Continuous Integration workflow using Github, Travis CI, and Nodejitsu - github

I am trying to create the following workflow for continuous integration on my project
Developer commits code change to Github
Github sends entire codebase to Travis CI
Travis CI does the following
Runs tests
Builds distribution worthy package, saves in filesystem location local to Travis CI
Deploys distribution worthy package to Nodejitsu
Nodejitsu restarts server with the distribution worthy package
Is this possible? What are the steps? Via Github webhooks, I do have Travis CI running tests, and Nodejitsu deploying (untested and distribution worthy) Github codebase, but I do not have the workflow described above. Am I expecting something that is not possible?
Thank you!

This is possible, and how we deploy many of our systems internally.
For a quick getting started guide please try:
Detailed documentation can be found here:
If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to Nodejitsu support.


Integration Percy visual regression testing status check with Github

I am trying to integrate, a visual regression testing tool with Github status check.
I have signed up for free account with Percy and paid Github version.
I wanted to setup status check with Percy with each pull request as below suggested at percy doc on status check
I have integrated Percy in Github
Added rules in Github
but still don't see check on pull request.
Added same project in too
Any Idea what I am missing over here?
It's hard to be specific without knowing more about your application, however one piece that seems to be missing from your setup is a CI/CD configuration.
Basically, you need a Continuous Integration service (such as Travis, Jenkins, CircleCI or others to trigger a build for your project so that percy can capture snapshots. Did you configure one?
See the documentation here.
Here an example configuration for one of my projects. Note that how you set this up may differ if you use a different set of tools than what's in the article.

Github feature like Bitbucket Pipeline

Is there any service / feature of just like Bitbucket Pipeline ?
I'm actually want to push my master branch to FTP server (cpanel, apache) . It's really easy with Bitbucket Pipeline, but any way to do that in Github ?
Github now has a feature called Github Actions, which allows you to execute arbitrary commands and processes triggered by events such as repository writes, pull request merges, and others similar to Bitbucket Pipelines. So your build/test/deploy stages can be run using Github's infrastructure, or you can move your app code to a remote location such as an FTP server, to kick off a code pipeline or update remote artifacts.
GitHub itself doesn't provide this feature, but you can use GitHub apps, such as Travis CI.
Travis CI enables your team to test and ship your apps with confidence. It’s built for everyone and for projects and teams of all sizes, supporting over 20 different languages out of the box, including Javascript and Node.js, Ruby, PHP, Python, Mac/iOS, as well as Docker, while giving you full control over the build environment to customize it to your own needs.
There is also other apps for continuous integration:
Not that I know of. You could however setup an internal build server using jenkins, circle ci, or travis ci. I have used both jenkins and circle ci both integrate well with github(It's fairly straight forward process). Jenkins is open source, where as circle ci is cloud base solution(it has a free tier). Both I believe could help solve your issue.

My Travis-CI integration with GitHub was break down

My Travis-CI integration with GitHub was break down
I have a simple python flask project on GitHub with PyTest tests and Travis-CI integration.
Few days ago (26 of september) building autotests by commit was down. No integration settings was changed, only some code.
Can Travis could be down, or what could be wrong?
Repo settings:
Travis is green marked, but I see Note: GitHub Services are being deprecated. Please contact your integrator for more information on how to migrate or replace a service with webhooks or GitHub Apps. message.
Fixed it.
As I've seen, Travis is got the signal from GH commit and rebuilds the tests each time, but GH is not retrieve the complete/fail signal back.
I think it's because GitHub Services is deprecated.
I remove the GH repo link to Travis and relink it again. Now it's a WebHook and working well.

SonarQube and Github, Travis CI

Is there any way to programmatically check say, using the GitHub API or some API for Travis CI, if a particular project on GitHub or Travis CI uses SonarQube?
Also apart from SonarQube what other program analysis tools do people usually use?
Neither GitHub API nor Travis CI API will be able to provide you with such information - simply because code analysis tools/services are third-party systems that are not built-in features of GitHub or Travis CI.
If you want to "see how many open source projects on GitHub use static program analysis tools", then you would have to browse the source code of each repository to discover some facts that might give you this information (like for instance looking into the .travis.yml file). But because there's no built-in/standard feature on that topic, this would be extremely difficult to correctly achieve this goal IMO.

Good lightweighted Continous integration tool to use with github?

I am developing a small python web service with bunch of analytical codes and searching for a lightweighted, easy-use but all-around Continuous Integration tool to use together with github.
I push my code onto github and hope that by every pushing continuous integration can run tests and check the integreity
some recommended tools from github website
like cloudBees, circleci etc.
Which kinds of CI tools is best for me at this moment ? thanks a lot
And would be kind if you could give some tips/good tutorials on coutinuous workflow(development and deployment) with github and docker
Like Jake said I would say that a cloud based tool like SnapCI, Circle or Travis would work well for you as you are already hosting your source in the cloud. If you are working on a public repo many of these tools are free.
In order to help with Docker and Github you'd need to be more specific about your needs.