Visual Studio 2012 Feature Deploying with two servers - deployment

We have a two servers on farm. We issue using Visual Studio's "deploy" action where it can't install the feature because it couldn't be found :
Error 1 Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features':
Feature with Id 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX' is not installed in this farm, and cannot be added to this scope.
It seems like Visual Studio will only deploy to one server, and we've evidenced that with a project that just had a package and the package only deployed files to the server with the URL. But it doen's worked for us, too.
Does anyone have any idea on what we can do to get the VS 2012 deploying to work when you have two servers for SharePoint 2013?


Deploy Acumatica Framework Tools fails

I am trying to Deploy Acumatica Framework Tools using the Framework Configuration Wizard and I getting the following error:
Exception occurred while installing resources.
Inner Exception:
Can't find the Visual Studio template items location.
I have Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise running on Windows 10 Pro. Both are up to date.
Any ideas on how to correct this. I’m going to the Acumatica Summit next week and need to do the T100 and T200 course.
The wizard is likely looking for the VS2015 registry folder. Until installers are fixed to check in the VS2017 location I recommend you create the VS2015 registry folders with these 4 dummy string keys pointing to VS2017 folder.
The key values in the picture below point to the default VS2017 folders. I tested this workaround a couple months ago on a colleague computer and we experience no ill effects:
I faced the same problem, but I could not change my registry due to company policy. My regedit.exe was unavailable:
So, to fix this issue I installed Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition .
That fixed the issue.
Do not forget to restart your computer after installation, otherwise - you will get the same error. If you solve this problem with installation of VS2015, you will be able to use Visual Studio Template
in VS2015 only. It will not be available in other versions of Visual Studio.

Tean Services Build Agent and System.Io.Compression

We have a setup with MS Team Services where we have some local build agents. Recently we had some issues with errors about a not found At the same time we could use hosted agents, but want to have the local running again. On one machine we managed to install a new agent that worked, but on another we get an error about when we try to install the agent. I'm not sure why this is suddenly an issue, maybe som gac mess up or other thing we need to clean up. the machines running the agents all have the latest Visual Studio 2017 installed

How to create a Team Project in TFS from a mac machine?

I am on a mac machine and I'm planning to connect to a TFS git source control, I have a collection under the companies' TFS server, but I'm unable to create team projects in order to push my code to.
I have tried the following:
Team Explorer Everywhere ( Eclipse plugin ), doesn't have the add feature
Team Explorer web access
Is there a way to achieve this without having visual studio and a windows machine ?
Regrettably, no. Team Project Creation involves many steps and includes things like setting up SQL Reporting Services and a Sharepoint site, the clients for which only exist on Windows.
To create a new Team Project on an on-premises Team Foundation Server installation, you will need to use Visual Studio on Windows. (Note that this is not true for Visual Studio Online, though, which allows you to create a new Team Project on the web, since it does not support SQL Reporting Services or Sharepoint).

Visual Studio Online with local TFS 2010 Build Service

Was wondering if anyone has had success with getting a local TFS 2010 build server to perform builds for a project hosted in Visual Studio Online?
We have some legacy components (and some more recent .NET components) in our build (VB6, NSIS) and we have XP machines running TFS 2010 which can build these (we also have reasons to want to perform the build under an x86 OS).
Moving to Visual Studio Online, we had hoped to be able to keep our existing TFS 2010 build servers (or clone the VMs at least) and just point them at the cloud; however running the TFS 2010 installer and its setup wizard does not seem to work; even after installing TFS 2010 SP1 and the Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Team Foundation Server Compatibility GDR.
The problem seems to be that TFS 2010 does not recognise MSDN accounts as the credentials for the connection to TFS; I can get as far as entering the URL for our VS Cloud, selecting the project, and then proceeding through the wizard to specify the build controllers and agents, and the user the service runs under, but the verify step then fails saying that the account the build server runs under (I have tried my personal account and Network Service - MSDN accounts are refused) does not have permission within our Visual Studio Online project.
I have seen that other versions of TFS allow a separate MSDN account to be specifies for the Visual Studio Online credential, but even after installing SP1 and the hotfix this does not seem to be supported under TFS 2010.
Online searches for this have been unhelpful.
Does anyone have direct experience of this kind of setup?

Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 cannot deploy a Web Project via WebDeploy v2.0+

I am receiving the following error when attempting to publish a Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 project ...
Error 1 The "VSMSDeploy" task failed unexpectedly.
System.ArgumentException: Version string portion was too short or too long.
at System.Version.VersionResult
.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, String argument)
at System.Version.TryParseVersion(String version, VersionResult& result)
at System.Version.Parse(String input)
at System.Version..ctor(String version)
at Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.Common.Utility.CheckMSDeploymentVersion()
at Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.Common.Utility.get_IsMSDeployInstalled()
at Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.Common.Utility
.CheckMSDeploymentVersion(Task task)
at Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.VSMSDeploy.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.ExecuteInstantiatedTask(
ITaskExecutionHost taskExecutionHost,
TaskLoggingContext taskLoggingContext,
TaskHost taskHost, ItemBucket bucket,
TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, Boolean& taskResult)
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\LightSwitch\v1.0\
Microsoft.LightSwitch.targets 96410Application3
I have tried re-installing Web Deploy (both 2.0, via the website, and 2.1, via the WebPI) but no joy.
It turns out Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 requires Web Deploy 1.1 which was not installed by its installer (2.0 had previously been installed by WebMatrix and I also tried 2.1 via the WebPI). My problem was solved after I downloaded it from the Microsoft Download Center:
Web Deployment Tool (x64)
Web Deployment Tool (x86)
This did make me wonder why LightSwitch doesn't support WebDeploy 2.0/2.1, and also installs SQL Server Express 2008 rather than 2008 R2, but that is a question for another time