Single Product Image not showing - zen-cart

I have added multiple products in my zen cart store. The problem is when i click on a specific product, the image wont show. It remains blank.
Above is the url of the site. When we go to a single product, i image of that product is not displayed, though it is displayed on the category.

The image it's looking for doesn't exist.
returns a 404 (not found) error.
edit: The category page is using a different image

The problem is in your new template. Go to includes/templates/your_template/templates/tpl_modules_main_product_image.php and change all variables matching $products_image_medium to $products_image
This should fix your problem.

I removed
Content-Security-Policy module from .htaccess
and I got my listing images back


Adding a New Image and it changes all images at front page - Flutter

I am making demo application for experience.
So, the problem is that I am adding list as described in images(Screenshots). But when I add another new list with image so, it automatically changes images at front page in the last and new list both. So, can you guys suggest, how we can get new image in list only once and last list stay the same as we added before.
The code is below.
Thanks in advance.
The problem is you are using the list to add images to the list. As the list is callByReference it will change the value inside the list when the value of the listOfImage is changed.
To fix the issue you can change the addition method to map like
hope it will work for you if not let me know.

How to add images in Protege

How can I describe class instances with images (e.g. abc.png) and display them inside Protege 5.2.0? I have read the tutorial which uses widgets, but the Forms tab is no longer available in current version of Protege-Owl.
There is a project which intends to provide such ontology :
It is also possible to fully describe a picture thank to the use a of metadata ontology (ISO, ...).
schema:image annotation property may provide what you intend to do.
For annotation values that are URLs that point to images, Protégé displays thumbnails of the images.
More info:
You should add the schema:image annotation property (or another suitable annotation property) first:
You can add pictures both for classes and instances.
Be aware until this moment you only can add picture from the web.
I'm going to show you how to add a picture for a class.
First go to Annotation tab and click on + button:
A window will be opened. At this window, you should add schema:image as an annotation property:
After adding schema:image, go to IRI Editor tab at the same window and paste the picture URL into the box (for copying the picture URL, right-click on the image on the web and then click on copy image address):
By clicking on OK you can see the thumbnail of the picture:
Now if you click on this thumbnail, the full image will be opened in a new tab in your browser and you can see it in full size.

File Upload not working after moving form field

I have a large form with a image upload field working ok.
Field is defined in model as:
Then I created two tabs inside form:
And moved image field to design tab:
Now I can't upload files. When I try I get the following javascript error
Error: cannot call methods on atk4_form prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'submitPlain
Is there any other way to move the field or have upload working again after moving it?
I was trying to use the same method ($design->add($form->getElement('my_element'));) to move a slider into another place on the page. That didn't work - I think it was because the slider input field is not placed on the page the same way as other input fields.
So I tried with the jQuery appendTo-method (I found the hint in a comment from romanish in a documentation page). That worked. But then I experienced the same problem as you - and in the end I gave up and solved the problem by editing the slider-class page.
So I can't help you, sorry, but I guess this points out that there is a general problem related to getting input from moved form elements.

How do I clear the opengraph's image tag proxy cache?

I have a page with og tags (including a source and an image - a youtube-like video view page).
I've replaced the image the og:image tag points to, to another image by the same name. However, when using the facebook linter/debugger, the image shown is the old image, while clicking the image itself, opens and shows the new image.
Facebook uses some kind of a proxy cache for the content of the image - how can I clear it without changing the name of the image file ?
This thread gives an answer.
To reiterate (in case thread goes down),
Go to
Enter the URL (of the page that holds your og meta tags) and include the query data: fbrefresh=CAN_BE_ANYTHING
Using the debugger/linter should force a full recache. I suspect the caching you're seeing is in your browser. Have you tried emptying your cache or using incognito mode?
If that doesn't work (and depending on how much traffic you're getting) it might have something to do with the names being the same - but I don't think this should be the case. Try replacing the image with another with a different name, hit the URL in the debugger so FB receives the new one, then swap back to the one you want. Kinda janky, but will probably do what you want.

Changing Title of home page in Joomla

I am totally new to Joomla. I am trying to help a friend whose ISP has stopped support (for some internal reasons). We need to change the title of the home page.
1) The first place i made a change was in the 'Front Page Manager'. I changed the 'Title' column. The 'Show Title' parameter on this page is set to 'Global'. Yet the new title does not appear.
2) I then downloaded the entire site , consisting of 10,000 files and searched for the old title in all the files. I found the old title in one file which seemed to be used for SEO pruposes , since it had a whole lot of companies and their titles. I uploaded this file. No effect.
3) I then browsed through the database (MySQL) and changed old titles found in MetaKey and MetaDescription columns to new title. I think i checked all tables (almost 100 odd tables). No effect.
4) I found the old title in the 'Top Menu' item and changed it too.
I know this is a bit ambiguous but how could i troubleshoot the source of this title which does not get changed ?
Titles in Joomla come from several places. As Legycsapo said, the first place you should look is the default menu item. In the Parameters (System) the Page Title should override any other setting unless you have an extension that sets the page title. The Show Page Title option determines if the title shows up in the content, it does not affect the page title.
Try to change it in the menu options. In the mainmenu, click on the "Home" link, or whatever you write for Frontpage, and there are options in the right. The last one is the parameters, system, there is a "Website title" input box. Try there !
You need to change the home page title in the Control Panel Configuration.
In the Site tab you have the Site Name which is what will be written in the page title.
Another solution is, if you have SEF urls enabled, joomla has a native plugin called SEOsimple. Look under Plugin Manager, click on it and change the title to either disable so that it takes the title by default from global configuration or your custom one.