Induction Motor Modelica - modelica

I have to made an Induction Motor Model by myself and my first step was to just replicate an already existing example i.e. Electrical.Machines.Examples.AsynchronousInductionMachines.AIMC_DOL. Now I have replicated it but I can't parameterize the AIM_SquirrelCage because I can't set all the default values in it. Please see attachments. And help thanks.
Symbolic 04:26:49 0:0-0:0 Too few equations, underdetermined system. The model has 485 equation(s) and 488 variable(s)
Translation 04:26:49 0:0-0:0 Parameter aimc.statorCore.coreParameters.wRef has neither value nor start value, and is fixed during initialization (fixed=true)
Translation 04:26:49 0:0-0:0 Parameter aimc.strayLoad.strayLoadParameters.wRef has neither value nor start value, and is fixed during initialization (fixed=true)
Translation 04:26:49 0:0-0:0 Parameter aimc.friction.frictionParameters.wRef has neither value nor start value, and is fixed during initialization (fixed=true)
Translation 04:26:49 D:/SF/OpenModelica1.9.0/lib/omlibrary/Modelica 3.2.1/Electrical/ 12984:7-12987:74 Modification or redeclaration of protected elements is not allowed.
Element: aimc.internalThermalPort, modification: redeclare final .Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Interfaces.InductionMachines.ThermalPortAIMC internalThermalPort.
Translation 04:26:49 0:0-0:0 Parameter aimc.friction.frictionParameters.wRef has neither value nor start value, and is fixed during initialization (fixed=true)
Translation 04:26:49 0:0-0:0 Parameter wRef has neither value nor start value, and is fixed during initialization (fixed=true)
Translation 04:26:49 0:0-0:0 Parameter aimc.statorCore.coreParameters.VRef has neither value nor start value, and is fixed during initialization (fixed=true)


bwboundaries() C++ code Generation Error?

I have enabled dynamic memory allocation in Simulation Target>Advanced with default threshold as 0. Then I attempt to run this code:
B={{nan}}; %%Defining so that it can be set as size variable.
coder.varsize('B',[50 1]);
B={B;bwboundaries(BW,'noholes')} %%Not B{:}=bwboundaries() as multiple inputs are not allowed
This is the error message:
=== Simulation (Elapsed: 1:21 min) ===
Error:Simulink does not have enough information to determine output sizes for this block. If you think the errors below are inaccurate, try specifying types for the block inputs and/or sizes for the block outputs.
Error:This assignment writes a 'cell' value into a 'double' type in element '{1}{1}'. Code generation does not support changing types through assignment. Check preceding assignments or input type specifications for type mismatches.
Function 'Image Processing System/corner_detection' (#95.612.613), line 21, column 1:
Launch diagnostic report.
Error:Errors occurred during parsing of MATLAB function 'flightControlSystem/Image Processing System/corner_detection'
Error:Simulink cannot determine sizes and/or types of the outputs for block 'flightControlSystem/Image Processing System/corner_detection' due to errors in the block body, or limitations of the underlying analysis. The errors might be inaccurate. Fix the indicated errors, or explicitly specify sizes and/or types for all block outputs.
Error:Simulink cannot determine sizes and/or types of the outputs for block 'flightControlSystem/Image Processing System/corner_detection' due to errors in the block body, or limitations of the underlying analysis. The errors might be inaccurate. Fix the indicated errors, or explicitly specify sizes and/or types for all block outputs.
How can I modify the code so it works?

Instantiation in Minizinc

I am reading through "A Minizinc Tutorial" by Kim Marriott and it says that
the combination of variable instantiation and type is called type-inst. As you start to use Minizinc, you will undoubtedly see examples of type-inst errors.
What exactly are type-inst errors?
I believe the terminology is not often used in the MiniZinc literature these days, but for every value in MiniZinc the compiler keeps track of two things: it's type (int, bool, float, etc.) and if it is a decision variable (not known at solve time) or a problem parameter (must be known when rewriting the model for the solver). Together these two things are called the Type Instantiation or type-inst.
A type-inst error is an error given by the type checker of the compiler. These error can occur in many places, such as when in a declaration the declared type instantiation doesn't match it's right hand side, or when two side of an if-then-else have a different type-instantiation, or when the arguments of a call do not match the declared type-instantiation of the function-declaration.
The mismatch that causes these errors can come from either side of the type-inst: either the types are incompatible (e.g. used float instead of bool), or you used a decision variable where only a problem parameter was allowed. These issues are usually caused by mistakes in the model and are usually resolved easily by changing the value used or using different language constructs.
Note that MiniZinc does allow sub-typing: You are allowed to use bool instead of int and it is converted to a 0/1 value. Similarly you can use a integer value instead of a float, and you can use a parameter in place of a variable.
The newest version of the MiniZinc Tutorial can be found with its documentation:

