Search for items in a Map - scala

I am new to scala, my objective is to iterate over list and check if items in the list exist the map as its keys and if they exist return the value for that key.
I did the following:
def getMatchingValues(listItmes: List[String]) = {
for (item <- listItems) {
theMap.keys.foreach { i =>
if (i.equals(item)) {
I am trying to figure if there is a better way to do this in scala?

Map has a getOrElse method which does what you want:
def getMatchingValues(listItems: List[String]) = listItems map (theMap.getOrElse(_,"NoMatch"))
At least I think that is what you want. Here's an example:
scala> val theMap = Map("a"->"A", "b" -> "B")
theMap: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(a -> A, b -> B)
scala> val listItems = List("a","b","c")
listItems: List[String] = List(a, b, c)
scala> listItems map (theMap.getOrElse(_,"NoMatch"))
res0: List[String] = List(A, B, NoMatch)

A possible solution with flatMap:
/* Return Some[String] if found, None if not found, then flatten */
def getMatchingValues(listItems: List[String], theMap: Map[String, String]): List[String] =
listItems.flatMap(item => theMap.get(item))
/* Same thing with some syntactic sugar */
def getMatchingValuesSmartass(listItems: List[String], theMap: Map[String, String]): List[String] =
listItems flatMap theMap.get
val l = List("1", "3", "5", "7")
val m = Map("5" -> "five", "2" -> "two", "1" -> "one")
getMatchingValues(l, m)
getMatchingValuesSmartass(l, m)

You could use the map.get method and handle the result with pattern matching { x => map.get(x) match {
case None => "No match"
case Some(i) => (x, i)
The above code returns a list of pairs where each pair represents the elements of the list and the value associated in the map ("No match" if not found)

If I was you, I would do two steps. Given this Map:
val map = Map("a" -> "b", "b" -> "c", "c" -> "d", "d" -> "e")
and this List:
val list = List("a", "c", "e")
At first I would map an Option value to every item in the List. Giving you if there is a value for the item.
val mapped = => item -> map.get(item))
This will give you this:
mapped: List[(String, Option[String])] =
List(("a",Some("b")), ("c",Some("d")), ("e", None))
Calling get on the map returns a wrapped result. If there is a result, you will get the result wrapped in a Some. Otherwise you will get a None. Both are subclasses of Option Option is a closure-construct, that provides you a null-value without having to deal with null. Now you are able to map again, to reach your goal.
val result = => tuple._1 -> tuple._2.getOrElse("No match"))
result: List[(String, String)] = List(("a","b"), ("c","d"), ("e","No match"))
getOrElse extracts the value of a Some or falls back to the parameter if it is a None.
To make it look more professional, we can write this expression in one line ;)
val result = => item -> map.get(item).getOrElse("No match"))
This will give you the exact same result.


How do I remove an element from a list by value?

I am currently working on a function that takes in a Map[String, List[String]] and a String as arguments. The map contains a user Id and the IDs of films that they liked. What I need to do is, to return a List[List[String]] which contains the other movies that where liked by the user who liked the movie that was passed into the function.
The function declaration looks as follows:
def movies(m: Map[String, List[String]], mov: String) : List[List[String]]= {
So lets imagine the following:
val m1 : [Map[Int, List[String]]] = Map(1 ‐> List("b", "a"), 2 ‐> List("y", "x"), 3 ‐> List("c", "a"))
val movieID = "a"
movies(m1, movieId)
This should return:
List(List("b"), List("c"))
I have tried using
m1.filter(x => x._2.contains(movieID))
So that only Lists containing movieID are kept in the map, but my problem is that I need to remove movieID from every list it occurs in, and then return the result as a List[List[String]].
You could use collect:
val m = Map("1" -> List("b", "a"), "2" -> List("y", "x"), "3" -> List("c", "a"))
def movies(m: Map[String, List[String]], mov: String) = m.collect {
case (_, l) if l.contains(mov) => l.filterNot(_ == mov)
movies(m, "a") //List(List(b), List(c))
Problem with this approach is, that it would iterate over every movie list twice, the first time with contains and the second time with filterNot. We could optimize it tail-recursive function, which would look for element and if found just return list without it:
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def movies(m: Map[String, List[String]], mov: String) = {
def withoutElement[T](l: List[T], mov: T, acc: List[T] = Nil): Option[List[T]] = {
l match {
case x :: xs if x == mov => Some(acc.reverse ++ xs)
case x :: xs => withoutElement(xs, mov, x :: acc)
case Nil => None
m.values.flatMap(withoutElement(_, mov))
The solution from Krzysztof is a good one. Here's an alternate way to traverse every List just once.
def movies(m: Map[String, List[String]], mov: String) =
m.values.toList.flatMap{ss =>
val tpl = ss.foldLeft((false, List.empty[String])){
case ((_,res), `mov`) => (true, res)
case ((keep,res), str) => (keep, str::res)
if (tpl._1) Some(tpl._2) else None
This should work for you:
object DemoAbc extends App {
val m1 = Map(1 -> List("b", "a"), 2 -> List("y", "x"), 3 -> List("c", "a"))
val movieID = "a"
def movies(m: Map[Int, List[String]], mov: String): List[List[String]] = {
val ans = m.foldLeft(List.empty[List[String]])((a: List[List[String]], b: (Int, List[String])) => {
if (b._2.contains(mov))
b._2.filter(_ != mov) :: a
else a
print(movies(m1, movieID))

