Can't update specific columns? Only large string columns? - intersystems-cache

I'm trying to run some simple update statements on Cache 2008. Loging into the web portal. I'm able to run queries like:
update testspace.clients
set requires_attention = 'Yes'
, notes = 'testsdfsd'
where id = '1||CPL62549.001'
The web portal runs and looks like it updated things but when I do a select statement requires_attention is updated but notes isn't.
Both fields are of type string. The only difference is notes is MAXLEN = 32700.
I've tested this on other columns in other tables. Any string column with MAXLEN = 32700 wont let me update it. Seems odd. Perhaps this is a coincidence and something else is going on. Seems strange that I can update some fields of a record but not others.
any ideas?
I'm new to cache but have experience with SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, etc.

Strings in Cache are limited to 32000 characters. Setting the MAXLEN to a number greater than that is going to cause problems.
Set the MAXLEN to 32000 and it should be fine.


Using NEsper to read LogFiles for reporting purposes

We are evaluating NEsper. Our focus is to monitor data quality in an enterprise context. In an application we are going to log every change on a lot of fields - for example in an "order". So we have fields like
Consignee name
Consignee street
....and a lot of more fields. As you can imagine the log files are going to grow big.
Because the data is sent by different customers and is imported in the application, we want to analyze how many (and which) fields are updated from "no value" to "a value" (just as an example).
I tried to build a test case with just with the fields
order reference
For my test cases I added two statements with context-information. The first one should just count the changes in general per order:
epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("create context RefContext partition by Ref from LogEvent");
var userChanges = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("context RefContext select count(*) as x, context.key1 as Ref from LogEvent");
The second statement should count updates from "no value" to "a value":
epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("create context FieldAndRefContext partition by Ref,Fieldname from LogEvent");
var countOfDataInput = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("context FieldAndRefContext SELECT context.key1 as Ref, context.key2 as Fieldname,count(*) as x from pattern[every (a=LogEvent(Value = '') -> b=LogEvent(Value != ''))]");
To read the test-logfile I use the csvInputAdapter:
CSVInputAdapterSpec csvSpec = new CSVInputAdapterSpec(ais, "LogEvent");
csvInputAdapter = new CSVInputAdapter(epService.Container, epService, csvSpec);
I do not want to use the update listener, because I am interested only in the result of all events (probably this is not possible and this is my failure).
So after reading the csv (csvInputAdapter.Start() returns) I read all events, which are stored in the statements NewEvents-Stream.
Using 10 Entries in the CSV-File everything works fine. Using 1 Million lines it takes way to long. I tried without EPL-Statement (so just the CSV import) - it took about 5sec. With the first statement (not the complex pattern statement) I always stop after 20 minutes - so I am not sure how long it would take.
Then I changed my EPL of the first statement: I introduce a group by instead of the context.
select Ref,count(*) as x from LogEvent group by Ref
Now it is really fast - but I do not have any results in my NewEvents Stream after the CSVInputAdapter comes back...
My questions:
Is the way I want to use NEsper a supported use case or is this the root cause of my failure?
If this is a valid use case: Where is my mistake? How can I get the results I want in a performant way?
Why are there no NewEvents in my EPL-statement when using "group by" instead of "context"?
To 1), yes
To 2) this is valid, your EPL design is probably a little inefficient. You would want to understand how patterns work, by using filter indexes and index entries, which are more expensive to create but are extremely fast at discarding unneeded events.
Read: and also
Try the "previous" perhaps. Measure performance for each statement separately.
Also I don't think the CSV adapter is optimized for processing a large file. I think CSV may not stream.
To 3) check your code? Don't use CSV file for large stuff. Make sure a listener is attached.

how long would a insert query averagely take if the tables involved go over 20million rows in postgresql?

i got this little school project which involves postgresql but its been 1 hour after running the following command and its still not done:
INSERT INTO series_has_performer(serie_id, performer_id)
(SELECT series.serie_id, performers.performer_id
FROM series, performers WHERE series.title = performers.title and
series.title like '%''%' and series.ep_name = performers.ep_name);
where as the list series is about 3.3million rows long and the list performers 36million rows long.
i have also already disabled autocommit and add the foreign key after the insert is done.
is there something im doing wrong been googling all day and some forums said i should just copy the files into a csv file and then use those to copy into the wanted table but that seems like quite an inefficient way to do it to me. any suggestions?

