is it possible to replace a javascript file in the network or sources tab of chrome - mongodb

If an webapp I am running did a GET on a javascript file but I wanted to intercept that GET and provide a different javascript file could I do that?
What would be the easiest method?
To give a frame of a reference I am writing a meteor application and the server database got torched. My only hope seems to be to take a cached version of the application.js and inject it because I believe mostly everything can be rebuilt from that.

You can edit the existing JavaScript code.
Not sure how to replace the JavaScript file.
Press F12 it bring the developer tools at bottom of your page .
Go to resource and select your JavaScript file
It will open inside editor(right side) there you can modify your script.


How to change the default URL of thunderclient

Whenever we make a New Request, the default URL in the URL box is
How can we change this with our own URL?
If you want to have a base url. It's super easy in Thunder Client-vs-code.
Firstly, got to Collections
You should have Folder for your project API. And click on ... icon and got to Settings will move to Collection Settings
Secondly, Change the Base Url and save it.
You have done.
This feature is already requested in their Github issues but has still not been added yet.
So, the workaround I find is this:
Go to %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions\rangav.vscode-thunder-client-1.18.7\dist for Windows.
Or go to $HOME/.vscode/extensions/rangav.vscode-thunder-client-1.18.7/dist for Mac or Linux.
Open extension.js file with Notepad or any text editor.
Find and replace this with your desired URL.
Save the file and restart VS Code.

Sails how to use templates, server side

I have already worked using Sails.js. But in that project we used it simply as an API. We had backbone on a client side.
In the new application I am planning to use Sails from bottom to top, and I have some things I do not fully comprehend.
I have views that use templates (EJS). In my controller I can call a view and pass it a model to render. That I understand. What I am dont fully understand is where do I put javascript files for a client in this scenario?
For example, lets assume that I have a view that has a input box and a button. I would want to have some javascript that controls that button and input (validation or whatever). Lets assume I put that code for input box and button in a validation.js:
1. In what location do I put that file? Assets?
2. How do I include that file to be sent to client for execution? Do I include it in a template.ejs using normal < script > tags?
All the client assets should be placed into the assets folder.
All the includes are automatically binded by Grunt (when lifting the server) into the layout.ejs file, if you've put your css files into the assets/styles folder and your js files into the assets/js folder.

How can I create save destination chooser of file with GWT?

I want to enhance this question. How can I create File Destination Chooser (as like JFileChooser) in GWT?
I had googled for a long time to get it in GWT. I found GWT FileUpload in most.
Any Suggestions for it ?
UPDATE: After clearing on question
Well, for this you would need a Download Servlet for the file. There in HttpServletResponse you will fill the content with the file and header with file types and all.
And from your client side call the URL.
For prompting case, it depends upon the browser configuration. You cannot force browser to open location prompt.
For achieving download only, you can refer to download file using gwt

viewing files

i was trying to reverse engineer a website ("") to find out how their yahoo UI AutoComplete Widget is working. Upon finding the view source of it, i saw it is refering to a file called "/", i wanted to know what does this file mean and can i download and open it locally on my machine?
Hope my requisite is legitimate and ethical.
As explained by, the .do extension represents a server side Java code file that runs on the server and outputs HTML to the response.
Therefore, you cannot download it and view its contents. Any requests to the file will either return the same HTML or an HTTP error if it requires parameters/form fields.

GWT Toolkit: preprocessing files on client side

If there's a way for the client side GWT code to pre-process a file on the client computer?
For example, to calculate a checksum of it before submitting the file to the server.
No it is not possible. The manipulation of the file is done by the browser, not the HTML code.
Think about it, GWT is 100% javascript. And javascript has no access whatsoever of the file in your computer. That would be an pretty big security risk! GWT "wraps" the file input box so it can be displayed inside the GWT panel. But once you press the "upload" button, the upload is done by the browser.
You could do file manipulation with another technology however. Java applets for example. But that is outside of GWT area...
Using GWT, there is no way to read files on the client side yet. However, in HTML5, you can read files without uploading to a server using the "File API".
Links are provided below.
File API tutorial on
Example of how to use File API in GWT via JSNI
I'm pretty sure that because GWT code compiles to pure JavaScript, there isn't a way without requiring some third-party browser plugin.
Do you mean from an <input type="file"...> file upload field in a form?
The short answer is no-- file uploads are handled by the browser, and are sent directly to the server (as an ENCODING_MULTIPART POST). And security restrictions on JavaScript mean there's no way to workaround that restriction.