JSDoc Templates - "publish" not found - jsdoc

I've been able to get JSDoc3 working with the default template, however, when I try to run another template (even the one that comes with it,haruki) I get the following error:
js: "/path/to/jsdoc/jsdoc.js", line 308: exception from uncaught JavaScript throw: Error: Unable to load template: Module "haruki/publish" not found.
I've tried several other templates and get the same thing. Goven my freshman status with JSDoc I'm assuming it's some config or call issue that's tripping me up.

try to set full path to template folder with publish.js file (not only template name)
for example command line parameter
-t templates/docstrap-master/template
or in config.json file
{ ...
"opts": {
"template": "templates/docstrap-master/template"
it works for this https://github.com/terryweiss/docstrap
for Haruki it seems to work too ./jsdoc -c conf.json -t templates/haruki but i have another error:
This template only supports output to the console. Use the option "-d
console" when you run JSDoc.
With -d console it prints result to console


installation error in shopware-pwa initialization

I am trying to install shopware-pwa. I am following the steps in https://github.com/vuestorefront/shopware-pwa
But at the first step while initializing the project npx #shopware-pwa/cli init
While installing I used default option:
* Shopware instance address: · https://shopware6-demo.vuestorefront.io
* Shopware instance access token: · SWSCVJJET0RQAXFNBMTDZTV1OQ
* Which version you'd like to use: latest stable (recommended)
Error: Command failed: npx --ignore-existing create-nuxt-app#3.2.0 --answers "{\"name\":\"shopware-pwa-project\",\"description\":\"shopware-pwa-project description\",\"author\":\"Vue Storefront\",\"pm\":\"yarn\",\"ui\":\"none\",\"language\":\"js\",\"server\":\"none\",\"features\":[\"axios\",\"pwa\"],\"linter\":[\"prettier\",\"lintStaged\"],\"test\":\"jest\",\"mode\":\"universal\",\"target\":\"server\",\"devTools\":[],\"gitUsername\":\"\",\"ci\":\"none\"}"
npx: the --ignore-existing argument has been removed.
See `npm help exec` for more information
Trace: Error: Answers JSON could not be parsed (Unexpected token n in JSON at position 1)
at SAO.runGenerator (/home/user/.npm/_npx/059d932392171cf4/node_modules/sao/lib/index.js:126:15)
at SAO.run (/home/user/.npm/_npx/059d932392171cf4/node_modules/sao/lib/index.js:101:16)
at /home/user/.npm/_npx/059d932392171cf4/node_modules/create-nuxt-app/lib/cli.js:51:17
Does anybody come up with the issue?
I found issue #612 in the create-nuxt-app GitHub repository.
It seems that after the --answers argument you'd have to start with a sinqle quote (') and then paste your configuration as a JSON. The JSON must not contain any linefeeds/carriage returns and there must not be any whitespaces ( ) between the properties.
So in your case your bash command should look like this:
npx --ignore-existing create-nuxt-app#3.2.0 --answers '{"name":"shopware-pwa-project","description":"shopware-pwa-project description","author":"Vue Storefront","pm":"yarn","ui":"none","language":"js","server":"none","features":["axios","pwa"],"linter":["prettier","lintStaged"],"test":"jest","mode":"universal","target":"server","devTools":[],"gitUsername":"","ci":"none"}'
I've tried it on my machine just now and it worked. I only got a warning becausethe --ignore-existing argument has been removed.
hope that this solves your problem!

How can I let Hugo detect theme?

I am trying out a Hugo theme and what happened was when I used the command hugo server, I see the following error message.
Building sites … WARN 2020/07/20 14:33:07 Page.URL is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use .Permalink or .RelPermalink. If what you want is the front matter URL value, use .Params.url
ERROR 2020/07/20 14:33:07 render of "taxonomy" failed: "D:\Hugo\bin\my_conf\themes\devfest-theme-hugo\layouts\_default\baseof.html:7:3": execute of template failed: template: taxonomy/list.html:7:3: executing "taxonomy/list.html" at <readFile "static/icons.svg">: error calling readFile: file "static\\icons.svg" does not exist
ERROR 2020/07/20 14:33:07 render of "home" failed: "D:\Hugo\bin\my_conf\themes\devfest-theme-hugo\layouts\_default\baseof.html:7:3": execute of template failed: template: index.html:7:3: executing "index.html" at <readFile "static/icons.svg">: error calling readFile: file "static\\icons.svg" does not exist
Built in 100 ms
Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of "taxonomy" failed: "D:\Hugo\bin\my_conf\themes\devfest-theme-hugo\layouts\_default\baseof.html:7:3": execute of template failed: template: taxonomy/list.html:7:3: executing "taxonomy/list.html" at <readFile "static/icons.svg">: error calling readFile: file "static\\icons.svg" does not exist
It seems saying that I misplaced some of the template files. I wonder if I have installed the theme correctly, or something I misunderstood?
What I have Done
Installed hugo and confirmed it is installed.
Created a new site called my-conf (Just trying out) and the themes directory.
I've cloned the repository into my themes directory. I am using GitHub Desktop on Windows.
Added the theme information using theme = "devfest-theme-hugo".
Used the command hugo server.
Ideally, you would add the themes as a submodule, as in the documentation, and the theme page itself:
hugo new site my-conf
cd my-conf
mkdir themes
git submodule add https://github.com/GDGToulouse/devfest-theme-hugo.git themes/devfest-theme-hugo
And add it to your configuration (which you seem to have done):
echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml
Then, regarding readFile:
To use the readFile function in your templates, make sure the path is relative to your Hugo project’s root directory:
{{ readFile "/content/templates/local-file-templates" }}
In the template: layouts/_default/baseof.html seems to have the right path.
Yet, looking at the history of GDGToulouse/devfest-theme-hugo/layouts/_default/baseof.html, I see it has changed during a commit "WIP 2020".
The version before that commit included:
{{ readFile "themes/devfest-theme-hugo/static/icons.svg" | safeHTML }}
Which, from the discussion, seems to work better!