Scala Map Reduction and Aggregation

I have a Map that looks like this and is of Type Map[String, Seq[String]]
"5" -> Seq("5.1"),
"5.1" -> Seq("5.1.1", "5.1.2"),
"5.1.1" -> Seq(""),
"5.1.2" -> Seq.empty[String],
"" -> Seq.empty[String]
Given a key, I would like to fetch all the values recursively that belongs to the given key. Say for example., if I want to look up for the key 5, I expect the result to be:
Given Input is: 5
Expected Output is: Seq(5.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2,
Here is what I tried so far:
def fetchSequence(inputId: String, acc: Seq[String], seqMap: Map[String, Seq[String]]): Seq[String] = seqMap.get(inputId) match {
case None => acc
case Some(subSeq) =>
val newAcc = acc ++ subSeq
subSeq.collect {
case subId=> fetchSequence(subId, newAcc, seqMap)
I get an empty result when I call fetchSequence with the Map that I have above.
Somewhat more concise :
def recGet[A](map: Map[A, Seq[A]])(key: A): Seq[A] =
// return empty Seq if key not found
// return a Seq with
// the key and
// the result of recGet called recursively
// (for all the elements in the Seq[A] found for key)
x => Seq(key) ++ x.flatMap(recGet(map)))
You can use recGet as :
val sections = Map(
"5" -> Seq("5.1"),
"5.1" -> Seq("5.1.1", "5.1.2"),
"5.1.1" -> Seq(""),
"5.1.2" -> Seq.empty[String],
"" -> Seq.empty[String]
recGet(sections)("5") // Seq[String] = List(5, 5.1, 5.1.1,, 5.1.2)
recGet(sections)("5.1.1") // Seq[String] = List(5.1.1,
recGet(sections)("5.2") // Seq[String] = List()
This will also give you the (first) element itself (if it exists in the map), if you don't want that, you can probably wrap recGet in another method which uses drop(1) on the result of recGet.

Appending to Map with value as a list

I have initialized a mutable Map (not sure if I should use a mutable here, but to start with I use mutable):
val aKey = "aa"
val myMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, List[String]]()
if (myMap.exists(_._1 == aKey))
myMap(aKey) = myMap.get(aKey) :: "test"
But on myMap.get(aKey) I get the following error:
Type Mismatch expected List[String] actual option[String]
I thought the way I did is correct to append to list.
You can append to a mutable map with +=.
scala> myMap += ("placeholders" -> List("foo", "bar", "baz"))
res0: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,List[String]] = Map(placeholders -> List(foo, bar, baz))
To append a new item to the list for aKey as mentioned in the commments.
myMap.get("placeholders") match {
case Some(xs:List[String]) => myMap.update("placeholders", xs :+ "buzz")
case None => myMap
res22: Any = ()
scala> myMap
res23: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,List[String]] = Map(placeholders -> List(foo, bar, baz, buzz))
If you have mutable Map and inside that map immutable List. This is a simple example on how to do it. The example is also defining using withDefaultValue - so that you always get something back from Map.
var posts: collection.mutable.Map[Int, List[String]] = collection.mutable.Map().
withDefaultValue List.empty[String]
def addTag(postID: Int, tag: String): Unit = posts.get(postID) match {
case Some(xs: List[String]) => posts(postID) = xs :+ tag
case None => posts(postID) = List(tag)
// List[String] = List()
addTag(42, "tag-a")
addTag(42, "tag-b")
addTag(42, "tag-c")
// List[String] = List(tag-a, tag-b, tag-c)
Everything is fine. Except for list append operator
To add an element to the list. The operator should be something like
myList = element :: myList
myList = myList :: element // wrong
so your program should be
val aKey = "aa"
var myMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, List[String]]().withDefaultValues(List())
myMap(aKey) = "test" :: myMap(aKey)
Starting Scala 2.13, you could alternatively use Map#updateWith on mutable Maps (or Map#updatedWith on immutable Maps):
case Some(list) => Some("test" :: list)
case None => Some(List("test"))
def updateWith(key: K)(remappingFunction: (Option[V]) => Option[V]): Option[V]
For instance,
val map = collection.mutable.Map[String, List[String]]()
// map: collection.mutable.Map[String, List[String]] = HashMap()
val key = "key"
// key: String = "key"
if the key doesn't exist:
map.updateWith(key)({ case Some(list) => Some("test" :: list) case None => Some(List("test")) })
// Option[List[String]] = Some(List("test"))
// collection.mutable.Map[String, List[String]] = HashMap("key" -> List("test"))
and if the key exists:
map.updateWith(key)({ case Some(list) => Some("test2" :: list) case None => Some(List("test2")) })
// Option[List[String]] = Some(List("test2", "test"))
// collection.mutable.Map[String, List[String]] = HashMap("key" -> List("test2", "test"))
I figured the how to do it:
val aKey = "aa"
var myMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, List[String]]()
if (myMap.exists(_._1 == aKey))
myMap.get(aKey).get :+ "foo"
else {
myMap(aKey) = List("zoo")
This might not be the scala way of doing but this gives the correct results.
first you shouldn't Mutable Map :). for add one item on List within Map, you can use method get of Map.
val m = Map(1 -> List(2))
val m2 = m.get(1).fold{
// In this case don't exist any List for this key
m + (1 -> List(3))
}{ list =>
// In this case exist any List for this key
m + (1 -> (3 :: list))

