Altering a Drupal form after validation - forms

I have a Drupal 7 form where after submitting it, some validation happens. It is taking the email address and doing a database look-up to see if that user already exists. If the user exists, I need to alter the form that re-renders on the page that normally displays the errors, removing some fields. Basically on the error page, regardless of any other validation errors they would have normally received (First name required, last name required etc.) they would only get one error message that says "that email address is already in the system" and then I no longer want to display ANY of the other fields at this point except the email address field and a file upload field. So I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to alter the form after the first submission based on some validation.

What you want to do is add some data to the $form_state variable in your validation function that can inform your form function as to what fields it should provide.
Untested Example:
function my_form($form, &$form_state){
$form['my_field1'] = array('#markup' => 'my default field');
// look for custom form_state variable
if ($form_state['change_fields']) {
$form['my_field2'] = array('#markup' => 'my new field');
function my_form_validate($form, &$form_state){
// if not valid for some reason {
form_set_error('my_field1','this did not validate');
$form_state['change_fields'] = true;
// }


Play - Custom validations with custom error message

I am using the Play framework in Scala to develop a small blog website. I currently have a form (successfully) set up for an easy registration of users. This login page just accepts a username (ie. no password yet), verifies that is of the appropriate length and doesn't exist yet, and adds this user to the database (currently still in memory). Length can be verified using just the basic form functionality, however, the uniqueness of this username required me to use custom validations.
Now, this all works, except for the custom error message. When a normal form requirement is not fulfilled, an error message is returned and displayed in the view (eg. "The minimum length is: 5"). I want to display a similar message when the name is not unique. In the first link I provided there is an example of custom validations which seems to have an argument that represents such custom error message for validations you write of your own. However, this does not display in the view, while the others do.
Current validation code:
private val myForm: Form[Account] =
Form(mapping("name" -> text(3, 24))(Account.apply)(Account.unapply).verifying(
"Account is not in the DB.",
fields =>
fields match {
case data: Account => accountExists(
Anyone has any ideas?

CakePHP 3 how to edit user without changing password (hashed)

I have my UsersController with my edit.ctp view. When I browse /users/edit/1, I see password field filled with ***** (filled with hash in entity User.php, using DefaultPasswordHasher). My UsersTable.php has password has required.
So, I can try:
unset($user->password); // in edit() from UsersController.php
and setting [require => false] in edit.ctp
When I save, I get
The user could not be saved. Please, try again.
Because in my UsersTable.php I have:
->requirePresence('password', 'create')
If I try to leave blank from controller I get error, if I try to fill with actual password, it hashes again.
How could I edit any user without change his password? Can I set this from model or I need to make password as not required?
I don't need show the real password to admins
I validate from controller for password_confirm (already works)
In add.ctp there is no problem because default value is always blank
I want to change password only if password field is filled
I suppose password needs to be required in Model because all users need their passwords, that's why I'm trying to keep it far from validation in controller
Validation says "on create" but even in update is needed, bug possible?
My cake version is 3.4.4
Thanks in advance
Couple of things:
Firstly, if you haven't already, you may want to mark the password field as hidden to prevent it from exposing the hash in toArray calls or JSON views.
Secondly, any data field provided to patchEntity will be validated and saved (as you've discovered), even if the value for the field is blank.
If you look at the entity with debug($user) you'll notice it tracks which fields are "dirty", and since patchEntity saw you submitted a password field (even if it was blank), it set the User entity's password to blank and marked it as "dirty". Even if you later call unset($user->password) it's still got a record of it being dirty, and so it'll attempt to validate a value for it.
You could potentially mark the field clean with $export->setDirty('password', false); but then when a new password was submitted in the form it wouldn't be saved.
A better option would be to check if the password field was blank before calling patchEntity, and unset it then:
if ($this->request->is(['patch', 'post', 'put'])) {
$data = $this->request->getData();
$user = $this->Users->patchEntity($user, $data);