How to use plugin commands in bcftools?

My goal is to use bcftools to check that the reference alleles in my dataset (vcf file) match with a reference genome (fasta file) using the fixref plugin.
Working on command line, I first set the following environment:
export BCFTOOLS_PLUGINS=/path/to/bcftools/plugins
The following code is recommended for test datasets with mismatches:
bcftools +fixref test.bcf -Ob -o output.bcf -- -f ref.fa -m top
When I run this code using my own files (please note that my data is .vcf, not .bcf) I get the following error:
[main] Unrecognized command
If I simply enter:
I get a list of the only 5 commands (view, index, cat, ld, ldpair) that I can use. So although I've set the environment, does it somehow need to be activated? Do I need to run my command through a bash script?
was pointing to a deprecated version of bcftools (0.1.19) in ../bin/, while
was pointing to the plugins for bcftools version 1.10.2 outside /bin/
Replacing ../bin/bcftools (0.1.19 with 1.10.2) was the fix.

Protractor option does not work in package.json script

The following command works as expected:
protractor --cucumberOpts.tags='not #tag1' conf.js
Now I want to add this command as a script to package.json like this:
"scripts": {
"my-script": "protractor --cucumberOpts.tags='not #tag1' conf.js"
Running the command npm run my-script gives me the following error:
Usage: protractor [configFile] [options]
configFile defaults to protractor.conf.js
The [options] object will override values from the config file.
See the reference config for a full list of options.
Error: Error: more than one config file specified
Why is that?
Both of the commands seem to be identical.
This is not actually a protractor issue. I was able to recreate this issue and resolved it by using escaped doubles quotes in that script string like so.
"scripts": {
"my-script": "protractor --cucumberOpts.tags=\"not #tag1\" conf.js"
This issue (apparently) is to do with how node handles single quotes on different operating systems. There is some more info in this question.

Ansible: conflicting action statements: group, tags

I have following code in on of roles:
- name: Create user group
group: name={{ user.group }} state=present
- user
When I run ansible-playbook -i localhost --ask-become-pass playbook.yml I catch an error:
ERROR! conflicting action statements: group, tags
The error appears to have been in '/home/user/spark/roles/base/tasks/main.yml': line 12, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Create user group
^ here
exception type: <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleParserError'>
exception: conflicting action statements: group, tags
Full error log: https://www.pastiebin.com/59cb4faf9ae35
If I remove tags it runs without error.
It was compnow it is exception: unexpected parameter type in action: after I leave only name and tags. Full error log: pastiebin.com/59cb5b2996a10letely ok all the time but now it works like this without any identifiable reason. I tried to use previous working version of playbook (through git checkout ) but error exists anyway :(
I would be grateful for any hint on this.
P.S. I have fork of ansible playbook for Archlinux machine.
config file = /home/user/spark/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = [u'/home/user/spark/library/ansible-aur']
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 2.7.14 (default, Sep 20 2017, 01:25:59) [GCC 7.2.0]
Ansible aur:
[submodule "library/ansible-aur"]
path = library/ansible-aur
url = https://github.com/pigmonkey/ansible-aur.git
library = ./library/ansible-aur
UPD. If I remove group keyword like this:
- name: Create user group
- user
I catch an error: unexpected parameter type in action: after I leave only name and tags. Full error log: pastiebin.com/59cb5b2996a10
That's pretty funny story.
I have vim plugin that creates ctags tags for a project. And it created file named: spark/library/ansible-aur/tags.
It wasn't python file or something. It was just common ctags file.
I found that it was the root of all troubles by using pdb debugger with ansible code.
I've found one of error strings I saw: conflicting action statements in ansible code:
> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/parsing/mod_args.py(293)parse()
-> raise AnsibleParserError("conflicting action statements: %s, %s" % (action, item), obj=self._task_ds)
And injected pdb.set_trace() there.
Then I make some study:
(Pdb) item
(Pdb) item in module_loader
(Pdb) module_loader.find_plugin(item)
Last line was kind of hint. After deleting that tags file everything was completely ok.
Corresponding bug report: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/31070