I want to create a report with JasperReports with multiple parameters, the report is generated correctly when the user passes all the parameters but nothing is generated when one parameter is missed i use this request
u."name" AS username,
c."name" AS componentName,
s."designation" AS statusName,
pr."name" AS priorityName,
p."name" AS projectName
"component" c INNER JOIN "ticket" t ON c."id" = t."component_id"
INNER JOIN "personne" u ON t."personne_id" = u."id"
INNER JOIN "status" s ON t."status_id" = s."id"
INNER JOIN "priority" pr ON t."priority_id" = pr."id"
INNER JOIN "project" p ON c."project_id" = p."id"
pr.name = $P{priority}
and u.login = $P{userLogin}
and s.designation = $P{status}
and t.creation_date between $P{start} and $P{end}
and c.name = $P{componenet}
Please can you help me to generate the report even where there is one parameter missed?
do you want outer joins? or you may choose a structure like this:
and ( u.login = $P{userLogin} or $P{userLogin} is null )
for each line
You can set the default values for every parameter or use this query:-
u."name" AS username,
c."name" AS componentName,
s."designation" AS statusName,
pr."name" AS priorityName,
p."name" AS projectName
"component" c INNER JOIN "ticket" t ON c."id" = t."component_id"
INNER JOIN "personne" u ON t."personne_id" = u."id"
INNER JOIN "status" s ON t."status_id" = s."id"
INNER JOIN "priority" pr ON t."priority_id" = pr."id"
INNER JOIN "project" p ON c."project_id" = p."id"
(pr.name = $P{priority} or $P{priority} is null)
and (u.login = $P{userLogin} or $P{userLogin} is null)
and (s.designation = $P{status} or $P{status} is null )
and t.creation_date between $P{start} and $P{end}
and (c.name = $P{componenet} or $P{componenet} is null)
You can control the where clause in java class before generate the report.
1.In java u can check whether the parameter is null or not, then do small validation such as
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append(" AND pr.name = "+priority);
2.do for every other condition for u.login, s.designation
3.after that u can pass reportParam.put("sqlQuery", sb.toString());
4.the in ireport simply change your query
pr.name = $P{priority}
and u.login = $P{userLogin}
and s.designation = $P{status}
and t.creation_date between $P{start} and $P{end}
and c.name = $P{componenet}
WHERE 1=1 $P!{sqlQuery}
now you dont need to worry about the null, since it will ignore the condition in java class.
how to i get alias name for my query. Below i am using spring boot with hibernate JPA native query. What i want is to get alias name cbpartnerid as WHERE parameter, because i get c_b_partner from 2 table with condition.
But spring giver me error this :
ERROR 2021-02-26 06:00:02.492 [http-nio-8080-exec-9] o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper.logExceptions(142) - ERROR: column "cbpartnerid" does not exist
i hope can solve this issue without change overall query or modify backend code.
here are my native query :
WHEN i.transaction = 'SALES' OR i.transaction = 'CUSTOMER_RETURN' THEN j.c_bpartner_id
WHEN i.transaction = 'INVENTORY_OUT' OR i.transaction = 'INVENTORY_OUT' THEN l.c_bpartner_id
ELSE null
END) AS **cbpartnerid**
FROM so_transaction i
LEFT JOIN so_orderline j ON j.so_orderline_id = i.so_orderline_id LEFT JOIN so_inventoryline k ON k.so_inventoryline_id = i.so_inventoryline_id
LEFT JOIN so_inventory l ON l.so_inventory_id = k.so_inventory_id
GROUP BY i.created, i.transaction, i.m_product_id, i.productname, i.createdby, **cbpartnerid** ORDER BY i.m_product_id DESC ```
The easy solution is a subquery.
Your code, reduced to the essential, looks like
SELECT /* complicated expression */ AS alias,
/* other columns */
FROM atable
GROUP BY alias;
This can be rewritten to
SELECT alias, /* other columns */
FROM (SELECT /* complicated expression */ AS alias,
/* other columns */
FROM atable) AS subq
GROUP BY alias;
SELECT i.created, i.transaction, i.m_product_id, i.productname, i.createdby,
WHEN i.transaction = 'SALES' OR i.transaction = 'CUSTOMER_RETURN' THEN j.c_bpartner_id
WHEN i.transaction = 'INVENTORY_OUT' OR i.transaction = 'INVENTORY_OUT' THEN l.c_bpartner_id
ELSE null
END) AS **cbpartnerid**
FROM so_transaction i
LEFT JOIN so_orderline j ON j.so_orderline_id = i.so_orderline_id LEFT JOIN so_inventoryline k ON k.so_inventoryline_id = i.so_inventoryline_id
LEFT JOIN so_inventory l ON l.so_inventory_id = k.so_inventory_id
GROUP BY i.created, i.transaction, i.m_product_id, i.productname, i.createdby, **cbpartnerid** ORDER BY i.m_product_id DESC ```
how do you query raw SQL on rails?
