AndEngine configuration not working in Android Studio - andengine

I recently tried adding AndEngine to a new Android Studio project. I cloned the AndEngine project from Git, I created a library module that connected to the AndEngine folder. After that, I added an AndEngine test program (pretty much empty) and I tried running it. I got a bunch of errors saying that the AndEngine resources did not exist (inside said test program). I based what I did on this guide

Just yesterday I was trying to do the same thing. I never got anywhere because the document seems to be out of date with the new version of Android Studio.
Instead I opened the AndEngine project separately and built it to a jar and placed the jar in my original project's lib folder. Worked great for me after that.

You should use "Import Module" instead of creating a library module in new Android Studio (0.8.1). Works great


Importing Swift framework in Xcode - where to put "import" instructions?

I am trying to import an existing SDK for ClickSend ( into my existing iOS Swift project in Xcode, but the installation doesn't say much (at least not for me that comes from Visual Studio and C#).
This is the installation instruction:
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in
I can't seem to find any places called "import" where I can add ./clicksend-swift. I have been trying to add the files/folders to my project, but it doesn't compile (can't find the Alamo framework)
I guess this is something that is very trival and everyone understands, since the installation is so short and there are no Google results for doing a simple import project.
The ClickSend team has now updated library and installation instructions, so everything is clear on how to install the library. :)

importing library project + different projects into Android Studio from Eclipse

Looks like the time has come for me to start using Android Studio, as I need some features that unfortunately have not been ported to Eclipse :(
Fortunately Android Studio is able to nearly-flawlessly import my projects, although I'm concerned if I'm doing it correctly
My Eclipse Workspace Layout is as follows:
LIB-CODEBASE is a big library project that contains most of the application beef
APP-KINDLE is a runnable project that uses the former, and provides some additional classes and activities for the KINDLE version of the app
APP-FIRETV is the same, but targeted to Amazon FireTV devices
APP-GOOGLE is the same, but targeted to Google-Play certified devices
APP-GCAST is the same, but targeted to modern devices supporting Chromecast.
When I import into Android Studio any of the APP-XXXX projects, it creates a copy of LIB-CODEBASE inside. So for each APP-XXXX project I have a full copy of LIB-CODEBASE inside their folders.
Is there an easy way to make all APP-XXXX projects to just share, link or include the LIB-CODEBASE project?
Inside a project you can refer an external module.
Just use:
|__app (application module)
In settings.gradle:
include ':app'
include ':codeBaseLib'
project(':codeBaseLib').projectDir=new File('pathLibrary')
In app/build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile project(':codeBaseLib')
Pay attention to codeBaseLib.
You have to use the path of the library inside the other project, not the root of the project.
Also for your APP-XXXX projects check if you can use a single project with different flavors.

Gradle: "Refresh All" removes linked project in Java build Path

I am using libgdx to make a ios game with RoboVM. I am using the latest versions of LibGDX, RoboVM and my Eclipse is up to date.
Recently I have been trying to add Google Analytics thanks to the Robovm bindings.
I have manually imported the analytics project in Eclipse:
with File -> Import -> Gradle project
Everyting works fine, I can import and use the classes in my ios project.
But then if I right click my ios project -> Gradle -> refresh all, the build is succesful but it removes the analytics project from the java build path. As a result, when I try to compile my ios project from a terminal with a command line, it doesn't compile since it doesn't fine the analytics classes. I am using "./gradlew launchIOSDevice --stacktrace"
I guess there is a setting or property in Gradle or Robovm that I should change, anybody has an idea?
Answering to myself, it might help others... I ended up creating my own jar from the analytics project, and added it as a library in a separate folder. As described here:
This way every new Gradle build correctly links it to my ios project.

Cordova (Phonegap) build undo my code changes in Eclipse

Once I create my Phonegap project through the CLI with:
cordova create hello com.example.hello "HelloWorld"
add the android platform and import the project to my Eclipse, every time I run a cordova build android command, it undo/reverts the code that I changed on Eclipse, looks like it always gets reverted to the original project structure created by Cordova CLI, maybe I missed something in the documentation... any ideas?
Ok.. So the plan will be, I will develop my app using the root files, i.e., within hello/www/* (instead of the files within hello/platforms/android/assets/www/*) because Phonegap will override any changes to the ones for specific platforms as part of its build process. My development workflow then involves TextMate to edit HMTL/CSS/JS and then running cordova prepare under the project's folder in order to update the files in my Eclipse project.
Anyway.. just sharing my solution workaround to the cumbersome development process for Phonegap + Android because, IMHO, the documentation around this technology sucks...

Compile Adobe Flash Builder project with Flex SDK command line

I have inherited a Flash Builder 4.6 project, but cannot get the Eclipse FB to compile the project, and now my 60 days has lapsed.
I got fed up with being sent in circles by Eclipse/Fb and now I want to try and sanitise/understand the process by building manually using Flex SDK 4.6.
Trouble, is I do not know where to start. There is the MXMLC.exe and CompC.exe, there are projects within the workspace with inter-depedencies.
Simple example using ANt exists where the chap is only compiling from a single source file.
In my workspace I have a main project folder with sub-folders like src containing .as, .mxml, .png files and sub0fodlers like "assets". At the src root folder there is the main mxml which maps to the final compiled exe.
The project also has a "libs", "bin" "bin-release" folder.
The referenced projects are similar.
One of the referenced projects is "flerry".
I want a single Windows Perl/BAT scipts that will compile this for me.
Any ideas on where to look?
mxmlc.exe is used to compile the application, compc.exe is used to compile libraries. If you have code library dependencies, you'll first need to compile these and then compile your application.
The documentation on compiling is pretty good and can be found here:
I would suggest you give this a go and post specific questions if you run into issues.