Zend -> ZfcUser create new user after email verification/activation

I am working on a website, which already has a working registration form, using the ZfcUser module.
I need to also be able to create a user via the admin page i've created.
Step by step it goes something like this:
Admin adds user by filling in first name, last name and email.
email gets sent to user.
user clicks validation link and gets redirected to website.
now the user only has to enter his desired password and he is done.
How would i be able to do this, if at all possible?
first of all, im not sure what would be the best aproach, but a few come to my mind.
I think the easier would be to load the register form in your admin, remember you can load it from any controller with the service manager, something like
$form = $sm->get('zfcuser_register_form');
and then you can work with it as you would do with any form, sending it to the view, and so.
You would have the full register form, with all the fields you have set as required in your, including the password. I think it is good to set a temp password, and have the user change it later. also you could have its status as unconfirmed until the first password change.
If you dont want an specific field, you can take it out as you would with any form, by means of
You would want to check the element names at ZfcUser\Form\Register
Also, remember that if you remove any field, you would have to modify the input filter, otherwise the validation will fail. For this, in your module's bootstrap, you should attach an event listener, something like this:
$em = $e->getApplication ()->getEventManager ();
$em->attach ( 'ZfcUser\Form\RegisterFilter', 'init', function ($e) {
$filter = $e->getTarget ();
//now modify the inputfilter as you need
Then, you will have to send the mail to the user. For that i will also use the event manager, at your bootstrap you register a listener for when the user is created, this is by means of
$sm = $e->getApplication ()->getServiceManager ();
$zfcServiceEvents = $sm->get ( 'zfcuser_user_service' )->getEventManager ();
$zfcServiceEvents->attach ( '', function ($e) {
$form = $e->getParam ( 'form' );
$user = $e->getParam ( 'user' );
//now you have all the info from the form and the already created user, so you can send the mail and whatever you need.
The last step, is to let the user change his password. To do this, i will send him to a module where you show the change password form, that you can retrieve with:
or directly, sending him to the /user/change-password url that is one of the predefined with zfc-user.
I think this will be the cleanest way.
Another approach
If you dont like it that way, you can use another approach where you create your own form, fill it, save the data to a temp table, send the mail and then...when the user comes to set his password, you build a register form, with the fields pre-filled (and hidden, changing the input type to hidden, or by css) and let him send the form, so while he thinks he is sending just the password, actually he is sending all the registration form, and from here everything is like in normal registration.
For this solution you will also have to use the events, but probably you'd have to take a look at the register event,that is triggered when the form is sent, before the user is saved in the database, so you can modify any data you could need.
$zfcServiceEvents->attach ( 'register', function ($e) {
$form = $e->getParam ( 'form' );
And also you should take a look to the already mentioned init event, where you can retrieve the form before you show it to the user, and prefill any data from the temp table.
$events->attach ( 'ZfcUser\Form\Register', 'init', function ($e) {
$form = $e->getTarget ();
//now you set form element values from the temp table
Probably this is so confusing, but i hope you at least get a clue of where start from!

How do I individually set a form validation error message in CodeIgniter?

I would like to be able to set form validation error messages individually for my form. Particularly for the "is unique" rule. I writing a member registration form script that and I use that rule to validate the email address as well as the username.
$this->form_validation->set_message('rule', 'Error Message');
The above code won't work for what I am trying to do. If I set the message for the rule "is unique" it will display the same thing for both fields, assuming there are errors for both. For example, if both the username and the email address are already in use(maybe the user forgot they already registered?), then it will be the same. So I would like the "is unique" rule for the email address to say "The email address is already in use." or the username field would say "The username is already in use.".
Or if I can somehow insert the name of the field into the error message? Thanks for your time.
Here you go,
$this->form_validation->set_rules('reg_email', Email, 'trim|xss_clean|required|valid_email|callback_check_email_exists');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('user_name', Username, 'trim|xss_clean|required|valid_email|callback_check_username_exists');
function check_email_exists($reg_email)
$data['result'] = $this->general_model->check_record_exist('usermaster','Id',array('Email'=>$reg_email,'Status !='=>'Delete')); //check if same or not
if (!empty($data['result']))
$this->form_validation->set_message('check_email_exists', 'Email already exist');
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Make same callback fun for username also and change the message. Try it tell me if u don't get anything.

Drupal 7 - Creating dependent autocomplete form fields

I'm wondering if anyone can assist me in updating the code detailed here ( for Drupal 7. The function described in that post is identical to what I'm looking to do on my Drupal 7 site but I'm not well versed enough programmatically to do it myself.
I have a content type Event. On the node creation form for Event, I have an autocomplete field for "Client". Below that are additional fields for name, address, etc. The end result I'm hoping to achieve here is:
User enters client name in the autocomplete Client field.
Entered client name matches an existing client and is selected.
Using the node ID of the selected client, the address fields are then populated automatically.
I have a JSON view with a nid argument which spits out the required fields at the url[nid]. But I am unable to get that info returned to the correct fields on the form.
Below is the code as I've got it modified trying to get it to work with D7. Anyone see the glaring errors and care to assist?
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.sponsorhelper = function () {
$("input[name='field_client[und][0][nid]']").blur(function() {
nidRegEx = /\[nid:(\d+)\]/;
SponsorHelper.fill = function(nid) {
var url = Drupal.settings.basePath + 'json-clients/' + nid;
jQuery.getJSON(url, function (data, result) {
if (result != 'success') {
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Instead of writing your own javascript try handling this with a couple of drupal's community modules. Check out:
You can us conditional fields to hide the address until the client info is put in. Then use computed fields to search for the client and auto fill the address fields.