SugarCRM Custom Theme 6.5.13 - sugarcrm

I am trying to create a custom theme for my SugarCRM CE 6.5.13 setup.
I've tried everything I can find. I copied the Sugar5 theme folder to the custom/themes/folder and renamed it Sugar-Custom.
I edited the themedef.php file. The theme shows up in my theme selector in the admin panel.
I went in and changed every instance of a color in the css/style.css file, just to make sure I can get that working, but that didn't work.
I did a Repair/Rebuild and I deleted my cache/themes/ files.
I cleared my browser cache.
But, when I do an inspect element (using Chrome) it shows its still pulling the css files from the Sugar5 theme folder. How is that possible if I selected the custom theme? I must be doing something wrong.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Try setting the theme as your default theme in your personal settings. The global setting doesn't override the user settings. the global setting only works for new users.


SharePoint Online Change the look Theme not working

I am working with a site using the Microsoft Developer Program. I am able to use the new Change the look feature on modern Communication sites to adjust the theme.
I created a theme using Powershell
I created a Communicators site and selected the Custom theme and used a PowerShell cmdlet to set that site as the homepage. I am still able to change the theme on that site by going to Settings > Change the look > Theme. The default and custom theme appear in the menu to select.
I attempted to follow the instructions on creating a Site Design to test out the feature of potentially exploring site designs. I ran into some issues of the feature I was attempting to use was not supported yet. I did not create any site designs. I use the Get_SPOSiteDesign cmdlet and nothing is returned.
I then created another communications site. I was just going to build these one at a time since Site designs did not meet my goal. I wanted to change the theme to the Custom theme, I go to Settings > Change the look > Theme and it closes the Change the look menu in the panel and returns me to the Settings panel.
I am able to go to Settings > Change the look > Header, Navigation and Footer successfully. Only the Theme option causes this error. I am unable to change the theme.
I used a PowerShell cmdlet to ensure the themes were not hidden, Set-SPOHideDefaultThemes $false. This is set.
I then created a second, third a fourth Communications site (using the Topic, Showcase and Blank designs) and the same error above occurs not being able to access the theme menu.
I then created a Team site. I am able to access the Theme and change to the Custom theme or one of the default selections.
I need help as to why new Communication sites I create in my environment will not allow me to access the theme menu, but homesites and team site do allow this. What do I need to do to correct this?
I too am coming across the same issue. I have attempted it in difference browsers and in incognito to verify it wasn't an extension or browser specific issue. Have you discovered a resolution or opened a ticket yet?
We have the same issue on our tenant and have opened a ticket a MS support. They confirmed that this a bug and are going to solve it.
For now we have a workaround via PNP Powershell.
When you set the theme first via Set-PnPWebTheme -Theme "Custom Theme", the option to modify the theme via the browser works again.

Shopware: Plugin implemented only on responsive theme

I have lately installed a Google Tag Manager plugin on our Shopware store, the problem is that it is only implemented on the Responsive theme.
We have created another theme, which is derived from Responsive but has another name.
How can I make the plugin work for this theme as well (or instead)?
Try adding protected $injectBeforePlugins = true; in your theme's Theme.php file.

Wordpress Disuqs plugin not working properly

Hi I am new to working with Disqus plugin and I have a strange behavior.
After I installed the plugin and configured it it show comments without andy styling and without even the add comment textarea just showing the comment and comment author name only
It doesn't even include any scripts related to Disqus plugin .
here is the code I used in single.php
<?php comments_template(); ?>
here is the result I get
I have tried to disable the plugin and re-enable it then I try using the twentyfifteen theme and every thing worked fine with it but with my theme I get the issue
Any help will be appreciated , Thanks in advance
The fix for me was to uncheck External Javascript Files option in the plugin settings panel.
It says "Disable this if are not seeing Disqus appear on pages that normally have comments. This will fix the issue if your theme does not support the 'wp_enqueue_script' function, are caching your site on a CDN."
it works like a charm now!
That's happening because the function comments_template() is associated/overridden with the template you're seeing now.
Go through your theme files and you shall find a template that's showing up to you right now.

Eclipse RCP: Change startpage of help page

How do I set the startpage when the user opens the help pages?
I added my personal help pages to my application which I can browse without an issue via extending
Now I want to change the start-help-page that the user sees when opening the help page. How do I do that?
To change the start page of the help pages you have to do the following:
Extend org.eclipse.core.runtime.products.
Add your product.
Add a property.
Define a property file and fill with the following
content:\ /pluginfolder+pathToHtml
This also works if there are help files with different languages available.

Umbraco Richtext Editor not loading

I've been scratchign my head on this one, hopefully someone can provide some feedback.
Umbraco Version: 4.7.2
A solution I developed for a company is having problem loading the rich text editor. They have a virtual IP solution acting as a proxy for their servers. After debugging on the client we noticed that the editor (tiny mce) was not loading because for some reason it is requesting the script and icons via the IP and not the URL. Obviously the IP is not hardcoded anywhere...
Need Help...
The client's IT department insists the configuration is ok; I think they are right, everything else in Umbraco seems to be working correctly. So I need help...
Is there anyway I can force the editor to be loaded from a specific URL?
I have experimented with changing the JS on umbraco_client, but the changes do not show when I load the editor. they appear to be cached somewhere (processed by the compressor), I've re-started the app and cleared my cache with no luck. How can I make my JS Changes be picked up?
What I've Tried
Setting the document.domain="my-url". No luck.
Setting the document_base_url on tinyMceConfig.config. Of course this is for links within the editor, so.. no luck
All other changes I've tried are on the JS files on /umbraco_client/tinymce3/, but I can't get them to show.
Any pointers?
Is the RTE not rendering within umbraco it self or is the content not rendering on the front end?
This is a very good question - have you tried removing the property and adding again?
Other than what you've tried so far I'm out of suggestions other than the above sorry.