be able to see people/pages commenting on my different posts(webpages) in a single static page onmy website.(Pictures below):
Image-1: Comment-tool interface on
Image-2: Image of people commenting on some webpage displayed beside their name... and subsequent comments on different webpages following it
Ofcourse, I could use the comment-tool present in but that gives me access to me and my collaborators only. I need any visitor to be able to see what people are commenting on different posts, in a single page.
Since, this feature is already an option for comment-tool/app admins and moderators, I stand within reason to think that there must be some way to do this publicly too!
tl;dr version:
I want to bring the comment-tool interface found in to a webpage on my blog. Can anyone help me? I might drop a bounty if I really like your soultion :)

modx replacing article link with a link of categories

I've got a staging and live site I'm working on (not my code base). I've accidentally replaced the live server with some staging code (no backup (slap me)) and I'm getting weird urls for articles on the sites 'blog' page.
Basically everything's being called into the page correctly but the page header link is being screwed.
Rather than being
it's giving me,recent,pr,etc
which appears to be the list of categories of the article.
Where/How can I easily fix this?
I'm only calling [[*content]] and can't find where that is.
Linking to an article I know is there with the correct url works still.
any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I assume your blog page has some sort of listing somewhere, maybe a getResources call? If you can't find it in your blog list template (as you're saying you only see a *content), it means the list is probably "hardcoded" in the blog list resource content field.
You'll want to find the chunks being used to output each blog entry on the lists and check which page parameter is used to construct the link. It should probably be *alias, and if it is and your aliases are correct you have some deeper trouble going on.

facebook graph api search rules

Does anyone have any idea what boolean logic is acceptable on the facebook graph api? They have the worst documentation, forums, assistance known to the developer world. I tried using OR and it does not seem to be working. AND seems to be implied with spaces or commas.I am trying to search for multiple terms or using OR and NOT.
You can do AND and OR, when searching for posts, like:|%20banana&type=post
The AND operator you can use with space or +:
You can search for terms like "bruce lee" too, using "":
search?q="bruce lee"&type=post
Resuming: " | " = OR
" " and "+" = AND
I did not find a way to use the NOT operator
And I agree, it is the worst API documentation ever.
It seems, | is not working any more, I've just discovered it today. Only posts matching ALL words from query are found.
Only to share:
'POST' search will no longer be possible from April 30th 2015. See under the paragraph "Removed endpoints":
Public post search is no longer available.
Right now if you enter a number of words in the search term, separated by space - then you should get back relevant entities that have those words (anywhere in the entity, in any order). "bruce lee" --> "Bruce is a nice guy, he likes Lee" would be a possible result.
There is no "or" operator that works.
I opened a case at Facebook, which was closed hours later for the reason it "works as specified" here:
This is a bug tracking tool, but the details you added here don't
represent a bug report - it appears to be you asking for assistance on
how to make certain things work in the search API or a feature request
for the search API to start supporting different operators - only the
behaviours documented here are
Obviously I can't disagree with the correctness of this claim (especially given #tesserex and #vbNewbie 's observations above) BUT let's not give up.
Since I think we all agree the current functionality is limited / limiting, I would like to encourage all of the people that agree with me to open bug reports and / or feature requests (how do you open a feature req. for FB?) so that this will get prioritized correctly.
I don't think the current functionality does Facebook or the developers any good, and I don't think it should be a major effort for FB to improve it significantly.
So let's gently apply some pressure ;-)
It's not working like that anymore, but I'm finding that this will work now (for search for watermelon OR banana:

How does the Google adsense works?

can you tell me, how does the Google Ad sense works?
please explain me in brief..
There's quite a bit of information available from Google on the subject.
You want to know how to "use" it? or its algorithms? For the first one, they have a page for that, for the later one, I don't think you will even be able to figure it out:)
You place a javascript code in your site, and whenever someone visits your site, Google puts an ad in place. If the user clicks the add, you get money for it.
I assume your question is orientated around Google's contextual targeting.
In brief: Google sends a bot to read each page of your website. It looks at all the terms on the page and discards common words and instead tries to understand themes. Google also looks at adgroups of AdWords advertisers and looks to build an understanding of the themes of the keywords. Another algorithm pairs the two together so that relevant ads appear on a webpage.