So I have this raw sql that I need to run on rails but giving me a syntax error. I also escape the extra parenthesis but still got a syntax error near the first inner join.
here's my code:
Spree::CorporateAccount.joins(" (((((
( inner join spree_memberships on spree_corporate_accounts.id = spree_memberships.corporate_account_id)
inner join spree_users on spree_memberships.user_id = spree_users.id)
left join spree_variant_price_sets on spree_corporate_accounts.variant_price_set_id = spree_variant_price_sets.id)
left join spree_addresses on spree_corporate_accounts.bill_address_id = spree_addresses.id)
left join spree_states on spree_addresses.state_id = spree_states.id)
left join spree_countries on spree_addresses.country_id = spree_countries.id)
left join spree_partner_accounts on spree_corporate_accounts.id = spree_partner_accounts.partnerable_id
").where(" spree_memberships.deleted_at IS null
AND (spree_partner_accounts.partnerable_type = 'Spree::CorporateAccount' OR spree_partner_accounts.partnerable_type IS NULL)
AND admin = true
but on sql this is perfectly fine.
spree_users.doctor AS name,
CASE spree_corporate_accounts.billing_type when 1 THEN 'Postbill' WHEN 2 THEN 'Creditcard' ELSE 'Individual'END,
spree_variant_price_sets.name AS priceset,
spree_states.name AS state,
spree_countries.name AS country,
from (((((( spree_corporate_accounts inner join spree_memberships on spree_corporate_accounts.id = spree_memberships.corporate_account_id)
inner join spree_users on spree_memberships.user_id = spree_users.id)
left join spree_variant_price_sets on spree_corporate_accounts.variant_price_set_id = spree_variant_price_sets.id)
left join spree_addresses on spree_corporate_accounts.bill_address_id = spree_addresses.id)
left join spree_states on spree_addresses.state_id = spree_states.id)
left join spree_countries on spree_addresses.country_id = spree_countries.id)
left join spree_partner_accounts on spree_corporate_accounts.id = spree_partner_accounts.partnerable_id
where spree_memberships.deleted_at IS null
and (spree_partner_accounts.partnerable_type = 'Spree::CorporateAccount' OR spree_partner_accounts.partnerable_type IS NULL )
AND admin = true
if I do this. It will yield a different result. so what im thinking is the parenthesis evaluate the result first and then go to the next.
Spree::CorporateAccount.joins("inner join spree_memberships on spree_corporate_accounts.id = spree_memberships.corporate_account_id")
.joins("inner join spree_users on spree_memberships.user_id = spree_users.id")
.joins("left join spree_variant_price_sets on spree_corporate_accounts.variant_price_set_id = spree_variant_price_sets.id")
.joins("left join spree_addresses on spree_corporate_accounts.bill_address_id = spree_addresses.id")
.joins("left join spree_states on spree_addresses.state_id = spree_states.id")
.joins("left join spree_countries on spree_addresses.country_id = spree_countries.id")
.joins("left join spree_partner_accounts on spree_corporate_accounts.id = spree_partner_accounts.partnerable_id ")
.where("spree_memberships.deleted_at IS null
AND spree_partner_accounts.partnerable_type = 'Spree::CorporateAccount' OR spree_partner_accounts.partnerable_type IS NULL
AND admin = true
I would like to ask if it is possible to select again from a result set if a column contains a specific value?
For example, from the below query I want to select it as subquery and check if that subquery's first column contains both 2 and 3 result. Otherwise, no values should be return.
select e.evaluator_id, ROUND(avg(cast(e.rating_score as int))::numeric,1)::varchar, c.q_category_name
from tms.t_evaluation e
inner join tms.m_q_category c
on e.nendo=c.nendo
and e.q_category_id = c.q_category_id
and c.delete_flg = '0'
inner join tms.m_q_subcategory qs
on e.q_category_id = qs.q_category_id
and e.q_subcategory_id = qs.q_subcategory_id
and c.nendo = qs.nendo
and qs.delete_flg = '0'
where e.nendo = '2018'
and e.empl_id = 'empl05'
and e.delete_flg = '0'
and e.evaluator_id in ('2' , '3')
group by e.empl_id, e.nendo, e.q_category_id,
c.q_category_name, e.evaluator_id, e.history_no
Result contains both 2 and 3 in first column. Is this possible?
