ms-access 2007 form datetime control : if control length smaller than the size of the value it shows ### - forms

using ms-access 2007, when i want in a form to view a datetime field, it shows ##### if the control size is smaller than the length value of the datetime field
If i increase the size of the control, it shows the value
If i select the field, it shows the value too
My objectives are:
I would like to show the content even if i don't see everything in once
I don't want to format the value because i want the full date and time, and i will scroll inside the field to view details
It was working in ms-access 2000, but in 2007, i can't figure how to do it
Some ideas on how to deal with this ?

Access doesn't behave like this. You can either
increase the width of the control (the best solution)
specify a shorter Format for the date
reduce the font size
An odd approach would be to add a label which obscures some of the date-control, but such that you can still see part of the date in the background.
You might consider using an event such as Focus to change the Format of the control, but this won't work as the Format only applies when you move away from the control.
You could, I suppose, use two controls; one for display and one for editing.


Tableau Desktop - add calculated field

I would like to add on a map a calculated field, that show the progression between 2 values overtime. So I did this on a separated views, using the month, the value and using a double table calculation to get that. But now I want to add it to my map view and I can't get the Date property on it without breaking everything (I only can use the latitude and the longitude) which is a problem I encountered on another views aswell.
So is there a way to add a dimension to a view, but define it as unused (so it does not appear on the graph, or modify the data already there on any way), so I can use my calculated properties and display it as a tooltip for example. Or maybe another way to achieve this since I'm a little stucked right now :)

Filemaker with Html table layout

I'm designing a form layout in FileMaker, and I'm spending a ton of time just trying to get all the controls in the right spot. Is there some way of doing a table layout? I just want to say "this control is in this cell" and let the table take care of all the formatting. Instead of having to set the position on each object just right.
What I Have
A form with a bunch of fields, organized in a table manner, i.e., rows and columns.
What I Want
To not have to specify the exact position of each individual control. Every time one element moves or needs to resize, it ends up screwing up the entire row, column, or "table", and I end up needing to move every field individually accordingly.
Is there a better way to organize fields in a form like this so that I don't have to manipulate the position and width of every "cell" in a row or column individually?
I think this is made easier with the use of the Inspector in layout mode. In particular, the controls in the "Arrange & Align" section on the "Position" tab of the inspector.
For example, you can quickly select all fields on the same "row" and align them to the top and make them the same height and width as needed.
If you are using FM 13, you may also want to make use of styles to make it easier to set the same formatting quickly across similar objects.
If you're a web developer you might want to experiment using the WebViewer. You can use Javascript for creating a nice table. Then you can interact with that table through calling a script in FileMaker.
Or just stick to a portal like Michael.Hor recommended.

Excel - Insert "day" on a cell and format it to date with current month and year

I am working on a home accounting template (and could not find any good one :-/), so I am creating one for each month. Both in my expenses and my incomes, I would like to have a date column where I just have to insert the "day" (e.g.: 22) and it automatically fills the rest with the current month and year (or I could set them in another cell).
For example: 22 + ENTER would return: 22/12/2014
If I do this, I automatically get a default date: 22/01/1900
I do not know if it is possible to change this defaul date depending on the current one or any other value.
I have tried with a different strategy: if the amount column is not empty, fill in with today's date: =IF(A3="";"";TODAY())
The problem is that I do not always register today's expenses, so I need to change it manually. I was just wondering if this is possible and there is a better way (maybe a macro?).
You need Excel to modify the cell contents after you press ENTER. The only option seems to be a Macro using the Worksheet_Change event.
Please check out this other question. I think that will help.
This can be achieved with simple formatting and use of controls that are available in Excel. VBA will give you drastically more flexibility, however the request above can be accomplished without learning VBA.
I have included a sample file here.
Steps to recreate:
Create a range of months. I created a range including the current month through 12/2014
Insert a combo box from the developer tab. Right click and select Format Control. On the Control tab, input the range you just created and then select a "linked cell". This will insert an integer to indicate which item you picked in the list, starting at 1.
Use the attached formula to add the DAY that you enter in the first column and VLOOKUP the month and year from the value chosen in the combo box.
Enhancements: I used conditional formatting to change the text color of the days you enter to WHITE. This way you won't see them. I also included some checking in the VLOOKUP formula: the day you enter must be a number and must be non-blank for a date to populate.

