' << ' operator in verilog - operator-keyword

i have a verilog code in which there is a line as follows:
parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 8 ;
parameter RAM_DEPTH = 1 << ADDR_WIDTH;
here what will be stored in RAM_DEPTH and what does the << operator do here.

<< is a binary shift, shifting 1 to the left 8 places.
4'b0001 << 1 => 4'b0010
>> is a binary right shift adding 0's to the MSB.
>>> is a signed shift which maintains the value of the MSB if the left input is signed.
4'sb1011 >> 1 => 0101
4'sb1011 >>> 1 => 1101
Three ways to indicate left operand is signed:
module shift;
logic [3:0] test1 = 4'b1000;
logic signed [3:0] test2 = 4'b1000;
initial begin
$display("%b", $signed(test1) >>> 1 ); //Explicitly set as signed
$display("%b", test2 >>> 1 ); //Declared as signed type
$display("%b", 4'sb1000 >>> 1 ); //Signed constant

1 << ADDR_WIDTH means 1 will be shifted 8 bits to the left and will be assigned as the value for RAM_DEPTH.
In addition, 1 << ADDR_WIDTH also means 2^ADDR_WIDTH.
Given ADDR_WIDTH = 8, then 2^8 = 256 and that will be the value for RAM_DEPTH

<< is the left-shift operator, as it is in many other languages.
Here RAM_DEPTH will be 1 left-shifted by 8 bits, which is equivalent to 2^8, or 256.


How to isolate leftmost bytes in integer

This has to be done in Perl:
I have integers on the order of e.g. 30_146_890_129 and 17_181_116_691 and 21_478_705_663.
These are supposedly made up of 6 bytes, where:
bytes 0-1 : value a
bytes 2-3 : value b
bytes 4-5 : value c
I want to isolate what value a is. How can I do this in Perl?
I've tried using the >> operator:
perl -e '$a = 330971351478 >> 16; print "$a\n";'
perl -e '$a = 17181116691 >> 16; print "$a\n";'
But these numbers are not on the order of what I am expecting, more like 0-1000.
Bonus if I can also get values b and c but I don't really need those.
number >> 16 returns number shifted by 16 bit and not the shifted bits as you seem to assume. To get the last 16 bit you might for example use number % 2**16 or number & 0xffff. To get to b and c you can just shift before getting the last 16 bits, i.e.
$a = $number & 0xffff;
$b = ($number >> 16) & 0xffff;
$c = ($number >> 32) & 0xffff;
If you have 6 bytes, you don't need to convert them to a number first. You can use one the following depending on the order of the bytes: (Uppercase represents the most significant byte.)
my ($num_c, $num_b, $num_a) = unpack('nnn', "\xCC\xcc\xBB\xbb\xAA\xaa");
my ($num_a, $num_b, $num_c) = unpack('nnn', "\xAA\xaa\xBB\xbb\xAA\xaa");
my ($num_c, $num_b, $num_a) = unpack('vvv', "\xcc\xCC\xbb\xBB\xaa\xAA");
my ($num_a, $num_b, $num_c) = unpack('vvv', "\xaa\xAA\xbb\xBB\xcc\xCC");
If you are indeed provided with a number 0xCCccBBbbAAaa), you can convert it to bytes then extract the numbers you want from it as follows:
my ($num_c, $num_b, $num_a) = unpack('xxnnn', pack('Q>', $num));
Alternatively, you could also use an arithmetic approach like you attempted.
my $num_a = $num & 0xFFFF;
my $num_b = ( $num >> 16 ) & 0xFFFF;
my $num_c = $num >> 32;
While the previous two solutions required a Perl built to use 64-bit integers, the following will work with any build of Perl:
my $num_a = $num % 2**16;
my $num_b = ( $num / 2**16 ) % 2**16;
my $num_c = int( $num / 2**32 );
Let's look at ( $num >> 16 ) & 0xFFFF in detail.
Original number: 0x0000CCccBBbbAAaa
After shifting: 0x00000000CCccBBbb
After masking: 0x000000000000BBbb

