Will calling a nested Navigation Property retrieve all the parent navigation properties? - entity-framework

I am using Entity Framework inside an asp.net mvc web application. I have the following query:-
public AccountDefinition GetCustomer2(int id){
var c = entities.AccountDefinitions.Where(s=>s.ORG_ID==id)
var c2 = c.Select(a=>a.SDOrganization); //code goes here }
Which is called from the following Action Method:-
public ActionResult Index(int searchTerm)
{ var accountdefinition = repository.GetCustomer2(searchTerm).ToList();
return View(accountdefinition);
So when I am creating the c2 var will it query the database or the data will be inside the memory from the first call, when reaching the .Tolist()?.
Second question if I replace the .Include with .Select when creating the Var c, will it have the same effect?

You can see what query is executed in the SQL Server Profiler (if using SQL Server), or you can have a look at some Entity Framework Tracing Provider. http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/EFProviderWrappers-c0b88f32
This will give you lots of information and understanding...


Should DBContext be globally defined or explicitly created every time?

I'm a SQL guy who's tinkering with Web API and Entity Framework 6 and I keep receiving the error "The operation cannot be completed because the DbContext has been disposed" when I my code is:
namespace DataAccessLayer.Controllers
public class CommonController : ApiController
public IQueryable GetCorrespondenceTypes()
using (var coreDB = new coreEntities())
var correspondenceType = coreDB.tblCorrespondenceTypes.Select(cor => new { cor.CorrespondenceTypeName });
return correspondenceType;
But if change my code around a little and try this it works:
namespace DataAccessLayer.Controllers
public class CommonController : ApiController
readonly coreEntities coreDB = new coreEntities();
public IQueryable GetCorrespondenceTypes()
var correspondenceType = coreDB.tblCorrespondenceTypes.Select(cor => new { cor.CorrespondenceTypeName });
return correspondenceType;
My question is why does the second one work but not the first? Is it better practice to have a global connection string or call DBContext explicitly each time?
Your are getting error because you are returning the IQueryable for which Entity framework has yet not executed the query and DbContext has been disposed when that query needs to be executed.
Remember Entity framework will not execute query until collection is initialized or any method that does not support deferred execution. Visit this link for list of Linq deferred execution supported method.
why does the second one work but not the first?
In first code snippet you are returning an instance of IQuerable which has not executed DbQuery and then after it just fires dispose on your context (coreDB). So then after whenever your code iterate over the collection it tries to fire DbQuery but finds that context has already been destroyed so you are getting an error.
In second case when ever you are iterating over the collection coreDB context must be alive so you are not getting an error.
Is it better practice to have a global connection string or call DBContext explicitly each time?
Answer to this question is based on developers taste or his own comforts. You can use your context wrapped within using statements as below:
public IList GetCorrespondenceTypes()
using (var coreDB = new coreEntities())
var correspondenceType = coreDB.tblCorrespondenceTypes.Select(cor => new { cor.CorrespondenceTypeName });
return correspondenceType.ToList();
As shown in above code snippet if you would use ToList before returning it would execute query before your coreDB got destroyed. In this case you will have to make sure that you returned materialized response (i.e. returned response after executing the DbQuery).
Note: I have noticed most of the people choose the second way. Which targets context as an instance field or property.

DDD EF Repository

With following DDD and the repository pattern, is it possible to return the aggregate root object with its child data already included instead of using lazy loading?
e.g. I have a warehouse entity as the aggregate root and it has a child object called location.
On the repository I have a method below to query the location Id but passes back the warehouse entity.
dim warehouse as Warehouse = warehouseRepository.FindByLocationId(Id as int32).
dim locationName as string = warehouse.location.where(function(x) x.Id = 1).firstordefault.name
When I use warehouse.location EF uses a proxy class to fire off another DB query to retrieve the location data.
In my repository method FindByLocationId can I query the location DB table and pass back the warehouse entity with the location data included?
In general to stop lazy loading and proxies you can set the following properties on the Configuration property of your DbContext class. I tend to do this when overriding the OnModelCreating() method, so all my 'Setup' stuff is together.
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
If you want to eagerly load a property you can use the Include() method:
var wareHouse = (from w in ctx.WareHouses.Include("location")
select w).FirstOrDefault();
I presume you just want to use the include option in your query. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb896272.aspx
So you'd have something like this:
var data = (from w in context.Warehouse
select w).FirstOrDefault();

Getting the most out of Entity Framework in a ASP MVC web application

How do I get the most out of my Entity Framework (v4.0 or better) in my ASP MVC3 web application? My main problem is due to the request-response nature of the web, it seems I have to manually track objects being displayed on a form to the DB in order to do CUD operations. Eg. as suggested in Editing and Updating Entity Framework entity in ASP .NET MVC this seems awfully manual. Is there a way to keep my context in my session some how such that EF is doing all the work for me?
Don't store ObjectContext in session. Use a new context for each request processing. Here you can read something about long living contexts. If you use long living context stored in session you will have a big problem to load fresh data. Also if your user opens your application in multiple browser tabs (= same session) you can get some very unexpected results.
If you want to update just scalar values (no changes in navigation properites) you can use:
Insert scenario:
public ActionResult Insert(MyEntity entity)
using (var context = new MyContext())
Update scenario with fully detached object:
public ActionResult Update(MyEntity entity)
using (var context = new MyContext())
context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjecState(entity, EntityState.Modified);
Update scenario with loading object first from DB:
public ActionResult Update(MyEntity entity)
using (var context = new MyContext())
int id = entity.Id;
context.MyEntities.Single(e => e.Id == id); // You must load the record first
Delete scenario:
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
using (var context = new MyContext())
var entity = context.MyEntities.Single(e => e.Id == id);
It is possible to delete the entity without loading it first but if the entity has any relation it couses a lot of troubles.
If you want to modify relations as well it can involve using either UpdateMode / TryUpdateModel as discussed here or tracking changes manually as described here. Simple relation updates on Foreign key association (the description is the same even if you don't use code-first) can be still handled by previous examples.