Prevent a text field within a portal from being truncated, filtering portal contents to display in another layout

I am already using Filemaker Pro 10, I have two questions:
I have a text field in a portal, and whenever I am entering values like "B12C45" in it, it works well, but when the string is longer like "BC12F42, B45z87" it doesn't show whole the strings and omits the letters from it. what Can I do?
My second question is that: I have a portal in a layout, in this portal every row has an id sometimes the id is repeated in other rows but the value of another field called Position is changing. Now I want to have those rows of this portal which have the same id in another layout. I have tried using scripts for it, but scripts don't work well in this case, and they are entering whole the portal in the new layout not the parts I want . How can I write a script which does this?
I will really appreciate any help.
For the first question there are many ways you could display more data in a field and the best one will depend on the particular implementation in your database. There are three main ways to solve this problem: field-size adjustments, text-size adjustments and programming adjustments to dynamically change the text-size.
Field-size adjustments include:
Making the field longer
Using the autosizing aspect of a field so that as the window grows, so does the field
Text-size adjustments include:
Making the font size for that field smaller.
Setting the font style for that field to condensed.
Programatically, though, three things stand out to me as possibilities. I like the third one the best for most of my solutions:
Set the tooltip for the field to "Self" (without the quotes). A user can see the entire contents of the field by hovering the mouse over the field.
In "Define Database" set the field's calculated value to: "TextStyleAdd(self;Condense)" (without the quotes) and make certain that "Do not replace existing value of field" is turned off
Use Conditional formatting to add the Condense style or use a smaller font when the number of the characters in the field gets long.
The steps for using conditional formatting are as follows:
In layout mode select the field and select 'Conditional Formatting...' from the pop-up menu
Add a new condition
Change the condition to 'Formula is'
In the text field enter "Length(Self) > 8" (without the quotes)
Press the "More Formatting..." button
Select "Condense" as the Style from the text
You can add multiple conditions, so you might have "Condense" only for Length(Self) > 8 and another condition for Length(Self) > 16 where you set both "Condense" and reduce the Font Size.
As for your second question, I'm not able to get a picture of what you're trying to do from the question you asked. You might be able do the following in a script:
Go to Related Record [the portal relationship]
Sort Records [by ID]
And then use a summary field (Count of ID) to determine how many of each ID you have.
If you clarified what you were trying to do, gave more information about your tables and table occurrences, we might be able to provide a better answer for this instance.

Field text is being truncated inconsistently

I created a label report (2 columns). The fields used are, Suffix, Contact Name, Company Name, Job Title and Department – simple contact data.
The Department field is the last one and in the report of 78 records the Department field decided not to display the entire field text twice.
I have "Can Grow" set as default on all fields, I checked the margins and label width to ensure the text is not being truncated because of the labels being too wide for the margins. I modified the data in the database by abbreviating certain words and it shows the change but it still truncates after 50 characters. Other times the Department name is 80+ characters and it displays all of the data.
This problem is happening onscreen when I preview the report and also when various users print it. The default printers have not changed.
This one has me stumped. Is this an application bug (if so is there a Service Pack for CR 11.5?) or does it have anything to do with printer drivers in need of update?
Thanks in advance for your help on this puzzle.
I did specify data source
The text in the database is without any special characters or anythig else that might be out of place
No I am not using Underlaying Following sections anywhere in the document is my version of CR (lloks like I am behind - however, when I click on verify for updates it tells me there aren't any. Do you ahve a link to the SP2 download?)
No formula in the Custom string option
Mine worked by simply going to the Database Menu option: Database-->Verify Database, and the field sizes were updated
It could happen if the length of the field in the Data Source is less than your string. To check this:
In the Field Explorer right click on the data source name and choose "Show Field Type"
The length of the field is written between ( ). If it is less than your string length, you have to re-build your data source. For example, if your data source is a view, you have to drop and create it again and then verify your data base in crystal report.
Hope it helps.
Random troubleshooting thoughts. One of these could even work :)
You didn't specify your datasource, but can you preview your data before it goes into Crystal? If the actual data is randomly truncated, then the problem isn't Crystal, it's the data.
Does this data have any special characters, i.e. accents, foreign currencies, etc? That could be a problem (I don't know if this could even create problems, never used them in Crystal)
In the Section Expert, are you using the Underlaying Following Sections option for fancy formatting? If so, your 'grown' fields may be hidden by some other field in the following section.
My Crystal Reports XI Developer Edition is (that's service pack 2). Is your Crystal up to date?
In the Format Field pane, there is an option to make a custom Display String. Sometimes I forget I have a formula and then don't understand why it's not doing what i want.