T-SQL - Trying to query something across all databases on my server

I've got an environment where my server is hosting a variable number of databases, all of which utilize the same table structures/schemas. I need to pull a sum of customers that meet a certain series of constraints with say, the user table. I also need to show which database I am showing the sum for.
I already know all I need to get the sum in a db by db query, but what I'm really looking to do is have one script that hits all of the non-system DBs currently on my server to grab this info.
Please forgive my ignorance in this, just starting out.
So, to clarify things somewhat; I'm using MS SQL 2014. I know how to pull a listing of the dbs I want to hit by using:
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name not in ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb')
AND state = 0
And for the purposes of gathering the data I need from each, let's just say I've got something like:
select count(u.userid)
from users n
join UserAttributes ua on u.userid = ua.userid
where ua.status = 2
New Update:
So, I went ahead and added the ps sp_foreachdb as suggested by #Philip Kelley, and I'm now running into a problem when trying to run this (admittedly, I can tell I'm closer to a solution). So, this is what I'm using to call the sp:
USE [master]
DECLARE #return_value int
EXEC #return_value = [dbo].[sp_foreachdb]
#command = N'select count(userid) as number from ?..users',
#print_dbname = 1,
#user_only = 1
SELECT 'Return Value' = #return_value
This provides a nice and clean output showing a count, but what I'd like to see is the db name in addition to the count, something like this:
But for each DB
Is this even possible?
Source Code:
Example Usage:
declare #options int = (
select a.ExcludeSystemDatabases
from dbo.ForEachDatabaseOptions() as a
execute dbo.usp_ForEachDatabase
#Command = N'print Db_Name();'
, #Options = #options;
#Command can be anything you want but obviously it needs to be a query that every single database can understand. #Options currently has 3 built-in settings but can be expanded however you see fit.
I wrote this to mimic/expand upon the master.sys.sp_MSforeachdb procedure but it could still use a little bit of polish (especially around the "logic" that replaces ? with the current database name).
Enumerate the databases from schema / sysdatabases. At least in situations without replication, excluding db_ids 1 to 4 as system databases should be reasonably robust:
SELECT [name] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE dbid NOT IN (1,2,3,4)
Other methods exist, see here: Get list of databases from SQL Server and here: SQL Server: How to tell if a database is a system database?
Then prefix the query or stored procedure call with the database name, and in a cursor loop over the resultset of the first query, store that in a sysname variable to construct a series of statements like that:
SELECT column FROM databasename.schema.Viewname WHERE ...
and call that using the string execute function
EXECUTE('SELECT ... FROM '+##fully_qualified_table_name+' WHERE ...')
There’s the undocumented sytem procedure, sp_msForEachDB, as found in the master database. Many pundits on the internet recommend not using this, as under obscure fringe cases it can be unreliable and somehow skip random databases. Count me as one of them, this caused me serious grief a few months back.
You can write your own routine to provide this kind of functionality. This is a common task, however, and many people have already done it and posted their code online… so why re-invent the wheel?
#kittoes0124 posted a link to “usp_ForEachDatabse”. This probably works, though pro forma I hate any stored procedures that beings with usp_. I ended up with Aaron Bertrand’s utility, which can be found at
Install a version of this routine, figure out how it works, plug in your script, and go!

Getting number of rows affected by an UPDATE in PostgreSQL

variations of this question has been asked on SO and on many blogs but none offers a straight-forward answer. I hope there is one.
I am updating PostgreSQL 9.0 (from CodeIgniter, PHP framework):
$sql_order = "UPDATE meters SET billed=true";
$query = $this->db->query($sql_order);
I simply need a count of rows that were affected by the update, but there seems to be no way to do this with PostgreSQL. The query is now returning a boolean - true.
The manual and web talk refer to the RETURNING syntax, to GET DIAGNOSTICS, and to a default return type from UPDATE. I haven't been able to get any of these to work.
Is there a straightforward way of getting rows affect count without having to embed this simple operation into a procedure or transaction.
In Java I would have used the following:
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
int rowsAffected = stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE ...");
In PHP I believe pg_affected_rows is the way. And in your particular case $this->db->affected_rows()

Postgres: updating not-changed rows

Say, I have a following query:
UPDATE table_name
SET column_name1 = column_value1, ..., column_nameN = column_valueN
WHERE id = M
The thing is, that column_value1, ..., column_valueN have not changed. Will this query be really executed and what about performance in this case comparing to update with really changed data? What if I have about 50 of such queries per page with not-changed data?
You need to help postgresql here by specifying only the changed columns and rows. It will go ahead and perform update on whatever you specify without checking if the data has been changed.
p.s. This is where ORM comes in handy.
EDIT: You may also be interested in How can I speed up update/replace operations in PostgreSQL?, where the OP went through all the troubles to speed up UPDATE performance, when the best performance can be achieved by updating changed data only.