MVC 2 and EF4 Self-tracking entities models have bad state on post back

I've got standard Create() Edit() and Delete() methods on my controllers, and I am using the EF4 Self-tracking entities.
When the edit is posted back, the model.ChangeTracker.ChangeTracking = false, and model.ChangeTracker.State = ObjectState.Added, even though I made sure those are set when retrieving the record initially.
Are the self-tracking entities not persisting the ChangeTracker class when the form is submitted? If so, how do I fix that?
public virtual ActionResult Edit(int personId)
IContext context = ContextFactory.GetContext();
EntityRepo Repo = new EntityRepo(context);
Person d = Repo.Person.GetById(PersonId);
d.ChangeTracker.ChangeTrackingEnabled = true;
return View(d);
public virtual ActionResult Edit(int personId, Person item)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
IContext context = ContextFactory.GetContext();
EntityRepo Repo = new EntityRepo(context);
// the item is returning these properties that are wrong
//item.ChangeTracker.ChangeTrackingEnabled = false;
//item.ChangeTracker.State = ObjectState.Added;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
Let's start at the beginning.
What are Self-Tracking Entities, exactly?
A Self-Tracking Entity is an entity which can do change tracking even when it is not connected to a ObjectContext. They are useful in times when you must change the entity, but cannot have it connected to an ObjectContext.
So when would I want one, really?
Mostly, when you must have distributed objects. For example, one use case is when you are making a web service which talks to a Silverlight client. However, other tools, like RIA Services may be a better fit here. Another possible use case is for a long-running task. Since an ObjectContext is intended to be a unit of work and should typically not be long-lived, having a disconnected entity might make sense here.
Do they make any sense for MVC?
Not really, no.
Let's look at this a little deeper, and examine what happens when you update an entity in MVC. The general process is like this:
The browser issues a GET request for an update page.
The MVC app fetches an entity, and uses it to build an update HTML page. The page is served to the browser, and most C# objects, including your entity, are disposed. At this point, you can restart the Web server, and the browser will never know the difference.
The browser issues a POST request to update the entity.
The MVC framework uses the data in the POST in order to materialize an instance of an edit model which is passed to the update action. This might happen to be the same type as the entity, but it is a new instance.
The MVC app can update the entity and pass those changes back to the database.
Now, you could make self-tracking entities work by also including the full state of the STE in the HTML form and POSTing that back to the MVC app along with the scalar values on the entity. Then the Self-Tracking Entity might at least work.
But what benefit does this give you? The browser obviously cannot deal with your entity as a C# object. So it cannot make any changes to the entity worth tracking in terms that a Self-Tracking Entity would understand.
U should keep original STE in some hidden field. It's like your custom ViewState. In submit method u must merge original STE and new values.
Use ActionFilterAttribute for it.
public class SerializeOriginalModelAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
var viewResult = filterContext.Result as ViewResult;
if (viewResult == null)
var viewModel = viewResult.ViewData.Model as ViewModel;
if (viewModel == null || viewModel.SteObject == null)
byte[] bytes;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(viewModel.SteObject.GetType());
serializer.WriteObject(stream, viewModel.SteObject);
bytes = stream.ToArray();
var compressed = GZipHelper.Compress(bytes);
viewModel.SerializedSteObject = Convert.ToBase64String(compressed);
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.ActionParameters == null || filterContext.ActionParameters.Count == 0)
var viewModel = filterContext.ActionParameters.First().Value as ViewModel;
var serialized = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Form["SerializedSteObject"];
if (viewModel == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(serialized))
var type = filterContext.ActionParameters.First().Value.GetType().BaseType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
var bytes = GZipHelper.Decompress(Convert.FromBase64String(serialized));
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes))
var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(type);
viewModel.SteObject = serializer.ReadObject(stream);
STE has one very big drawback. You have to store them in session or view state (WebForms). So it is nothing more than "new version of dataset". If you don't store STE you will have one instance for getting data and different for posting = no change tracking.
I think you are missing the idea of Repository. You should not have an Update method in the Repository. After submitting, you should get the item again, apply the modifications and then Save.
I prefer having a service layer between client and Repository. We can always change the strategy with which we merge.
And yes, if you need to persist your STE's between requests, use session or viewstate.
It should be
instead of
Self Tracking works with ApplyChanges extention method.

How to relate entities that are not directly mapped through a navigation property

I have an object that has been populated with the contents of four different related entities. However i have another entity in which i cannot include as part of the query due to it not being related in the navigation properites directly to the IQueryable table i am pulling. The entity i am trying to include is related to one of the four different entities that have been included successfully.
Is there a way to include(during db hit or afterwards) this entity as part of the overall object i am creating?
Here is an example of what my calls look like to build the CARTITEM object:
public List<CARTITEM> ListCartItem(Guid cartId)
//Create the Entity object
List<CARTITEM> itemInfo = null;
using (Entities webStoreContext = new Entities())
//Invoke the query
itemInfo = WebStoreDelegates.selectCartItems.Invoke(webStoreContext).ByCartID(cartId).ToList();
//Return the result set
return itemInfo;
here is the selectCartItems filter(Where i would normally do the includes):
public static Func<Entities, IQueryable<CARTITEM>> selectCartItems =
CompiledQuery.Compile<Entities, IQueryable<CARTITEM>>(
(cart) => from c in cart.CARTITEM.Include("ITEM").Include("SHIPPINGOPTION").Include("RELATEDITEM").Include("PROMOTION")
select c);
from this i have my CARTITEM object. Problem is i want to include the PROMOTIONTYPE table in this object, but since the CARTIEM entity doesn't have a navigation property directly to the PROMOTIONTYPE table i get an error.
Let me know if you need any more clarification.
You can use join and if it is the same database and server it should generate the join in SQL and do it all in one call...
LinqToEnties join example