Matlab radar/spider plots - matlab

I need to make a radar plot, I googled it and got this:
but it gives an error I'm not sure how to solve.
The error is Error: File: radarplottest.m Line: 17 Column: 1
Function definitions are not permitted in this context.
Any tips?

Did you copy the function and paste it into a script file you were working on?
If you did something like add your own code at the top of the file (say, to load data), that will give you the error you're seeing. You should have one file, "radarPlot.m", which contains this function, and then "radarplottest.m" could be something like a script containing data loading/pre-processing and then calling the radarPlot function on the appropriate data.
All you need in radarplottest.m is something like:
Data = % define some random test data or load some existing data
radarPlot(Data); % requires radarPlot.m to be on your path so Matlab can find it


Convert PSS/E .raw file to Pandapower

I'm trying to find a possible way to convert PSS/E native .raw files to Pandapower format.
My objective is to take advantage of the network plotting capabilities that are available in Pandapower.
For that, I have to first be able to load my grid data into Pandapower.
For that, I have to somehow bridge the gap between PSSE .raw to Pandapower.
Literature says that a possible way of doing this is by using the 'psse2mpc' function available in Matpower.
I've tried to use it but I get the following error message:
>> psse2mpc('RED1523.raw')
Reading file 'RED1523.raw' ............................................. done.
Splitting into individual lines ...error: regexp: the input string is invalid UTF-8
error: called from
psse_read at line 60 column 9
psse2mpc at line 68 column 21
I'was informed that maybe I should save my .raw file (natively generated with a PSSE/E v33 version) into an older .raw format (corresponding to previous PSS/E versions).
I've tried this as well but still have the same error message.
Apart from getting this error which so far impedes to reach my objective, I've been unable to guess the Pandapower "equivalent .raw" structure. Does anybody know how this input structure looks like in Pandapower?
If I would know how Pandapower needs to get the input data, I could even try to code a taylor-made python script that converts my .raw file into whatever is required from Pandapower.
If somebody could help me to get out of this labyrinth I would be most gratefull !!!
You need to check your .raw file to enter the other Inputs of the psse2mpc function. For instance, if I have the case39.raw file and I want to convert it to matpower format like case39mpc.m, then I must enter something like this:
psse2mpc ('case39.raw', 'case39mpc.m', '1', '29')

Matlab 'main' function isn't reading local functions

I have a code in matlab (~1000 lines) that constists of about 15 functions. The code runs fine with each function as a different script, but I want to put them all into one file so I can use the publish function more easily. However, when I put them all together my 'main' function isn't recognizing the local functions. Here's what it looks like:
function full_function()
values = fvalues(0);
function values = fvalues(state)
When I try to run it, it gives me
"Undefined function 'fvalues' for input arguments
of type 'double'.
Error in full_function (line 32)
values = fvalues(0);"
I've looked all over for how to do local functions and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. If I right-click on fvalues and hit 'open' it even brings me to the correct portion of the code, so I have no idea why full_function cannot read it. Please help! Thanks.

Matlab assignment - return only odd elements

I wrote code similar to that posted by FeliceM, but when I tried to include the recommended changes/additions I got the following error:
Warning: File: odd_index.m Line: 5 Column: 18
Function with duplicate name "odd_index" cannot be called.
Here's my code:
function odd_index
M=[1:5; 6:10; 11:15; 16:20; 21:25];
M=M(1:2:end, 1:2:end);
function M_out = odd_index(M)
M_out = M(1:2:end, 1:2:end);
Not quite sure what I'm doing wrong.
It appears to be simply a problem of naming your two functions the same name. Rename the second function (and make sure it's in a separate file with the same name as itself). Really, the first one isn't a function at all, but appears to be a script.
You may want to refer to the MATLAB Getting Started help documentation for more information on functions and scripts.

Save and load fft to .mat file

I have an FFT and I want to save this to .mat file and then read it from that .mat file. I want to use my loaded data for a division. Here is my code
save ('file_fft','a_fft');
b = load ('file_fft');
c = abs (d_fft) ./ abs (b);
In my command window I see that
b = file_fft [4000 * 1 double].
And then I get error message
'Undefined function 'abs' for input arguments of type 'struct''
I tried after deleting abs. I got this error
'Undefined function 'rdivide' for input arguments of type 'struct''
Does anybody have any idea that why it is not working and how i can solve it?
Check the documentation for the load function:
S = load(___) loads data into S, using any of the input arguments in
the previous syntax group.
If filename is a MAT-file, then S is a structure array.
If filename is an ASCII file, then S is a double-precision array
containing data from the file.
So b is a structure and as suggested in the comment, you need to access the data as abs(b.a_fft).
The problem is that load() already creates the file structure that is inside the .mat file. When you assign file_fft with load, it creates a struct.
From the documentation of load():
S = load(_) loads data into S, using any of the input arguments in
the previous syntax group.
If filename is a MAT-file, then S is a structure array.
I got sniped :-P
Here's another working example of code:
save ('file_fft','a_fft');
load ('file_fft');
c = abs (d_fft) ./ abs (file_fft);

Matlab: How to remove the error of non-existent field

I am getting an error when running matlab code. Here I am trying to use one of the outputs of previous code as input to my new code.
??? Reference to non-existent field 'y1'.
Can anyone help me?
A good practice might be to check if the field exists before accessing it:
if isfield( s, 'y1' )
% s.y1 exists - you may access it
% s.y1 does not exist - what are you going to do about it?
To take Edric's comment into account, another possible way is
% access y1
catch em
% verify that the error indeed stems from non-existant field
if strcmp(em.identifier, 'MATLAB:nonExistentField')
fprintf(1, 'field y1 does not exist...\n');
throw( em ); % different error - handle by caller?
Have you used the command load to load data from file(s)?
if yes, this function overwrite your current variables, therefore, they become non-existent, so when you call, it instead of using:
load ('filename');
f=load ('filename');
now, to refer to any variable inside the loaded file use f.varname, for
example if there is a network called net saved within the loaded data you may use it like:
a =;
I would first explain my situation and then give the solution.
I first save a variable op, it is a struct , its name is coef.mat;
I load this variable using coef = load( file_path, '-mat');
In a new function, I pass variable coef to it as a parameter, at here, the error Reference to non-existent field pops out.
My solution:
Just replace coef with coef.op, then pass it to the function, it will work.
So, I think the reason behind is that: the struct was saved as a variable, when you use load and want to acess the origin variable, you need point it out directly using dot(.) operation, you can directly open the variable in Matlab workspace and find out what it wraps inside the variable.
In your case, if your the outputs of previous code is a struct(It's my guess, but you haven't pointed out) and you saved it as MyStruct, you load it as MyInput = load(MyStruct), then when use it as function's parameter, it should be MyInput.y1.
Hops it would work!
At first load it on command window and observe the workspace window. You can see the structure name. It will work by accessing structure name. Example:
Here SAMPLE is the structure name and X is a member of the structure