M2e tool error for EClipse Kepler - eclipse

Downloaded Eclipse J2EE Kepler now and wanted to install the Maven plugin from Market place.
But I keep getting this error in the picture:
So this plugin not working anymore? Is there any other recommended plugin to install?

If you look at the m2e-wtp site you'll find that this feature is installed by default in the Eclipse Kepler distribution. So it's not removed, but just already included in the installation. Moreover, they (finally) upgraded it from incubation to 1.0 version. Enjoy it!
m2e-wtp graduated from the Eclipse incubator to reach version 1.0.0. Moreover, m2e-wtp and m2e are now included in the Eclipse Java EE distribution by default. m2e-wtp 1.0.0 adds Java EE 7 support in Kepler and a few other new cool features.

This error means it is already installed in your IDE.
IF any updates are released by M2E tools then it can be updated like you did or if you click on 'Check for Updates'.


compatibility of kepler plugins with indigo

I am using eclipse indigo. And I have kepler version's plugins which are needed for my project. Can I just copy-paste them in the plugins folder of eclipse indigo which I am currently using now?
In general, No, you can't use plugins from newer versions of Eclipse in an older release. Some plugins might work but the combination will not have been tested.

Maven for Eclipse 1.5.0 plugin cannot be installed under Kepler

I downloaded Eclipse Kepler and tried to install M2Eclipse from its update site.
After selecting Maven Integration for Eclipse, I clicked Next and got the following error:
Missing requirement: Maven Integration for Eclipse (org.eclipse.m2e.core requires 'bundle com.google.guava [14.0.1,16.0.0)' but it could not be found
So I searched through the internet to find out how to install the Guava Eclipse plugin. Some say it's from the Eclipse marketplace, but it cannot be downloaded. I downloaded the binary and tried to copy it to Eclipse's plugin directory. Still the same result.
cp ~/Downloads/guava-16.0.1.jar /Applications/eclipse/plugins/com.google.guava_16.0.1.v1234.jar
How do I install the m2e plugin for Kepler?
m2e 1.5.0 requires Eclipse Luna. It will not work with Kepler or Indigo. (thanks to #HDave for the link)
So you have to use an older version of m2e under Kepler.
During installation, uncheck "Show only the latest versions of available software". Then only check the 1.4.1 version or lower version in the candidate list. It doesn't require the Guava dependency.
Make sure you have the Luna repository in "Available Software Sites".
You can add it in : Help -> Install New Software...
Then in the "Work with" input, you type http://download.eclipse.org/releases/luna/ and press enter.
After that, you should be able to install m2e with http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases/
You can find Guava 15 on Orbit project - "repository of bundled versions of third party libraries that are approved for use in one or more Eclipse projects". You can also directly add the Orbit project update site to your kepler installation and you'll be able to update m2e
What has helped me for Juno release is adding http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases/1.3/ as plugin update site. The version of Maven for Eclipse was 1.3 instead of 1.5 but, for me, this differrence was less principal than the absence of extra dependencies and extra update sites, especially that of the newer version of IDE itself.
Do you necessarily need version 1.5 or 1.3 also should be good?
Maven Eclipse plugin installation step by step:
Open Eclipse IDE
Click Help -> Install New Software...
Uncheck "Show only the latest versions of available software"
Click Add button at top right corner
At pop up: fill up Name as "M2Eclipse" and Location as"http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases"
Check only one 1.4.1 Version.
Now click OK After that installation would be started.
This URL does not work.
This one can work.

How to install Codepro plugin in Eclipse Kepler

Now I am using Eclipse Kepler Version:, but i don't how to configure "CodePro AnalytiX" plugin in Eclipse Kepler. Is it possible to configure "CodePro AnalytiX" in my current Eclipse Kepler?
And is "CodePro AnalytiX" plugin the correct tool for testing code perfomance? Otherwise suggest any other tool for code testing.
-Open Eclipse Kepler
-Help -> install new software
-enter this URL:
If you found any other good tool for persistance tests, please let me know :)
All the url's specified in this page are no longer valid.
Eclipse version Installation instructions
Direct plugin link
Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) Plugin for Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) https://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/4.6
Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) Plugin for Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) https://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/4.5
Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) Plugin for Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) https://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/4.4
If you are looking for older versions of the plugin, click here.
If you are having trouble installing from the update sites (due to firewall issues, for instance), you can install the Google Plugin for Eclipse by downloading and installing an archive of the update site.
Yes Its compatible for eclipse version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)

Getting Maven (M2e and m2e wtp) plugins for use in Eclipse Indigo 3.7.2

I just installed eclipse 3.7.2 and was trying to get Maven plugins for it.
I used Help->Install New Software and used this website to work with:
I waited for 4 items to show up including:
2) Maven Intgration for Eclipse
3) Maven Itegration for WTP
and clicked those 2 (middle items). To my chagrin, the result was this:
The operation cannot be completed. See the details.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: m2e - slf4j over logback logging (Optional) (org.eclipse.m2e.logback.feature.feature.group
I saw that someone else saw this when they were on eclipse 3.6.2 and they no longer saw the error after upgrading to 3.7.
But, I would prefer to use 3.7.2 as it works well with other plugins that I need.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I've had the same problem. The latest m2e plugin no longer works with Indigo (3.7.2)
However, there is an archive page here: http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E_updatesite_and_gittags. This page has a list of old versions of the plugin. I just successfully installed version 1.0 SR2.
Same problem here, I installed successfully version 1.3.1 from http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases/1.3/
I have added the below link in "Install New Software" in Indigo.
I got two options M2E and SLF4j. Accept them .. After download ..Click Restart.. .
For more versions use the below URL's
Had the same problem with Indigo Release 2 and this m2e update site worked http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases/1.4/?d

Install marketplace on Eclipse ide for java ee developers

How do I install marketplace on Eclipse ide for java ee developers? I'm using Eclipse Platform v3.3.2. I want marketplace to install Glassfish, Subversion and other tools.
If you look at the Marketplace Download page, you will see that the first version supported is Helios, Eclipse 3.6. So I don't think that the Marketplace could work with your installation Europe, Eclipse 3.3.2. You have to hunt for all the things you need in an older version, at least for Subversion you should find it.
The better option would be to update at least to Eclipse 3.7.