What is the use of minizinc fix function?

i see that fix documentation says:
function array [$U] of $T: fix(array [$U] of var opt $T: x)
Check if the value of every element of the array x is fixedat this point in evaluation. If all are fixed, return an array of their values, otherwise abort.
I am thinking it can be used to coerce a var to a par.
Here is the code.
array [1..num] of var int: value ;
%% generate random numbers from 0..num-1, this should fix the value of the var "value" or so i think
constraint forall(i in index_set(value))(let {int:temp_value=discrete_distribution([1|i in index_set(value)]); } in value[i]=trace(show(temp_value)++"\n", temp_value));
%%% this i was expecting to work, as "value" elements are fixed above
array [1..num] of int:value__ =[ trace(show(fix(value[i])), fix(value[i])) | i in index_set(value)] ;
But i get:
MiniZinc: evaluation error:
with i = 1
in call 'trace'
in call 'fix'
expression is not fixed
My questions are:
1) I think i should expect this error as minizinc is not sequential execution language?
2) Examples of fix in user guide is only where output statement is used. Is it the only place to use fix?
3) How would i coerce a var to a par?
By the way I am trying this var to par conversion because i am having problem with array generator expression. Here is the code
int: two_m=2097184;
%% prepare weights for generating numbers form 1..(two_m div 64), basically same weight
array [1..(two_m div 64)] of int: value_6_wt= [seed+1 | i in 1..(two_m div 64)] ;
%% generate numbers. this dose not work gives out
%% in variable declaration for 'value6'
%% parameter value out of range
array [1..num__] of int : value6 = [ discrete_distribution(value_6_wt) | j in 1..num__];
In the MiniZinc language the difference between a parameter and a variable is only the fact that a parameter must have a value at compile time. Within the compiler we turn as many variables into parameters as we can. This saves the solver from having to do some work. When we know that a variable has been turned into a parameter, then we can use the fix function to convince the type system that we really can use this variable as a parameter and see its value.
The problem here however is that fix is defined to abort when the variable is not fixed to one value. If no testing is done, this requires some (magic/)knowledge about the compilation process. In your case it seems that the second array is evaluated before the optimisation stage, in which all aliasing is resolved. This is the reason why it does not work. (This is indeed one of the things that is a consequence of a declarative language)
Although fix might only be used in the output statements in the examples (where it's guaranteed to work), it is used in many locations in the MiniZinc libraries. If we for example look at the library that is used for MIP solvers, there are many constraints that can be encoded more efficiently if one of the arguments is a parameter. Therefore, you will often see that the a constraint in this library first tests its arguments with is_fixed, and then use a better encoding if this returns true.
The output statement and when is_fixed returns true will both give the guarantee that a variable is fixed and ensure that the compilation doesn't abort. There is no other way to coerce a variable to a parameter, but unless you are dealing with dependant predicate definitions, you can just trust the MiniZinc compiler to ensure that the resulting FlatZinc will contain a parameter instead of a variable.

What to_unsigned does?