Expression for setting lowest n bits that works even when n equals word size

NB: the purpose of this question is to understand Perl's bitwise operators better. I know of ways to compute the number U described below.
Let $i be a nonnegative integer. I'm looking for a simple expression E<$i>1 that will evaluate to the unsigned int U, whose $i lowest bits are all 1's, and whose remaining bits are all 0's. E.g. E<8> should be 255. In particular, if $i equals the machine's word size (W), E<$i> should equal ~02.
The expressions (1 << $i) - 1 and ~(~0 << $i) both do the right thing, except when $i equals W, in which case they both take on the value 0, rather than ~0.
I'm looking for a way to do this that does not require computing W first.
EDIT: OK, I thought of an ugly, plodding solution
$i < 1 ? 0 : do { my $j = 1 << $i - 1; $j < $j << 1 ? ( $j << 1 ) - 1 : ~0 }
$i < 1 ? 0 : ( 1 << ( $i - 1 ) ) < ( 1 << $i ) ? ( 1 << $i ) - 1 : ~0
(Also impractical, of course.)
1 I'm using the strange notation E<$i> as shorthand for "expression based on $i".
2 I don't have a strong preference at the moment for what E<$i> should evaluate to when $i is strictly greater than W.
On systems where eval($Config{nv_overflows_integers_at}) >= 2**($Config{ptrsize*8}) (which excludes one that uses double-precision floats and 64-bit ints),
2**$i - 1
On all systems,
( int(2**$i) - 1 )|0
When i<W, int will convert the NV into an IV/UV, allowing the subtraction to work on systems with the precision of NVs is less than the size of UVs. |0 has no effect in this case.
When i≥W, int has no effect, so the subtraction has no effect. |0 therefore overflows, in which case Perl returns the largest integer.
I don't know how reliable that |0 behaviour is. It could be compiler-specific. Don't use this!
use Config qw( %Config );
$i >= $Config{uvsize}*8 ? ~0 : ~(~0 << $i)
Technically, the word size is looked up, not computed.
Fun challenge!
use Devel::Peek qw[Dump];
for my $n (8, 16, 32, 64) {
Dump(~(((1 << ($n - 1)) << 1) - 1) ^ ~0);
SV = IV(0x7ff60b835508) at 0x7ff60b835518
IV = 255
SV = IV(0x7ff60b835508) at 0x7ff60b835518
IV = 65535
SV = IV(0x7ff60b835508) at 0x7ff60b835518
IV = 4294967295
SV = IV(0x7ff60b835508) at 0x7ff60b835518
UV = 18446744073709551615
Perl compiled with:
ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8
The documentation on the shift operators in perlop has an answer to your problem: use bigint;.
From the documentation:
Note that both << and >> in Perl are implemented directly using << and >> in C. If use integer (see Integer Arithmetic) is in force then signed C integers are used, else unsigned C integers are used. Either way, the implementation isn't going to generate results larger than the size of the integer type Perl was built with (32 bits or 64 bits).
The result of overflowing the range of the integers is undefined because it is undefined also in C. In other words, using 32-bit integers, 1 << 32 is undefined. Shifting by a negative number of bits is also undefined.
If you get tired of being subject to your platform's native integers, the use bigint pragma neatly sidesteps the issue altogether:
print 20 << 20; # 20971520
print 20 << 40; # 5120 on 32-bit machines,
# 21990232555520 on 64-bit machines
use bigint;
print 20 << 100; # 25353012004564588029934064107520

What does this line of code do? Const uint32_t goodguys = 0x1 << 0

Can someone tell me what is being done here:
Const uint32_t goodguys = 0x1 << 0
I'm assuming it is c++ and it is assigning a tag to a group but I have never seen this done. I am a self taught objective c guy and this just looks very foreign to me.
Well, if there are more lines that look like this that follow the one that you posted, then they could be bitmasks.
For example, if you have the following:
const uint32_t bit_0 = 0x1 << 0;
const uint32_t bit_1 = 0x1 << 1;
const uint32_t bit_2 = 0x1 << 2;
then you could use use the bitwise & operator with bit_0, bit_1, bit_2, ... and another number in order to see which bits in that other number are turned on.
const uint32_t num = 5;
bool bit_0_on = (num & bit_0) != 0;
bool bit_1_on = (num & bit_1) != 0;
bool bit_2_on = (num & bit_2) != 0;
So your 0x1 is simply a way to designate that goodguys is a bitmask, because the hexadecimal 0x designator shows that the author of the code is thinking specifically about bits, instead of decimal digits. And then the << 0 is used to change exactly what the bitmask is masking (you just change the 0 to a 1, 2, etc.).
Although base 10 is a normal way to write numbers in a program, sometimes you want to express the number in octal base or hex base. To write numbers in octal, precede the value with a 0. Thus, 023, really means 19 in base 10. To write numbers in hex, precede the value with a 0x or 0X. Thus, 0x23, really means 35 in base 10.
goodguys = 0x1;
really means the same as
goodguys = 1;
The bitwise shift operators shift their first operand left (<<) or right (>>) by the number of positions the second operand specifies. Look at the following two statements
goodguys = 0x1;
goodguys << 2;
The first statement is the same as goodguys = 1;
The second statement says that we should shift the bits to the left by 2 positions. So we end up with
goodguys = 0x100
which is the same as goodguys = 4;
Now you can express the two statements
goodguys = 0x1;
goodguys << 2;
as a single statement
goodguys = 0x1 << 2;
which is similar to what you have. But if you are unfamiliar with hex notation and bitwise shift operators it will look intimidating.
When const is used with a variable, it uses the following syntax:
const variable-name = value;
In this case, the const modifier allows you to assign an initial value to a variable that cannot later be changed by the program. For Instance
const int POWER_UPS = 4;
will assign 4 to variable POWER_UPS. But if you later try to overwrite this value like
you will get a compilation error.
Finally the uint32_t means 32-bit unsigned int type. You will use it when you want to make sure that your variable is 32 bits long and nothing else.

