OpenCart: Flat Option Cost + Per Item Cost for Products - plugins

In Opencart, I have a product which you select colors of.
Basically the pricing should be: Each additional printing color costs a flat rate of $50 + $0.25 for each.
So if a person were ordering 1000 items, with 2 colors, the cost would need to be BASECOST + $100($50x2) + $250(1000x$.25)
Right now I'm only able to set up the cost for each product. Since people are going to be both ordering large and huge quantities, there's no easy way to build it into the each price.
I could have sworn I saw a free extension awhile ago that allowed you to set both a flat price for an option, and a price for each on the quantity. Trying searching everything I could think of, but the only thing that I could find is for shipping (we already have a pretty complex setup for the shipping, so can't mess with that).
Has anyone came across a solution, or simple extension for this problem. Seems like a simple thing, but still can't find a solution for the life of me.

The easiest way I can see to do this would be to have fixed costs for certain price breaks which can be done through the Discount tab of each product, and can even be set based on customer group if you have wholesale as well as regular customers or other customer groups


Creating custom daily evalutations in Moodle

I've been looking for a solution for kindergarten teachers to submit daily student evaluations (different criteria) in Moodle. So far, the closest solution that I've found is the Attendance plugin.
Does anyone know of a plugin that allows the teacher to submit a daily evaluation?
Another option that I'm looking into is Moodle Competency, which can actually fit the need, however, it looks like competency is not cumulative ... if I can find a way to make it cumulative that will be awesome.
For example, one of the competencies we have is "able to read sentences" and the scale is "1 - non-developed", "2- being developed" and "3- fully developed". At any point, the teacher or school admin would like to know how competent the student is. In our case, if this is an indicator that is being responded daily, we should be able to take the average and be able to evaluate the student.
The competency framework (to my understanding) doesn't calculate the average, rather it relies on being rated by the teacher.
Any thoughts where I should continue to look?
Attendance could be a great solution to your needs.
It could be hidden to the ones acting like students (I'm not shure if the kindergarden kids be interested in see this, maybe their parents)
Attendance have a full compatibility with course grading.
It could be configured to have diferent percentaje of final grading, so far, you can use one attendance activity for have a registry for their personal clairliness, another to record assessment in math, one more to social assessment and so on.
Finally all users with minimun acces as teacher (or another role you defined: example: school administration, scholar control) Could have facilities to export every grading to spreadsheet.
I've several years using it in a similar way you are asking to.
I hope this helps you.

Does getPriceAmountMicros() include local taxes for skus of type subscription?

I've been using the Android billing client for a while now and always display the prices using getPriceAmountInMicros() from the SkuDetails object returned from the billing client.
Often we get complains from some of the customers that the price we display is not the same price they're paying. I've always assumed this is due to local taxes and that the Google play Store doesn't return the prices with local taxes included.
However, going to the documentation of getPriceAmountInMicros() things start to get a bit fuzzy. In particular this section:
This value represents the localized, rounded price for a particular currency.
What is a "localized price"? Is this including taxes? I cannot find any explicit place where it says this includes taxes or that it doesn't. By contrast the documentation for getPrice() explicitly states that the price does not include taxes.
Looking into a completely different resource, yet connected to a sku, one can see the same method - getPriceAmountInMicros(). In this method, it's explicitly stated that the price does not include taxes. It would seem odd to me that they would choose to name the method in a SkyDetails object the same, but have different semantics. Nevertheless, I want to be sure and would highly appreciate your help!
Thanks for pointing this out.
Because the QPS of computing taxes during skuDetails queries would be high, our servers defer tax computation to the purchase flow. So unless you need getPriceAmountMicros() for, say, refunds; you should simply use getPrice().

REST - should endpoints include summary data?