Could someone please explain me how VHDL's to_unsigned works or confirm that my understanding is correct?
For example:
C(30 DOWNTO 0) <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned(-30, 31))
Here is my understanding:
-30 is a signed value, represented in bits as 1111111111100010
all bits should be inverted and to it '1' added to build the value of C
0000000000011101+0000000000000001 == 0000000000011111
In IEEE package numeric_std, the declaration for TO_UNSIGNED:
-- Id: D.3
-- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0)
-- Result: Converts a non-negative INTEGER to an UNSIGNED vector with
-- the specified SIZE.
You won't find a declared function to_unsigned with an argument or size that are declared as type integer. What is the consequence?
Let's put that in a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity what_to_unsigned is
end entity;
architecture does of what_to_unsigned is
signal C: std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
C(30 DOWNTO 0) <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned(-30, 31));
end architecture;
A VHDL analyzer will give us an error:
ghdl -a what_to_unsigned.vhdl
what_to_unsigned.vhdl:12:53: static constant violates bounds
ghdl: compilation error
And tell us -30 (line 12:character 53) has a bounds violation. Meaning in this case the numerical literal converted to universal_integer doesn't convert to type natural in the function to_unsigned.
A different tool might tell us a bit more graphically:
nvc -a what_to_unsigned.vhdl
** Error: value -30 out of bounds 0 to 2147483647 for parameter ARG
File what_to_unsigned.vhdl, Line 12
C(30 DOWNTO 0) <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned(-30, 31));
And actually tells us where in the source code the error is found.
It's safe to say what you think to_unsigned does is not what the analyzer thinks it does.
VHDL is a strongly typed language, you tried to provide a value to place where that value is out of range for the argument ARG in function TO_UNSIGNED declared in IEEE package numeric_std.
The type NATURAL is declared in package standard and is made visible by an inferred declaration library std; use std.standard.all; in the context clause. (See IEEE Std 1076-2008, 13.2 Design libraries):
Every design unit except a context declaration and package STANDARD is
assumed to contain the following implicit context items as part of its
context clause:
library STD, WORK; use STD.STANDARD.all;
The declaration of natural found in 16.3 Package STANDARD:
subtype NATURAL is INTEGER range 0 to INTEGER'HIGH;
A value declared as a NATURAL is a subtype of INTEGER that has a constrained range excluding negative numbers.
And about here you can see you have the ability to answer this question with access to a VHDL standard compliant tool and referencing the IEEE Std 1076-2008, IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual.
The TL:DR; detail
You could note that 9.4 Static expressions, 9.4.1 General gives permission to evaluate locally static expressions during analysis:
Certain expressions are said to be static. Similarly, certain discrete ranges are said to be static, and the type marks of certain subtypes are said to denote static subtypes.
There are two categories of static expression. Certain forms of expression can be evaluated during the analysis of the design unit in which they appear; such an expression is said to be locally static.
Certain forms of expression can be evaluated as soon as the design hierarchy in which they appear is elaborated; such an expression is said to be globally static.
There may be some standard compliant tools that do not evaluate locally static expressions during analysis. "can be" is permissive not mandatory. The two VHDL tools demonstrated on the above code example take advantage of that permission. In both tools the command line argument -a tells the tool to analyze the provided file which is if successful, inserted into the current working library (WORK by default, see 13.5 Order of analysis, 13.2 Design libraries).
Tools that evaluate bounds checking at elaboration for locally static expressions are typically purely interpretive and even that can be overcome with a separate analysis pass.
The VHDL language can be used for formal specification of a design model used in formal proofs within the bounds specified by Annex D Potentially nonportable constructs and when relying on pure functions only (See 4.Subprograms and packages, 4.1 General).
VHDL compliant tools are guaranteed to give the same results, although there is no standardization of error messages nor limitations placed on tool implementation methodology.
to_unsigned is for converting between different types:
signal i : integer := 2;
signal u : unsigned(3 downto 0);
u <= i; -- Error, incompatible types
u <= to_unsigned(i, 4); -- OK, conversion function does the right thing
If you try to convert a negative integer, this is an error.
u <= to_unsigned(-2, 4); -- Error, does not work with negative numbers
If you simply want to invert an integer, i.e. 2 becomes -2, 5 becomes -5, just use the - operator:
u <= to_unsigned(-i, 4); -- OK as long as `i` was negative or zero
If you want the absolute value, a function for this is provided by the numeric_std library.
u <= to_unsigned(abs(i), 4);

What should '{default:'1} do in system verilog?

I have an array that I would like to initialize to all 1. To do this, I used the following code snippet:
logic [15:0] memory [8];
always_ff #(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if(reset) begin
memory <= '{default:'1};
else begin
My simulator does what I think is the correct thing and sets the registers to 16'hFFFF on reset. However, my lint tool gives me a warning that bit 0 has an async set while bits 1 through 15 have async resets. This implies that the linter thinks that this code assigns 16'h0001 to the registers.
Since both tools come from the same vendor I file a bug report since they can't both be right.
The question is: Which behavior is correct according to the spec? There is no example that shows this exact situation. Section 5.7.1 mentions that:
An unsized single-bit value can be specified by preceding the single-bit value with an apostrophe ( ' ), but
without the base specifier. All bits of the unsized value shall be set to the value of the specified bit. In a
self-determined context, an unsized single-bit value shall have a width of 1 bit, and the value shall be treated
as unsigned.
'0, '1, 'X, 'x, 'Z, 'z // sets all bits to specified value
I f this is a "self-determined context" then the answer is 1 bit sign extended to 16'h0001, but if it is not, then I guess the example which says it "sets all bits to the specified value" applies. I am not sure if this is a self -determined context.
The simulator is correct: memory <= '{default:'1}; will assign all each bit in memory to 1. The linting tool does have a bug. See IEEE Std 1800-2012 ยง 10.9.1 Array assignment patterns:
The **default:***value* applies to elements or subarrays that are not matched by either index or type key. If the type of the element or subarray is a simple bit vector type, matches the self-determined type of the value, or is not an array or structure type, then the value is evaluated in the context of each assignment to an element or subarray by the default and shall be castable to the type of the element or subarray; otherwise, an error is generated. ...
The LRM goes beyond what is synthesizable when it comes to assignment patterns. And most of the tools are sill playing catchup with supporting all the SystemVerilog features. Experiment to make sure your tools (simulator,synthesizer, lint tool, logic-equivalency-checker, etc.) all have the necessary support for the features you want.