I need some direction on accessing a salesforce sandbox through an api - soap

can someone with salesforce API integration help me understand the requirements to access a client's Sandbox? I hired a programmer but he seems to be having a hard time accessing the sandbox and I want to try to help by guiding him in the right direction? Client provided us with the following credentials for the sandbox.
Target URL: http://xxx.my.salesforce.com
Username: user#clientdomain.com.beta
password: xxxxxxx
token: gave us a token to access through API.
Your help will be greatly appreciated...

To connect via SOAP/WSDL, you'll find lots of great instructions and examples on developer force website: http://wiki.developerforce.com/page/Introduction_to_the_Force.com_Web_Services_Connector
You'll need to obtain a copy of WSDL from the sandbox instance, you can login to their sandbox instance via https://test.salesforce.com and using the provided username and password. Once logged in to the test website, click Your Name | Setup | App Setup | Develop | API. You will then be on a page with various options to generate an appropriate WSDL.
Note, these instructions assume you're using Java, but provide step-by-step instructions to get a SOAP client up and running.


Bing Ads API - Can not authenticate - Authentication challenge in Python SDK

I am facing the challenge to request the Bing Ads API to get a couple of metrics from it.
I am using Apache Airflow DAGs hosted on a remote Kubernetes cluster to do so. It is a nice way to automate and schedule tasks.
Now, the documentation is rather light on the point of gaining access to the API.
I have followed this https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/advertising/guides/authentication-oauth-identity-platform?view=bingads-13#registerapplication
and the official SDK docs https://github.com/BingAds/BingAds-Python-SDK/.
I am failing at authenticating when querying, since I am lacking a couple of pieces of information.
When authenticating using the "refresh token" and "redirect URI", I do not have either. (Class OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant here: https://github.com/BingAds/BingAds-Python-SDK/blob/294d01eea57d80ba381a42cde8d006fc318af056/bingads/authorization.py#L566)
When using a different method (Class OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant here: https://github.com/BingAds/BingAds-Python-SDK/blob/294d01eea57d80ba381a42cde8d006fc318af056/bingads/authorization.py#L532), I fail w/
AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '<someidentifier>' was not found in the directory '<somethingelse>'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.
Thank you very much in advance! If you need more details, let me know!
Also great documentation in general, if I can make it more "newb"-friendly, let me know!
Sadly, while there has been some traffic to this question, nobody seems to be able to answer.
I will specify the set up a bit further.
We use Airflow DAGs to request daily updates from the API. For this, we need to authenticate. The authentication comes from a "new device" every time, since the code runs on a k8s cluster which allocates the jobs dynamically to it's pods.
For authentication, we ventured into different solutions, but all require some form of human interaction to get the refresh token into the DAG.
Is there any solution which allows for a hands-free deamon like many-server-to-server communication?
This link sheds some light on what we are looking for: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/scenario-daemon-app-registration#api-permissions---app-permissions-and-admin-consent
Sadly, the Bing Ads API does not show up there.
What key piece of information are we missing?
Bing Ads, like Google Ads, uses OAuth for its API.
If you reference the Getting Started page, it mentions that you need a developer token, complete with links.
You can follow these steps to get a developer token for production.
Sign in with Super Admin credentials at the Microsoft Advertising Developer Portal account tab.
Choose the user that you want associated with the developer token. Typically an application only needs one universal token regardless how many users will be supported.
Click on the Request Token button.
Regarding your specific scenario--an application running in the cloud without an interface--you should know that OAuth requires you to interact with it to set things up. So run your app locally ONCE, or at least the getting_started code from your language's walkthrough: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/advertising/guides/walkthrough-desktop-application-python?view=bingads-13
Running it locally will go through the authentication process with your browser and generate a refresh token (in the file refresh.txt by default). Store this file with your code. It will have to be on the server that's making the request, and since it's in Kubernetes, you'll have to keep it with your container file.

Google Cloud Storage API access (via JWT server-to-server) "Invalid grant_type" issue

While using integromat.com to try to access GCS I get an error:
enter image description here
The error message might be misleading as the instructed string and sent string are identical:
I'm trying to avoid use of OAuth2. Integromat is not registered as a valid endpoint at Google API backend as I understood that would not be necessary when using server-to-server method.
Anyone available and willing to get a mini-contract to dive in on a shared screen together with me to resolve this one?
Best Regards,
PS: this is how the failing step looks like on Integromat. "text 68" includes correctly formatted JWT as requested on Google instructions.
enter image description here
Regarding your issue, you can use Single sign-on (SSO). SSO is a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials (e.g., name and password) to access multiple applications. The cloud identity is free, and it will not incur any charges. For more information, please read this documentation.

Connecting to the Skubana API

Has anybody made a REST connection to Skubana before? I have the app Key and Secret, but there is no more documentation about the handshake. I'm using Postman. Any insights into connecting to their API would be greatly appreciated.
After creating an App with Skubana I got an email which told me to create a trial account and then how to install the app on the trial account. There is then a further process to get the token which is required to access that trial account via the API. I have not seen those instructions anywhere except in the email. The API documentation is a little terse.

Single Sign-On on Bluemix: how to retrive user profile after binding SSO service to Liberty

I create an app, and bind it to Liberty. It works fine. But how could I get the user profile after user login?
I saw there is a "Return-to url" in integration tab:
But after I visit this url, I got 500 server error:
Error 500: SRVE0295E: Error reported: 500
Anybody can help?
I ran into this same issue using Liberty with the BlueMix SSO service and found this link to be extremely helpful: https://www-304.ibm.com/connections/blogs/sweeden/entry/getting_started_with_ibm_single_sign_on_for_bluemix?lang=en_us
The key point here is that the user info is embedded in the Hashtable of the private credentials. This is not obvious at all. If you download the source code included with this blog you'll find a Java class called: UserHelper.java. This class will extract things like the user name and e-mail address from the WSSubject.
I ended up providing a REST interface in my web app that will allow users that are authenticated using oAuth to access their own user information.
I think one of the reasons this is all so cryptic is that there is a hole in the Java oAuth API standards in this area so this WSSubject class was a workaround to provide a way to access this information.

Mixed up Google Accounts with GA Management API

I seem to be having a weird problem with my personal account getting mixed up with my work account when using the GA API... I created a dev con project under my work account and downloaded the client secret json file, but, even though I have never used any Google API with my personal account, the GA API seems to be only picking up my personal site...
Oddly, when I use the Query Explorer, https://go-dev-tools.appspot.com/explorer, with the very same work account, I see the correct work GA sites...
I have used the "linked" account before however but I'm quite sure that I was not on my personal account when I created my dev con client secret json Oauth2 stuff...
Has anyone run into this before? How can I unlink my personal account as I need to pull using only my work account?
Thanks for any help you can give...
First of all check that your home email does not have user access to the work accounts. It would show up even with only Read access.
Second I'm thinking perhaps you are confusing the Google API console user with the GA authenticated user.
You can create a Google API project with the GA API with your home account, with the OAuth2 and client secret etc.
It is then possible for any user to autheticate with your app (including your work email), it just uses your Google API project to get there.
If you want to keep it all seperate, then try creating the Google API project with your work email instead.
The Google API project was set up correctly, but the authenticated user, which I cached awhile ago, must have been my personal one. I nuked the cache and created a new one with the correct account and seems to be fine.