select e.evaluator_id, ROUND(avg(cast(e.rating_score as int))::numeric,1)::varchar, c.q_category_name
from tms.t_evaluation e
inner join tms.m_q_category c
on e.nendo=c.nendo
and e.q_category_id = c.q_category_id
and c.delete_flg = '0'
inner join tms.m_q_subcategory qs
on e.q_category_id = qs.q_category_id
and e.q_subcategory_id = qs.q_subcategory_id
and c.nendo = qs.nendo
and qs.delete_flg = '0'
where e.nendo = '2018'
and e.empl_id = 'empl05'
and e.delete_flg = '0'
and e.evaluator_id in (select case when evaluator_id=2 or evaluator_id=3 then evaluator_id else null from t_evaluation order by evaluator_id asc)
group by e.empl_id, e.nendo, e.q_category_id,
c.q_category_name, e.evaluator_id, e.history_no
I need to implement the following T-SQL clause ....
CONCAT( RANK() OVER (ORDER BY [Order].codOrder, [PackedOrder].codPackedProduct ), '/2') as Item,
[Order].codOrder as [OF],
[PackedOrder].codLine as [Ligne],
[PackedOrder].codPackedProduct as [Material], ----------------------
[Product].lblPProduct as [Product],
[PackedProduct].lblPackedProduct as [MaterialDescription],
[PackedOrder].codPackedBatch as [Lot],
[Product].codCustomerColor as [ReferenceClient],
[PackedOrder].nbrPackedQuantity as [Quantity],
[PackedOrder].nbrLabelToPrint as [DejaImprime]
FROM [Order] INNER JOIN PackedOrder
ON [Order].codOrder = PackedOrder.codOrder INNER JOIN Product
ON [Order].codProduct = Product.codProduct INNER JOIN PackedProduct
ON PackedOrder.codPackedProduct = PackedProduct.codPackedProduct
Where [Order].codOrder = 708243075
So Far, I'm able to do:
var result =
from order1 in Orders
join packedorder1 in PackedOrders on order1.codOrder equals packedorder1.codOrder
join product1 in Products on order1.codProduct equals product1.codProduct
join packedproduct1 in PackedProducts on packedorder1.codPackedProduct equals packedproduct1.codPackedProduct
where order1.codOrder == _order.codOrder
select new FinishedProductPrintingM
OF = order1.codOrder,
Ligne = packedorder1.codLine,
Material = packedorder1.codPackedProduct,
Produit = product1.codProductType,
MaterialDescription = packedproduct1.lblPackedProduct,
Lot = packedorder1.codPackedBatch,
RéférenceClient = product1.codCustomerColor,
Quantité = packedorder1.nbrPackedQuantity,
Déjàimprimé = packedorder1.nbrLabelPrinted
Please let me know if its possible or not. I need to display the Items in such a way.Please feel free to add your valuable comments.
I am not aware how to use concat and Rank over function in LINQ.
Can anyone help me to convert my SQL query into LINQ?
I'm getting error while executing a sql query in Alpha Anywhere Query (AlphaADO) section.
The code i'm executing is attached.
tbl_wo_kitting.line_no AS kitting_line_no,
tbl_wo_kitting.quantity AS kitting_quantity,
tbl_wo_project.line_no AS project_line_no,
tbl_wo_project.quantity AS project_quantity,
m_transaction_moveqty_v.qtyonhand AS qtyonhand,
when tbl_wo_kitting.level_no, = 'P+'
then '0'
else tbl_wo_kitting.level_no,
end as linenumber,
when tbl_wo_kitting.line_no_parent = 'PT+'
then '0'
else tbl_wo_kitting.line_no_parent
end as linenoparent
FROM (tbl_wo_kitting tbl_wo_kitting
INNER JOIN (m_product m_product
INNER JOIN m_transaction_moveqty_v m_transaction_moveqty_v
ON m_product.m_product_id = m_transaction_moveqty_v.m_product_id )
ON tbl_wo_kitting.m_product_id = m_product.m_product_id
INNER JOIN (tbl_wo_project tbl_wo_project
INNER JOIN tbl_work_order tbl_work_order
ON tbl_wo_project.work_order_id = tbl_work_order.work_order_id )
ON tbl_wo_kitting.wo_project_id = tbl_wo_project.wo_project_id )) AS TABLE1
ORDER BY tbl_wo_kitting.level_no, (string_to_array(linenoparent, '.'))::int[],(string_to_array(linenumber, '.'))::int[]
Any idea? This is selecting from PostgreSQL.
Thank you very much in advance.