What are the differences of using value proxies for my entities instead of entity proxies? - gwt

So far i understand that i will have no more need to define an #version field in my entitites and no more need to use an entity locator. And for value proxies i will have to usenormal editors. Any other diffrences, advantages, disadvantages? What about in the context of using request factory in conjunction with spring

The main difference is that with EntityProxy, the client can send a diff of changes rather than the entire object graph. This is made possible because EntityProxys have an identity, so the server can fetch the identity from the datastore and then apply the diff/patch sent from the client, and only then the entity will be passed to your service methods.
With ValueProxy you basically have an equivalent of GWT-RPC: the object is reconstructed from scratch on the server, and not associated with your datastore (in the case of JPA for instance, it's not attached to the session). Depending on your datastore API, this can make things more complex to handle in your service methods.
Other than that, you'll also lose the EntityProxyChange events.


How to properly use EFCore with SignalR Core (avoid caching entities)

I just found some really strange behaviour which turns out it is not so strange at all.
My select statement (query from database) worked only the first time. The second time, query from database was cached.
Inside Hub method I read something from database every 10 seconds and return result to all connected clients. But if some API change this data, Hub context does not read actual data.
In this thread I found this:
When you use EF it by default loads each entity only once per context. The first query creates entity instance and stores it internally. Any subsequent query which requires entity with the same key returns this stored instance. If values in the data store changed you still receive the entity with values from the initial query. This is called Identity map pattern. You can force the object context to reload the entity but it will reload a single shared instance.
So my question is how to properly use EFCore inside SignalR Core hub method?
I could use AsNoTracking, but I would like to use some global setting. Developer can easily forget to add AsNoTracking and this could mean serving outdated data to user.
I would like to write some code in my BaseHub class which will tell context do not track data. If I change entity properties, SaveChanges should update data. Can this be achieved? It is hard to think all the time to add AsNoTracking when querying from hub method.
I would like to write some code in my BaseHub class which will tell context do not track data.
The default query tracking behavior is controlled by the ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior property with default value of TrackAll (i.e. tracking).
You can change it to NoTracking and then use AsTracking() for queries that need tracking. It's a matter of which are more commonly needed.
If I change entity properties, SaveChanges should update data.
This is not possible if the entity is not tracked.
If you actually want tracking queries with "database wins" strategy, I'm afraid it's not possible currently in EF Core. I think EF6 object context services had an option for specifying the "client wins" vs "database wins" strategy, but EF Core currently does not provide such control and always implements "client wins" strategy.

Entity Framework + Web API, return Entities (Complex, collections, etc) outside DbContext

Here is my situation. I use Entity Framework 4 with the Web API
The structure of my code is quite simple, I have the Service layer where all my rest API is organized, I have my Business logic layer where I have business controllers to manage Transactions between the rest calls and the data layer. Finally, I have a data layer with generic repositories and a DAO to access the whole thing.
In my Business controllers, I use using to inject a non transactionnal (read only methods) OR a transactional (CRUD methods) DbContext.
When returning values to my REST API, I parse it into JSON.
The problem is that I keep having this exception: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException
I return my entities / collections / lists outside of my using{} statement, which I think EF does not like by default.
In debug mode, sometimes, I will manage to retrieve all data, but not all the time. Since my entities come from a query within a DbContext, I think that the behavior is to remove loaded sub-properties after the context has been disposed of.
Fact is, I want to keep my structure as is, and I was wondering the following:
Is there a way of returning complete (not lazy-loaded) entities after leaving the using{} statement?
Thanks a lot
I actually read more about Entity Frameworks behavior. What I get is actually standard for EF. I have to force the context to Load() my refered entities in order to get them after leaving the context.

