How to install the FAB feature in karaf? - jbossfuse

In the FAQ page
There is a action about How do I enable FAB support in my OSGi container?
But It does not work.
The error message is:
Could not add Feature Repository:
java.lang.RuntimeException: URL [mvn:org.fusesource.fuse/fuse-fuse/7.0.1.fuse-084/xm/features] could not be resolved.
Please verify that the feature repository URL is correct and that your network connection works fine.*
I have tried to find some solution from Google, and I have tried adding following repositories into etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg:
And I can make sure my internet proxy setting is right.
So, It seems the feature's repository is wrong.
Could you help me to give some suggestion?

Looks like the repo URL mvn:org.fusesource.fuse/fuse-fuse/7.0.1.fuse-084/xml/features doesn't exist.
I didn't try it myself, but probably fabric-bundle is what you're looking for:
features:addUrl mvn:org.fusesource.fabric/fuse-fabric/7.0.1.fuse-084/xml/features
features:install fabric-bundle
Checkout the features file


Android studio and GitLab - how integration?

I need use GitLab repository in my Flutter project(Android Studio).
First, I tried "New->Get from version control", but I have error:
remote: The project you were looking for could not be found or you don't
have permission to view it
I started looking for a solution on the net and only found this manual. The key step is to add the remote repository. I tried it, but have error:
maybe I need to add login/password for gitlab to Android Studio? I will try to do this, but in the settings it is not available (only git)
any advice? I will be grateful.
I found solution here - need change url for clone(add userName):
I don't understand the problem
and then import it
If you already checked it out and you want to add a new remote, I recommend to use CLI
git remote add upstream
Btw, in general, I recommend to use CLI to understand what you do exactly

Where is the extra folder configured for NuGet.Server v3.4.1.0 that is causing the 404 Not Found Error

I have read other posts with people having issues with the 404 Not Found error when building their own local version of NuGet.Server. None of them specifically asked about what I am seeing as an issue.
I followed the instructions at and get the Default page just like it said. The only changes I made to the web.config were to set the requireApiKey=false since this will be a local server.
When I click on the "Click Here to View Packages", and get the 404 Not Found error, I noticed something on the page. It looks like it is trying to resolve to the same URL that is shown as the link for the Package Manager (https://localhost:44375/nuget), but then adds "Packages". Which might seem okay until you look at the "Physical Path" that is listed. It has a physical folder called "nuget" which is not there and was never created in the instructions or during the install of the NuGet.Server package.
Here is a screenshot of the 404 page.
There was nothing in the documentation about adding that folder, and it was not added when NuGet.Server was installed. Is this a configuration issue that I cannot seem to find, a setup step missed in the instructions or a bug in the NuGet.server ?

How to make buildbot nine host an html resource?

I used to use buildbot eight before, where i was able to access my html artifacts generated by tests by just using URL:
where path to resource was in <preifx>/master/public_html.
I can't access it in buildbot 0.9.10 as I get resource not found.
I wonder if there is an option what would allow me to access my html files from a browser?
This feature was removed in 0.9.0.
An issue asks for the implementation of a plugin implementing this feature. It is still open currently with no assignee.
I have not found any other solution. I would be very interested if a solution was found.

Why am I getting 404 /N2/Api/Context.ashx

I'm using the NuGet N2CMS package. I've tried version and and .16)
This is a fresh setup/install. When finishing the setup and navigating to /N2 I'm getting a 404 Not Found from the following:
You can see my question on their GitHub here.
Anyone experience this, or have a fix?
bherila from the N2CMS team, was able to help me. It turns out that some of the Nuget Packages do not work out of the box; one of which is the standalone N2CMS package.
I was able to get a new project working using the N2CMS.NoZip (management UI) and N2CMS.MVC packages.
Even with these, you will still need to create and decorate a RootPage and StartPage to get past installation. You can see how I created those in the link I posted in my question

Error while adding new plugin in eclipse

When i tried to instail this plugin to compete in Arena at TopCoder
I found this problem.
So how can i solve this problem?
You get this error when p2 can't find the update site to install. Looks like the url that youa re using is correct, so the problem is one of two things:
Temporary network issues. Try again and it might work
A firewall on your side. If so, set your network proxies at Preferences -> General -> Network connections
As a side note, the update site is an old style update site (ie- pre-3.4 and does have proper metadata). You should encourage the maintainers of this plugin to update to a modern update site.
I don't have any problems installing the plugin. May be the location you have specified when adding the repository was wrong. The location specified in the site of EclipseCoder and that I use is:
I think that you have invalid update site URLs in the available update site list (Window > Install/Update > Available Software site).
Remove or disable the update site causing problem and retry adding the proper update site URL you want to access: