How to check which place in panel was clicked? GWT - gwt

How can I check which place in Panel Was clicked? I know, I have this some functions:
getClientX, getClientY, getNativeButton, getRelativeX, getRelativeY, getScreenX, getScreenY, getX, getY
but how can I check which click Was near right side of panel and which was near left side of the panel?
I can't add to the Panel two div's with 50% width and detect in that way..
More info:
It's a lot of panels. I must do this in each of panel. I don't know how many panels we have. We have got a constans width of each panel = 400px.

Assuming you're handling an onClick event or similar for a panel, you can get the cursor position with getClientX or something similar. Then just get the position and size of the panel and simply check what you're closet to; all elements are rectangular, so shouldn't be too difficult to just write four ifs for it.
The getElement() method will give you the panel's underlying element, so you may need to use that to get the exact size and position.


Call IgonrePointer on parent but not child

I am developing my first Flutter app and have a question that I'm not finding an answer to:
I have a static fixed area at the bottom of my screen. Various buttons will be shown here depending on the page. I am using a stack to place this area on top of the rest of the screen, with the page content scrolling underneath my buttons.
The problem I am having is that the button(s) is/are sitting inside of a DecoratedBox, which in turn is sitting in front of my page content. This means that this box is blocking me from clicking on anything below the fixed area (like the button labelled "Programs" in the image)
I have come across the IgnorePointer and AbsorbPointer classes, which allows me to set the decorated box to ignore events. The problem here, however, is that it also causes the buttons in this fixed area to no longer react to events, as they are of course children of the box that I am applying the Igonre/AbsorbPointer classes to.
Is there a way to make the parent decorated box ignore events but have it's children react to them normally?
(blue area must ignore events, and the button must react to events)
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
I think this link should help you solve your problem. I haven't tried it.
Flutter: How to make a ListView transparent to pointer events (but not its non-transparent contents)?

Stacked UI elements: how to have only the visible ones to respond to click

I have 3 dropdown that are stacked on top of each other; I use canvas group to make the non relevant ones invisible; although the click is intercepted only on the topmost control.
How do you work around this? Should I keep track of the position in the hierarchy and swap it when I need to have a specific dropdown control so I can use it? Feels like a lot of work...hopefully is there an easier way?
The image component of UI elements has a Raycast Target property that you can set to false. This will make them unclickable.

JavaFX 8, how to hide a pane in Splitpane?

I have a splitpane created from FXML that consists of Three panes left to right. I want to be able to hide the rightmost pane but I can't find anything to hide it. If I turn of the visibility it hides the pane content. What I want is to temporarily hide it, so the pane is removed visually.
As a temporary workaround I move the divider to 100%, but this leaves the divider visible. Another side-effect is that if I resize the main window the divider doesn't stay at the rightmost position.
Any tips on hiding one pane in splitpane?
Or any tips on the best way to achieve this without splitpane(rightmost pane needs to be resizable when not hidden). General pointers to techniques/containers would be appreciated since I'm new to Java/JavaFX but not to programming :)
Seems I've found it, even thought it's not a plain hide/show deal. My splitpane is named "mainSplitPane", and the one I want to hide/show is the third. Upon initialization of the controller I retrieve the third pane and store it in "componentsPane".
Declared in controllerclass:
Node componentsPane;
Called in initialize method of the controllerclass:
Code to hide:
And code to show:
mainSplitPane.getItems().add(2, componentsPane);
mainSplitPane.setDividerPosition(1, 0.8);
A side effect is that I have to set dividerposition since it's removed.

Impossible custom layout in gwt?

I want to create a custom panel/layout and it's seeming pretty impossible at this point. I need the components to start in the upper left corner and stack downward until they fill the panel vertically, then wrap to the top of the next column and so on until they eventually fill the screen and create a horizontal scrollbar. After an entire day of trying I've decided it's only possible by abusing GWT (and I assume the whole web browser) adding crippling complexity and terrible performance. Please let me know if I'm missing something and layout like this is possible. Thank you!
Lame solution: Have a small (almost invisible) AbsolutePanel where every string is displayed within a div and measured (getClientWidth/height()). Then each panel can calculate it's size based on the strinsg, borders, padding, etc. it contains. Once each panel knows it's size, they can be layed out relative to the sizes of the other panels in the contianer.
Check out FlexTable, which allows you to specify the row,column for the widget to be added

gwt panel flow panel

i like to design entire html with GWT.
but when i press ctrl and + then entire html must be zoomed from center not from upper left
then what type of panel should i use?
flow panel , stack panel i dont know.
Any, but your root panel should have a fixed (or minimum) width and be centered.
Flowpanels are based on divs, so that's what you probably want.