Pushing OData filters down through layers

I have a working project with the following layers:
DataAccess - The project hits multiple DBs and web services. This layer defines the interfaces to each of them. It exposes the native types for each source (EF types for DBs, SOAP-defined types for web services, etc.). Let's say it exposes an EFProject and SoapProject.
Repository - This layer stiches results from the various sources to form a single entity, and exposes it. Let's call this ModelProject
Service - Adds REST attributes to to the entity (action links, etc.). This exposes a ProjectDTO.
WebApi - The controller spits out the ProjectDTO directly.
I'm trying to implement OData, specifically to page the results of very large queries. I've read a lot of examples, but they all seem to expose the source objects directly, and then map them to the final DTOs in the controller.
I would like to somehow push the ODataQueryOptions down to the Repository. This would allow me to keep the existing structure, and pass the query logic down to SQL. I understand that, because the ODataQueryOptions reference the ProjectDTO type, they can't be applied until an object of that type is available. Is there a way to "translate" the ODataQueryOptions from one type to another? Is there another way of doing this that I'm not aware of?
It is able to change the ODataQueryOptions, and such actions in a controller are for you to handle the options yourself:
public IQueryable Get(ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
public IQueryable Get(int key, ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
Here is a sample about this:
https://aspnet.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Samples/WebApi/OData/v4/ODataQueryableSample/Controllers/OrdersController.cs .
For your reference, the source code of ODataQueryOptions is: https://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#src/System.Web.OData/OData/Query/ODataQueryOptions.cs
Is there a way to "translate" the ODataQueryOptions from one type to another? Is there another way of doing this that I'm not aware of?
There is a way to actually translate the IQueryable<DomainModel> to IQueryable<DtoModel>.
I've done something similar in the past by leveraging AutoMapper's projection functionality. By calling the Project<TSource>/To<TTarget> methods, you can change an IQueryable that points to your domain models to another IQueryable that targets the Dto models, without actually executing it.
This means that you can now perform any OData operations on the DTO level and they will transfer through projection to the DAL layer into EntityFramework and SQL. In a scenario like this, there shouldn't be any need to manually handle the query logic so you can just use [EnableQuery] on the API route and let OData do its thing on the resulting IQueryable<DtoModel>.
I used this very successfully in one of the projects I worked on: as long as you rely just on AutoMapper projection to convert the types, it should work fine.
Granted, you can't do a lot of fancy mapping that way. The project methods will not be able to apply all kinds of mappings that you create, so I recommend checking the documentation on that front.
You also have to keep in mind that the original IQueryable needs to be exposed outside of the repository layer for this to work properly, otherwise the query will be executed too early. Some people will find that a boundary violation and will advocate for materializing the query inside the repository layer, but I don't have an issue with that particular aspect.

Can breezejs pick up validation rules from Ef configuration classes?

I'd like to know if it's mandatory to use DataAnnotations for breezejs ef metadata provider to properly get all configurations for each entity? Alternatively, can one avoid the use of any conventions or data annotations and instead configure a mapping class for each entity with explicit mappings and configurations?
You have several options:
1) You can define the metadata yourself on either the client or server, instead of having it generated from EF metadata. See the Breeze Metadata discussion here
2) You can define this same metadata on the client. See the MetadataStore addEntityType method.
3) Along with either of the two options above, you can 'reinterpret' any json results returned from any web service call with the JsonResultsAdapter. We will have an example of this out within the next week or so. By default, this is done for you, but you can intercept the process.
4) Hybrid use, where some entities are defined via metadata from the server and some from client side metadata are also possible. Similarly, you can choose to implement a JsonResultsAdapter for just selected queries and use the default for the rest.
Hope this helps.

com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.Locator.getVersion() - What is this method used for?

I'm writing my first GWT-Application and need your advice. I have no problems implementing a locator for database entities where I can reuse the version-column used for optimistic locking by hibernate, but one of my entities represents a ldap-Object. Can you tell me what the method getVersion() of the Locator is used for and how I can implement this method for my ldap-Object? I will do read and write ldap objects.
From GWT documentation, getVersion method is
Used by RequestFactory to infer if an entity has changed. The backing store (JDO, JPA, etc.) is responsible for updating the version each time the object is persisted, and RequestFactory calls getVersion() to learn of changes. This information is used in two places. First, the RequestFactoryServlet sends an UPDATE event to the client if an entity changes as a result of the method invocation on the server, for example, when a call to persist an editable entity results in an updated version on the server. Second, the client maintains a version cache of recently seen entities. Whenever it sees an entity whose version has changed, it fires UPDATE events on the event bus so that listeners can update the view.
Since many persistence frameworks offer generic find/get/query methods, it's also possible to create a generic Locator class and specify it in the #ProxyFor annotation for each entity type. To do this, all your entities can extend a base class that provides getId() and getVersion(). Alternatively, the generic Locator can use reflection to call getId() and getVersion() when needed.
Not sure if you're looking for anything else in addition to this.
I have the same problem. My first thought was to use the Attribute modifyTimestamp and createTimestamp. But there is still a functional gap:
The smallest unit of These timestamps is seconds so a Change in the same second can not be detected. Another solution would be to use a kind of checksum over all attributes of the ldap object. Not very nice..