Convert 16bit colour to 32bit

I've got an 16bit bitmap image with each colour represented as a single short (2 bytes), I need to display this in a 32bit bitmap context. How can I convert a 2 byte colour to a 4 byte colour in C++?
The input format contains each colour in a single short (2 bytes).
The output format is 32bit RGB. This means each pixel has 3 bytes I believe?
I need to convert the short value into RGB colours.
Excuse my lack of knowledge of colours, this is my first adventure into the world of graphics programming.
Normally a 16-bit pixel is 5 bits of red, 6 bits of green, and 5 bits of blue data. The minimum-error solution (that is, for which the output color is guaranteed to be as close a match to the input colour) is:
red8bit = (red5bit << 3) | (red5bit >> 2);
green8bit = (green6bit << 2) | (green6bit >> 4);
blue8bit = (blue5bit << 3) | (blue5bit >> 2);
To see why this solution works, let's look at at a red pixel. Our 5-bit red is some fraction fivebit/31. We want to translate that into a new fraction eightbit/255. Some simple arithmetic:
fivebit eightbit
------- = --------
31 255
eightbit = fivebit * 8.226
Or closely (note the squiggly ≈):
eightbit ≈ (fivebit * 8) + (fivebit * 0.25)
That operation is a multiply by 8 and a divide by 4. Owch - both operations that might take forever on your hardware. Lucky thing they're both powers of two and can be converted to shift operations:
eightbit = (fivebit << 3) | (fivebit >> 2);
The same steps work for green, which has six bits per pixel, but you get an accordingly different answer, of course! The quick way to remember the solution is that you're taking the top bits off of the "short" pixel and adding them on at the bottom to make the "long" pixel. This method works equally well for any data set you need to map up into a higher resolution space. A couple of quick examples:
five bit space eight bit space error
00000 00000000 0%
11111 11111111 0%
10101 10101010 0.02%
00111 00111001 -1.01%
Common formats include BGR0,
RGB0, 0RGB, 0BGR. In the code below I have assumed 0RGB. Changing this
is easy, just modify the shift amounts in the last line.
unsigned long rgb16_to_rgb32(unsigned short a)
/* 1. Extract the red, green and blue values */
/* from rrrr rggg gggb bbbb */
unsigned long r = (a & 0xF800) >11;
unsigned long g = (a & 0x07E0) >5;
unsigned long b = (a & 0x001F);
/* 2. Convert them to 0-255 range:
There is more than one way. You can just shift them left:
to 00000000 rrrrr000 gggggg00 bbbbb000
r <<= 3;
g <<= 2;
b <<= 3;
But that means your image will be slightly dark and
off-colour as white 0xFFFF will convert to F8,FC,F8
So instead you can scale by multiply and divide: */
r = r * 255 / 31;
g = g * 255 / 63;
b = b * 255 / 31;
/* This ensures 31/31 converts to 255/255 */
/* 3. Construct your 32-bit format (this is 0RGB): */
return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
/* Or for BGR0:
return (r << 8) | (g << 16) | (b << 24);
Multiply the three (four, when you have an alpha layer) values by 16 - that's it :)
You have a 16-bit color and want to make it a 32-bit color. This gives you four times four bits, which you want to convert to four times eight bits. You're adding four bits, but you should add them to the right side of the values. To do this, shift them by four bits (multiply by 16). Additionally you could compensate a bit for inaccuracy by adding 8 (you're adding 4 bits, which has the value of 0-15, and you can take the average of 8 to compensate)
Update This only applies to colors that use 4 bits for each channel and have an alpha channel.
There some questions about the model like is it HSV, RGB?
If you wanna ready, fire, aim I'd try this first.
#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t convert(uint16_t _pixel)
uint32_t pixel;
pixel = (uint32_t)_pixel;
return ((pixel & 0xF000) << 16)
| ((pixel & 0x0F00) << 12)
| ((pixel & 0x00F0) << 8)
| ((pixel & 0x000F) << 4);
This maps 0xRGBA -> 0xRRGGBBAA, or possibly 0xHSVA -> 0xHHSSVVAA, but it won't do 0xHSVA -> 0xRRGGBBAA.
I'm here long after the fight, but I actually had the same problem with ARGB color instead, and none of the answers are truly right: Keep in mind that this answer gives a response for a slightly different situation where we want to do this conversion:
If you want to keep the same ratio of your color, you simply have to do a cross-multiplication: You want to convert a value x between 0 and 15 to a value between 0 and 255: therefore you want: y = 255 * x / 15.
However, 255 = 15 * 17, which itself, is 16 + 1: you now have y = 16 * x + x
Which is actually the same as doing a for bits shift to the left and then adding the value again (or more visually, duplicating the value: 0b1101 becomes 0b11011101).
Now that you have this, you can compute your whole number by doing:
a = v & 0b1111000000000000
r = v & 0b111100000000
g = v & 0b11110000
b = v & 0b1111
return b | b << 4 | g << 4 | g << 8 | r << 8 | r << 12 | a << 12 | a << 16
Moreover, as the lower bits wont have much effect on the final color and if exactitude isnt necessary, you can gain some performances by simply multiplying each component by 16:
return b << 4 | g << 8 | r << 12 | a << 16
(All the left shifts values are strange because we did not bother doing a right shift before)