Scala: Count Words

I am trying to write the function of countWords(ws) that counts the frequency of words in a list of words ws returning a map from words to occurrences.
that ws is a List[String], using the List data type I should produce a Map[String,Int] using the Map data type. an example of what should the function do:
def test{
expect (Map("aa" -> 2, "bb" -> 1)) {
countWords(List("aa", "bb"))
This is just a perpetration for a test and its not an assignment. I have been stuck on this function for while now. This is what I have so far:
object Solution {
// define function countWords
def countWords(ws : List[String]) : Map[String,Int] = ws match {
case List() => List()
which gives type mismatch. I am not quite sure how to use the scala Map Function, for example when ws is Empty list what should it return that passed by Map[String,Int] I have been trying, and thats why I post it here to get some help. thank you.
Another way to do it is using groupBy which outputs Map(baz -> List(baz, baz, baz), foo -> List(foo, foo), bar -> List(bar)). Then you can map the values of the Map with mapValues to get a count of the number of times each word appears.
scala> List("foo", "foo", "bar", "baz", "baz", "baz")
res0: List[String] = List(foo, foo, bar, baz, baz, baz)
scala> res0.groupBy(x => x).mapValues(_.size)
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(baz -> 3, foo -> 2, bar -> 1)
Regarding the type mismatch in your program countWords is expecting a Map[String, Int] as the return type and the first(and only) match you have returns an empty List with type Nothing. If you change the match to case List() => Map[String, Int]() it will no longer give a type error. It also gives a warning about an in-exhaustive pattern match obviously won't return the correct output.
The easiest solution is this
def countWords(ws: List[String]): Map[String, Int] = { String) => (word, ws.count(_ == word))).toMap
But it's not the fastest one since it searches through the list several times.
The fastest way is to use a mutable HashMap
def countWords(ws: List[String]): Map[String, Int] = {
val map = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Int]
for(word <- ws) {
val n = map.getOrElse(word, 0)
map += (word -> (n + 1))
Use fold to go through your list starting with an empty map
ws.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Int]){
(count, word) => count + (word -> (count.getOrElse(word, 0) + 1))

Using find function for maps in scala

I am trying to find a key in a Map, given a value. I am using the 'find' function by not able to figure out the right predicate for it:
val colors = Map(1 -> "red", 2 -> "blue")
def keyForValue(map: Map[Int, String], value: String) = {
val bool = map.find{map.foreach{map.values(i) == value}}
How do I iterate over the map and find the key when I know the value?
You use the same kind of predicate as with a List, but keep in mind you're evaluating it over (key,value) pairs, instead of just values (and getting a pair back as well!).
Simple example:
val default = (-1,"")
val value = "red"
The signature for find in Map is find(p: ((A, B)) ⇒ Boolean): Option[(A, B)]. So the predicate takes a Tuple2 and must return a Boolean. Note I changed value to an Int since the key in colors is also an Int.
scala> def keyForValue(map: Map[Int, String], value: Int) = {
| colors.find({case (a,b) => a == value})
| }
keyForValue: (map: Map[Int,String], value: Int)Option[(Int, String)]
scala> keyForValue(colors, 1)
res0: Option[(Int, String)] = Some((1,red))
You can also use get:
scala> colors.get(1)
res1: Option[String] = Some(red)
You can always go with the abstract solution and swap the keys with their values, store it in a new map, and then search the new map:
val colors = Map(1 -> "red", 2 -> "blue")
def keyForValue(map: Map[Int, String], value: String) = {
val revMap = map map {_.swap}
val key = revMap(value)
The third line swaps the keys with their values, and stores it in revMap. (map map means the name of the map, in this case, the parameter, map, then the word map, then {_.swap} to actually swap the keys with their values.
I would avoid passing the map to the find method, and rather pass only the map's keys to the find method.
This avoids dealing with an Option[Int,String] -- instead it is Option[Int].
// sample data
val colors = Map(1 -> "red", 2 -> "blue", 3 -> "yellow")
// function you need
def keyForValue(theMap: Map[Int, String], theValue: String): Int = {
val someKey = theMap.keys.find( k => theMap(k) == theValue )
someKey match {
case Some(key) => {
println(s"the map contains ${key} -> ${theValue}")
return key
case None => {
println(s"a key was not found for ${theValue}")
return -1
This gives:
scala> val result = keyForValue( colors, "blue" )
the map contains 2 -> blue
result: Int = 2