Get friends who visited a certain country from Facebook graph - facebook

I'm trying to use the Facebook graph api to get a list of friends who have visited a certain country, like the result from the facebook graph search friends that have been to ...
The solution I have found is to get all of their locations using me/friends?fields=locations.fields(place),picture&limit=5, and then filter out those who have been to a certain country. The problem with this is that the response time is very long (2s for 5 friends!).
How can I get a list of friends who have been to a certain country, without having to request all of their locations?


How to find Full list of Facebook ID and names of Cities from Facebook Marketing API

How can I use the Facebook Ads API to find a comprehensive list of all the cities that can be targeted for ads, and what parameters should I use in my request to ensure that I receive accurate and up-to-date information?
I tested the following parameter in Facebook Graph API Explorer, and its returned an empty Result, but it displays a complete list of countries when I change location_types=['country']
Is there a CSV for all the geolocation details for Facebook? How can I get a List of all cities Facebook Ads GeoLocation has?

Get likes of venues from user's friends

Is it possible with the new Facebook Graphi API 2.5 to check how many friends (just a number, no names etc.) of a user liked a certain venue (restaurant, museum, etc.)?
I checked the Graph API explorer and there is the following debug message:
Only friends who installed this app are returned in API v2.0 and higher.
total_count in summary represents the total number of friends,
including those who haven't installed the app.
Is it possible?

Facebook Graph API: get sum of likes made to friends

Is there a way to get a list of the sums of likes/shares the calling user has made on his/her friends' objects over a specified time frame broken out by friend, without having to iterate over all objects that a user's friends have posted, tallying their likes from that user, and then re-doing that for all of the user's friends?
No, this is not possible with the current Graph API.

Gettings friends of friends using the app in Graph API 2?

I know how to get friends using my app using Graph API:
me/friends returns the list of friends using my app.
I also know how to check if two friends have any mutual friends, too (I've asked this question before: Determining if two app using users have any mutual friends in Graph API 2.0/2.1?):
{user_id}?fields=context.fields(mutual_friends) returns my mutual friend count and list of mutual friends using the app.
However, I need a list of friends of friends who use the app. I can first get all my friends (the first query above) and check if I have mutual friends with them by querying the second endpoint that I've provided above for each user. But for example, if I have 50 friends on my app, it means querying Facebook 50 times, which is definitely not an acceptable behavior. I have privacy settings in my app which contains "friends of friends" option. How can I get all friends of friends using my app in a single query (or at least, not an O(n) query).

How to use facebook graph API to get nearby restaurants' ratings and checkins?

Does anyone know how to build a graph api query string that is able to fetch the following things:
rating information of nearby restaurants that shows in the "Nearby Places" function of iOS App
friends that also had checked in at a specific restaurant