PayPal statement via API - paypal

I have just reviewed REST API and Classic API references and there doesn't seem to be a method which would allow to obtain transactions statement? Essentially I am looking for what can be found in PayPal admin panel under History -> Download History -> Balance Affecting Payment.
Any suggestions how to obtain PayPal statement via API very much appreciated.

There isn't an API for this. However, a couple of options would be to use IPN and have all of the data written to your own database, and then you can query your own database for the information. Another option would be to sign up for SFTP reporting on your account. Then you can connect via SFTP and retrieve reports.


Microsoft Graph Planner API missing recurring tasks in response

I'm programming an application for Microsoft Planner and I need to get the tasks of individual users. I am using Microsoft Graph Planner API. However, there are no recurring tasks in response. Recurring events are present in the internal api planner, the specific call is :{clientID}/TasksApiV1/GetPlanDataAsync?planId={planId}.
I am unable to authenticate. I'm using TeamsFxProvider for authentication, but the token with the api doesn't work (bad credentials error). Is there a way around this please? is not a supported API you can use. It exists just to provide the web experience and will change frequently without notice. We're working on enabling the recurring tasks in the Graph API, which should be available soon.

How to use PayPal API credentials?

I need to add PayPal button on client's website. It is first time I am doing this and I asked for credentials he gave me API signature, API username and API password. I was checking lots of tutorials how to add PayPal button, they use sandbox/live Client ID and Secret. Can I use this API credentials instead?
I searched a lot but couldn't find an answer.
I am coding in CodeIgniter 3.
Username, Password, and Signature are related to Classic API integration.
Client ID and Secret are related to the REST API integration.
Which one do you want to work with?
Or, the easiest option is to use PayPal Standard Payment Buttons, but that will also be the most limiting.
We actually have a PayPal CodeIgniter Library that you might be interested in. It was built for the Classic API.
The general PayPal PHP SDK that it's based on is now available with Composer, so I would recommend installing it that way.
We'll be releasing an update to that library before the end of the year that adds all of the REST APIs. It's available in the dev branch on GitHub already.

Can one retrieve virtual terminal transactions with PayPal REST API?

I have built a tool that uses REST API to pull all payments and create various reports. However, I do not see any of the transactions completed via the Virtual Terminal.
The person that used the virtual terminal printed out the approved page, so I know that transactions were done on the 2015-11-19 yet these don't show up in my query results.
I don't think those will come back in the REST API, no. You can use the Classic API to get them, though. Specifically, TransactionSearch would return the list of transactions, and then you can use GetTransactionDetails to pull more details for any given transaction.
If you're working with PHP you can use this PayPal PHP SDK to make those calls very quick and easy for you.


Today I have been trying to implement the rest API into my application to look up transaction information from a transaction ID (GET /v1/payments/sale/)
I have implemented everything correctly on my end and set the mode to "live" and I can't seem to get details from a transaction.
Here is the full error code:
{"name":"REQUIRED_SCOPE_MISSING","message":"Access token does not have required scope","information_link":""}
And here is documentation on what I am trying to do:
Any help would be appreciated.
There are few things you could do to make sure your configurations are set right.
If the mode is set to live, are you using the live credentials instead of sandbox. You can select the sandbox app and copy the live credentials from there. See bottom part of this image.
Make sure Payments are enabled on live. PayPal has a dashboard page, where you could see all the services that you have enabled to work with Live environment. This prevents accidents on unknowingly using an API on live. You can check the status here
Is the sale that you are looking for created by the same clientId that you are using for making a GET call ? Only the app who creates the sale, can view the sale.
In the mean time, PayPal has created SDKs for many languages to support REST APIs. They are actively developed, and maintained, and could help you mitigate issues in handling tokens, credentials, etc, and allows you to quickly use APIs faster and in a way that could be upgraded easily. Also, few SDKs come packaged with Sample codes, and wiki documentations. Few are still under development, but you can feel free to contribute back to these open source SDKs.
When I had this issue, the problem was that I was making REST requests using the Identity API token. Basically, I was logging users into my website with Paypal then using that token for REST requests when another token from the REST API service should have been used. "
Here is the support ticket from Paypal SDK deveoper Randy who helped answer my question even though I do not use the SDK. Thanks Randy: API query to Base CRM

Looking in at the API we do have a license for 1000 API queries a day. My question is we are looking at a different CRM to handle our outbound sales processes other than SalesForce.
Base CRM looks like it is capable of handling our needs for our business and account processes. Is it possible to have the Base API send queries to the API and return the results?
I also see there is an API purchase within the SalesForce API. When you conduct a search API query does it require you to purchase the results if you have a license already in place to use
Our goal is to have a primary CRM pull information from or another source for lead information and display it in the new CRM.
If none of this is possible with the solution I am looking at might you suggest other platforms.
Thank you!
Unfortunately, we don't currently offer the triggers to query's database. However, there are a couple of other ways to integrate with Base. You can either use a polling-driven trigger to, you could attempt to configure a workflow in to send this data over to Base, or you could use an import to pull this data into Base (as many of our customers have done). I hope that helps!