Increasing the height of root panel in gwt - gwt

I have a html panel and i want to add the html panel to browser screen hence i used rootPanel.get().add(htmlPanel);. But their is a extra space between the starting of the screen and the first widget in html panel (As in image). I tried with setting rootPanel.get().setheight("100%") and rootPanel.get().setsize("100%","100%") but it doesn't seem to work please help i want to remove the extra space and so that the widget starts from beginning.

This padding is added by GWT Bootstrap for its NavBar widget. See the note in the javadoc:
NOTE: We assume that most people will use the ResponsiveNavbar, so, we automatically add a padding-top: 50px in body.If you don't want this, you have to put a padding-top: 0px; manually in your document body tag.
See also


SharePoint color picker modal dialogue box not auto adjusting

- I have a custom SharePoint masterpage with custom CSS.
- I also placed a custom div into the masterpage.html
When I use the color picker to change some font color and select "more colors…", the modal dialogue box that comes up is too small and has scroll bars.
I would like for it to auto adjust.
How do I fix this?
I tried using F12 to figure out what CSS element may be affecting it, but I am unable to figure it out.
Note: I tried removing the custom div but the problem persists.
If I get two more reputation points I can upload a picture so you can visually see what I am talking about. A picture is worth a thousand words:/
Or you can go here to see the pic.
I was able to figure it out:
I update the following custom css with 300px !Important:
min-width:300px !Important;
And I added the below custom css:
margin: 0px;
For a complete history and explanation with pictures go here

MailChimp template: hideable block containing repeatable blocks can't be hidden

I have a block in my MailChimp email template something like this:
Latest news
[Introductory text]
[Repeatable news item]
[Link to all news on site]
The whole block is set to be mc:hideable, and the news item uses mc:repeatable.
The problem is that when I hover over the area inside the block but outside the news item, I see the eye icon to hide the whole block - it appears in the middle, over the news item. But when I move to click it, the news item's edit / repeat control appear and the block's hideable icon disappears!
Am I missing something? The only workaround I can think of at the moment is creating 3 blocks, the heading / intro (hideable), and the news item (repeatable, presumably that can be hidden by removing the default item), and the link. They'll each need the same background colour and to fit flush together to look like one block, and in order to hide the lot editors will have to remember to hide each part. Seems a bit long-winded.
Infuriating isn't it? Which is why I hacked Chimps own CSS by adding this to my template style tag CSS:
.tpl-hidewrap { left:auto !important; right:0 !important; }
Of course you could add different CSS to position it to suit your template, but it certainly worked for me, as the area to be hidden was wider than the repeating area.
Humans 1 Chimps 0 :)
KevAdamson's answer was a good starting point for me. I had to go one step further though:
.tpl-hidewrap {
left: 0 !important;
right: 0 !important;
display: block !important;
height: 100px !important;
text-align: center;

GWT: How to invert a Vertical Panel of buttons

I have a vertical panel that contains a set of buttons. When clicking on the base button, the panel expands and shows the set of buttons that are part of the vertical panel. Since this base button is towards the bottom of hte UI, I have made changes to the CSS in order to make the expanded buttons appear flowing upwards as opposed to downwards. Nevertheless, it seems as if the page expands downwards in the expanded state, and this leads to an addition of a scroll on the page, which is completely undesirable.
Is there a way to add buttons to a vertical panel that builds up (is inverted) as opposed to building down? I would really prefer not to have to add the buttons in a different order and then play with the CSS again if at all possible. Thank you for your tips.
VerticalPanel is the wrong widget for your layout. You should use a PopupPanel and a very simple CSS. When a user presses a button, you show this PopupPanel by calling .showRelativeTo() method. It will do all the calculations for you, and it will show it downward or upward depending on the browser window size and position of your button.
Within the PopupPanel you add a FlowPanel, and you add your buttons to this FlowPanel. Apply this style to the FlowPanel:
.menu {
width: 100px;
.menu input {
float: left;
margin-top: 10px;
width: 100px;
It is not easy to just invert the direction as from my understanding you want the button panel to float on top of the existing page. Webpages follows a flow structure and do not get stacked up unless you specify.
You may have to change your entire layout into an absolute panel, or use CSS (as you said you do not want to but this is definitely easier than the former one) so you can place the panel anywhere you want.
clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, auto);
position: absolute;
left: 100px;
top: 319px;
overflow: visible;

How to control height of "Like" button

The button-count Layout Style height of the "Like" button and corresponding counter block is 20px high. Is there any way to shrink that block to 16px using css of jQuery or any other method?
It can't be done. The only customization you can do is what you see here:
See this article on why it's so difficult to resize iframes:
Actually you can hide whatever you like by wrapping it with a div and doing some css. Or you can !important override any of the CSS facebook uses by doing it in your own stylesheet. Just open up your page in firebug after adding the button and you can figure out what css to override. Honestly it's not worth it though, the facebook iframe for their button tears up android browsers and slows down every page you put it on.
I added the button to a page and only wanted the button not a count or their blown out text message beside it. so I created a div with the id="facebook" and wrapped it around the div they give you on the dev site. Then added this CSS to my stylesheet.
#facebook {
You can use a couple of div's to wrap it then change the centering of the button as well using negative margins on the inner div. But again it's not honestly worth it to me so I stopped sending links to facebook and stick with twitter and pinterest.
Hope that helps.

How to create modal type alert/ dialogbox in fbml or fbjs

I need to make a alert box or dialog box when popup it lock the back screen like a Modal type alert box. but this time i need in fbjs. or fbml any one can help me please...
One way to cheat this is to give the div a css attribute of position: absolute and align your div on top of your content, with a z-index of something higher than everything else on your page (typically, people use something like 100). This becomes your modal container, and within it you'll just want to mimmic/copy the styles of a typical FB modal window.
Also, create another div at the top or bottom of your content, and give it css properties of position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #000; opacity: .5; z-index: 50 (make sure z-index is less than your modal container). This is your overlay, which blocks the content of the page from being interacted with until the user does something with your modal.
I would suggest going about the solution this way because like #dragonjet pointed out, FBML is deprecated, and you can't create new FBML applications anymore. Without FBML there is no FBJS.