Version mismatch for Searchd and Sphinxsearch - sphinx

I am using CakePHP behavior plugin with sphinx server
searchd error: client version is higher than daemon version (client is v.1.30, daemon is v.1.25)

Well you need to change the version of either the client or the server, so they match!
You could replease sphinxapi.php with the version from the package you installed of the server.
Or could find what version yuo have sphinxapi.php from and install the same server version.


FreeBSD: upgrade MongoDB server from 2.6 to 3.0

Running MongoDB v2.6 Server on FreeBSD operating system, I am looking for a way to upgrade the MongoDB version to at least v3.0. According to MongoDB website, I need to replace the binaries but I am not able to find appropriate download binaries for FreeBSD there MongoDB download website. Alternatively I had hoped, I could upgrade the binaries using pkg package manager but I don't know which command to use to upgrade to a specific version. I am looking for something like:
sudo pkg upgrade mongod v3.03
I've been crawling the web for days now to find a download link for Freebsd binaries for Version 3.0x or right upgrade command using pkg package manager.
Solution is: using the command "pkg install mongodb36-3.6.6_2" as suggested in the link by Valijon will first deinstall a previous version and then install v3.6 of MongoDB Server. Just what I was looking for.

Installing the newest version of Zabbix Agent on Windows Server

I've got a problem in installing the newest version of Zabbix agent on Windows Server via vm boxes in Linux, since the old version of zabbix has not been uninstalled perfectly. Zabbix agent service is existed however the system cannot file the file related to specified address in services.
Uninstall the Windows service:
zabbix_agentd.exe --config c:\zabbix_agentd.conf --uninstall
You might also want to use the example file, if the config file isn't a copy of that one already.

How to install MongoDB on amazon linux and connect it to Laravel-jenssegers MongoDB?

I followed this for installing mongodb on Amazon Linux. I have a laravel project to host on my amazon Linux server. Jenssegers mongoDB is already installed in the framework while developing the web app (in Ubuntu).
The web app was developed in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and it was working properly.
When I hosted it on the server I am getting error:
Class 'MongoClient' not found
My questions are
1. How can I configure mongodb on amazon linux?
(now when i do sudo service mongod restart it is showing FAILED)
2.What all are the configurations that must be changed in the web app(which is done in Ubuntu) in order to use mongodb?
I am using PHP54
httpd 24
Laravel 4.2
Mongo client is not included in the base PHP API. Instead it needs to be installed as extension.
Its not part of the base repository, but it is part of EPEL which can be enabled on Amazon Linux. You can also install it via pecl (Provided you have installed the tools to compile extensions). Use one of the two commands to install the extension:
yum install php-pecl-mongo --enablerepo=epel
pecl install mongo
Once the installation is complete, restart apache and/or php.

MongoDB: Upgrade 2.4.10 to 2.6

I have a mongodb standalone instance in my ubuntu. According to official docs I replace mongod binary then I restarted mongodb using sudo service mongodb restart command, and restarted mongod binary also. Then when I check version using mongo --version. It's still 2.4.10. But when I check mongod version it's 2.6.1. Is it okay? I installed mongodb in my local machine using this guide. If it correct then I will upgrade my production server.
It sounds like you have upgraded your mongod server to 2.6.1 but still have an older version of the mongo shell in your path.
Technically that isn't a major issue for most usage as the older 2.4 shell can still connect and run common commands.
However, there are 2.6-specific shell helpers & features you'll be missing out on such as Bulk() operations and user management commands with user-defined roles.
If you have an open mongo shell, you can check the versions of both the mongo client and the mongod server you are connected to.
Ideally the major versions should match, eg:
> version() // Version of the `mongo` shell
> db.version() // Version of the `mongod` server this shell has connected to
The upgrade guide you have followed is assuming you are not using the packaged versions of MongoDB -- the guidance here could definitely be improved.
A better (and typical) approach for Ubuntu is to install MongoDB using the standard packages: Install MongoDB on Ubuntu. This would allow you to get software updates via the normal apt-get update process.
Yes. It's okay. The 2.6.1 version is a small update with bugfixes after version 2.6. But it's still the same major version.

Tryton Incompatible version of the server

I'm trying to connect Tryton to a postgres database. In the Tryton client profile, I used the following details:
Hostname : localhost
port : 8000
username : admin
Now everytime I put in the details above, the database labels show:
Incompatible version of the server
So I check out Tryton server and client version and I found out its:
tryton = 2.6.0
trytond = 2.0.1
Ok, now I know that the trytond is not the same as my tryton version.
I have searched the web many times to find a matching client and server version but failed.
Even in Ubuntu synaptic package manager, I can't find a real same version.
You must use the same two first version number. So you must use 2.6 series or 2.0 series.
On Ubuntu, last series packaged is 2.2.
Are you using pip? If not, then install it first. This is the best tool(in my knowledge) to install python packages.
To install tryton client using pip sudo pip install 'tryton>2.6,<2.7' and for tryton server sudo pip install 'trytond>2.6,<2.7'. This will install both tryton client and server of latest series 2.6. To install different version just change the version number in command.
All the best!
you can download the tryton and and corresponding trytond versions from