Three boolean values saved in one tinyint

probably a simple question but I seem to be suffering from programmer's block. :)
I have three boolean values: A, B, and C. I would like to save the state combination as an unsigned tinyint (max 255) into a database and be able to derive the states from the saved integer.
Even though there are only a limited number of combinations, I would like to avoid hard-coding each state combination to a specific value (something like if A=true and B=true has the value 1).
I tried to assign values to the variables so (A=1, B=2, C=3) and then adding, but I can't differentiate between A and B being true from i.e. only C being true.
I am stumped but pretty sure that it is possible.
Binary maths I think. Choose a location that's a power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8 etch) then you can use the 'bitwise and' operator & to determine the value.
Say A = 1, B = 2 , C= 4
00000111 => A B and C => 7
00000101 => A and C => 5
00000100 => C => 4
then to determine them :
if( val & 4 ) // same as if (C)
if( val & 2 ) // same as if (B)
if( val & 1 ) // same as if (A)
if((val & 4) && (val & 2) ) // same as if (C and B)
No need for a state table.
Edit: to reflect comment
If the tinyint has a maximum value of 255 => you have 8 bits to play with and can store 8 boolean values in there
binary math as others have said
myTinyInt = A*1 + B*2 + C*4 (assuming you convert A,B,C to 0 or 1 beforehand)
bool A = myTinyInt & 1 != 0 (& is the bitwise and operator in many languages)
bool B = myTinyInt & 2 != 0
bool C = myTinyInt & 4 != 0
I'll add that you should find a way to not use magic numbers. You can build masks into constants using the Left Logical/Bit Shift with a constant bit position that is the position of the flag of interest in the bit field. (Wow... that makes almost no sense.) An example in C++ would be:
enum Flags {
kBitMask_A = (1 << 0),
kBitMask_B = (1 << 1),
kBitMask_C = (1 << 2),
uint8_t byte = 0; // byte = 0b00000000
byte |= kBitMask_A; // Set A, byte = 0b00000001
byte |= kBitMask_C; // Set C, byte = 0b00000101
if (byte & kBitMask_A) { // Test A, (0b00000101 & 0b00000001) = T
byte &= ~kBitMask_A; // Clear A, byte = 0b00000100
In any case, I would recommend looking for Bitset support in your favorite programming language. Many languages will abstract the logical operations away behind normal arithmetic or "test/set" operations.
Need to use binary...
A = 1,
B = 2,
C = 4,
D = 8,
E = 16,
F = 32,
G = 64,
H = 128
This means A + B = 3 but C = 4. You'll never have two conflicting values. I've listed the maximum you can have for a single byte, 8 values or (bits).