UITableView weird padding at the bottom of cell - iphone

I have a UITableView in which I am displaying bunch of custom cells. The cell is configured to be 50 pixels in height:
I am retuning 50 in the heightForRow method:
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
return 50.f
But in the end, there's a weird 10-15ish pixel padding/spacing between each cell:
What am i doing wrong?

Without seeing your custom cell's configuration code, I can only guess. The space you see is likely internal to the cell. Perhaps you've added a green subview, but it isn't sized to fit the cell. You probably need to set the subview to have a flexible height (or if you're using Auto Layout, pin the top and bottom to the parent).
Or maybe you have one cell per section and you're somehow creating a blank header or footer.


UITableviewcell spacing between cells

I am creating UITableView cells dynamically and adding three labels on to it.I made my table as transparent by opaque no and clearcolor.
But the cells are being shown without spaces.I need to give space between cells.
Actually if i load a custom UITableViewCell from the xib file the space comes automatically. How to solve this issue?
UITableView with custom spacing
You can do this by cheating the tableView cell. By default you can only specify a single line, etched line or none so here is an alternative. You'll need to override the tableView delegate method:
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
Calculate your cell height with its contents, margin/padding/line width and return it. Set the background color of the cell to [UIColor clearColor] and make your table background the desired color for your separator. Subclass UITableViewCell and attach a backgroundContainerView and make it the desired background color for your cell. Attach all the subview to that backgroundContainerView.
Finally, in the UITableViewCell subclass implement
- (void)layoutSubviews
Here you should layout the subviews with the container view as if that is the whole cell.
In UITableView you have 2 properties : separatorStyle and separatorColor. Use them maybe your separator color is clearcolor so try and change it.
This problem is due to the difference in height in TableView and Custom cell. Set the cell height in heightForRowAtIndexPath delegate.

How to reload and animate specific cell in UITableView in iPhone sdk

In my application, I am using tableview with some rows. In each row I am displaying some part
of text.In that row below text there is a Expandbtn. If we click that we will display the whole
For that I want to use reloadRowsAtIndexPaths: WithAnimation: method . I want to apply this
method when I click Expandbtn in each cell.
I am using that above method for expanding text in cell. My Problem If I expand text in first
and go to 2nd cell it appears to be expanding and it is overlaping with first cell.
If I scroll the table to the top, then first cell appears to be NOT Expanding.
Can Anyone Help me in this.
Thanks in Advance.
Relating to "If I scroll the table to the top, then first cell appears to be NOT Expanding." It sounds like you are not dynamically determining the height of the rows.
Are you implementing the delegate method - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath in your NSTableViewController? If so, make sure you are returning a different value before and after you expand the row.

Weird UITableView scrolling problem

I have a sectioned UITableView which loads data from a plist file. The table uses custom cells with dynamic height to fit the content of each cell. The table loads just fine initially, but after scrolling down and back up, the cells seem to be overlaying one another in some sections.
I've attached an image illustrating the issue I am having.
Any ideas on where to begin troubleshooting this problem?
You need to set height for each cell in
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

how to make the all the elements fix according to their height in tableview

I tried to add buttons, textboxes and text to tableview. I want the row height to get adjusted automatically according to the height of each ui component. How can i achieve this ?
You have to return the specific height for each cell in the UITableViewDelegate method
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
It would be best, if you find a way how to calculate the height of your cells dynamically.

Creating a UITableView with Taller Cells on the iPhone

How can I go about creating a UITableView with taller cells? Basically, I want to create a full screen table with only four cells, but they should take up the entire screen (1/4 each).
Assuming this is possible using a UITableView, can it be done both in code and in Interface Builder? And also, can each cell have its own height?
Just use the -tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: method from the UITableViewDelegate protocol to customize the height of each cell. Something like this works just fine:
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tv heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
return 70.0f;
Hope that helps.
For best performance, if all your rows are the same height, use the rowHeight property. It's accessible from both code and Interface Builder.
If you want to customise individual row heights, then you need to implement the - tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: delegate method. It's a little slower performing, but more flexible.