Simple model:
Products, which have weights (can be mixed - ounces, grams, kilograms etc)
Cagtegories, which have many products in them
REST endpoints:
/products - get all products and post to add a new one
/products/id - delete,update,patch a single product
/categories/id - delete,update,patch a single category
/categories - get all categories and post to add a new one
The question is that the frontend client wants to display a chart of the total weight of products in ALL categories. Imagine a bar chart or a Pie chart showing all categories, and the total weight of products in each.
Obviously the product model has a 'weight_value' and a 'weight_unit' so you know the weight of a product and its measure (oz, grams etc).
I see 2 ways of solving this:
In the category model, add a computed field that totals the weight of all the products in a category. The total is calculated on the fly for that category (not stored) and so is always up to date. Note the client always needs all categories (eg. to populate drop downs when creating a product, you have to choose the category it belongs to) so it now will automatically always have the total weight of each category. So constructing the chart is easy - no need to get the data for the chart from the server, it's already on the client. But first time loading that data might be slow. Only when a product is added will the totals be stale (insignificant change though to the overall number and anyway stale totals are fine).
Create a separate endpoint, say categories/totals, that returns for all categories: a category id, name and total weight. This endpoint would loop through all the categories, calculating the weight for each and returning a category dataset with weights for each.
The problem I see with (1) is that it is not that performant. I know it's not very scalable, especially when a category ends up with a lot of products (millions!) but this is a hobby project so not worried about that.
The advantage of (1) is that you always have the data on the client and don't have to make a separate request to get the data for the chart.
However, the advantage of (2) is that every request to category/id does not incur a potentially expensive totalling operation (because now it is inside its own dedicated endpoint). Of course that endpoint will have to do quite a complex database query to calculate the weights of all products for all categories (although handing that off to the database should be the way as that is what db's are good for!)
I'm really stumped on which is the better way to do this. Which way is more true to the RESTful way (HATEOS basically)?
I would go with 2. favouring scalability and best practices. It does not really make any sense to perform the weight calculations every time the category is requested and even though you may not anticipate this to be a problem since it is a 'hobby' project, it's always best to avoid shortcuts where the benefits are minimal ( or so experience has taught me !).
Choosing 1, the only advantage would be that you have to set up one less endpoint and one extra call to get the weight total - the extra call shouldn't add too much overhead, and setting up the extra endpoint shouldn't take up too much effort.
Regardless of whether you choose 1 or 2, I would consider caching the weight total ( for a reasonable amount of time, depending on accuracy required ) to increase performance even further.

perfect fit for a Postgres function or not (and how)?

I'm working on this kind of data structure :
Now, say I have to search for products that are < 90 EUR, it should only returns the product "item2". On the other hand, if I search for products that are == 100 EUR, I should only returns the product "item1".
I have 60 000 products and 16 currencies, so I just can't convert all products in all currencies on a daily basis (as the currency rates updates daily) only to be able to perform this search.
I have 2 questions :
is this use case a good fit for a Postgres function ? Is there any other good and sustainable solution if not ?
if a postgres function is the solution. Given that I'm using Ruby on Rails (4.2) and the search requests (on products sizes, colors etc...) are chained using ActiveRecord : is the call to the DB function still chainable and usable in AR ?
Thanks for your help
Using a function for this is a terrible idea, because performance will suffer greatly: the exchange rates will change over time, rendering your indexes useless.
Further, it's a terrible idea to store a single price per item. Thing psychological prices and tax considerations: if something is €99.99 including VAT in the Eurozone, it'll probably make sense to sell it for $99.99 plus sales tax in the US. No amount of exchange rate manipulation using functions or other will change that. (Compare the prices of Apple in the US, in France, in the UK, etc.).
For each item, associate a price in Euros, one in Dollars, etc. -- each with a currency_id, and have the exchange rates reside in a separate table. Or create some kind of price-list table in which you associate prices based on currency (e.g. €99 = $99) to a price_id, and associate the products (it's actually the SKU, btw) to their corresponding price_id.
You can fill this data in semi-automatically using an exchange rate table, and periodically update them using one as well. But really: do reserve the ability to manually set prices, make sure you mark prices as including or excluding tax. And when it comes to taxes, don't forget that tax rates are different from a place to the next and from a product to the next.
For the record, I ended up creating a new column "price_eur" in the "products" table where I convert each price to EUR whatever is the original currency. Doing so I can perform a consistent search based on this price_eur column.
I just wanted to know if there was an alternative solution but looks like there is no other simple way...

How should your company sponsor programming certification

Say your company is willing to sponsor the fees for taking programming certification examination. What is the best aproach to implement this?
I would say if the programmer passes the exam at the first try, it shoud be fully sponsored.
If the programmer doesn't pass the first try, the 2nd exam should be 50% sponsored. If failed 3rd time, the programmer should pay in full (including for the first 2 exams).
I find that it is difficult to balance between voluntary taking up the exam (for confident programmers) and mandatory / policy set by the management.
Anyone like to share your experience / suggestion on this?
For optional certification:
At our company, you must receive a pass to get any sort of compensation. Anything below, and you get nada. If you fail the first two times and pass the 3rd time, you still pay for the first two times...but the company will pay for the third.
For required certification:
Company pays no matter what.
Sponsor the first time regardless, that includes the necessary training.
Failure or success of the exam is of secondary importance comapred to the training, many companies often require staff to be regularly trained too, so its not much of a cost in the first place.
Taking the exam is also up to the staff member, let them take it if they want, but don't worry if they don't.
Fully sponsor training and test fees for the first attempt of the test and give a small bonus (~ cost of test fees) upon successfully passing a test or attaining a certification.
That way if the person doesn't pass on the first attempt, there's still an incentive to pass, even when they're putting up their own money.